TFW Shit Genetics
TFW Shit Genetics
post body
>barrel chest
>wide hips
Get on my level, faggot
Fuck genetics. Train your legs until they're tree trunks, then squash Stacy's head between them. You're the new alpha bitch.
Also squash my head, pls, Mami.
My ex was left before eating and right after eating. Why do i miss her, she was at most 5/10
>necklet (16")
>wristlet (7")
>anklelet (10")
>dicklet (6")
>kinda small wrists
>arms bend kinda weirdly inwards
>kinda knocked knees
If thin, right is the superior woman
Nigger detected
>manlet (168cm)
>long feet (female) at avg height
The fuck is an esophaguslet?
KOM (5'11/180)
Gay Alien Skull
>That anterior pelvic tilt on the right
I win, guys.
its a type of vegetable you eat you dumb fucking retard
You arent autistic, but you can add attention whore onto that list; not sure if its a con for you since that seems to be the central part of your persona
I excel at being a fucking failure in general.
Seriously though what is with women and large gut? I see attractive women and then see their gut sticking out, even when thin. Dropped immediately. Is it just bad posture?
post body
wide shouldered
great hair
top tier eyes
>kyphosis lordosis
eh, i can work with this.
Fix my posture up, lose a few percent bodyfat and slay. You can't always win, but at least I'm far above average.
You need tight abs to keep a flat stomach. To get tight abs, you need to be pulling them in while doing abs exercises, or you just get big, distended abs (think roid guts). Most chicks just don't know.
I have a bubble butt and used to hate it, but chicks like it apparently, so whatever. That fucking gyno though. It's not huge, but I'm seriously thinking about getting is surgically removed.
Kinda wide hips and ugly face. Everything else is basically average/slightly above average.
Right reminds me of pic related.
Anterior pelvic tilt makes the booty appear more pert, but pushes the stomach out. It's natural for women to have a slight anterior pelvic tilt as compared to men, but most women go way beyond that.
>tfw potential for strength is low
Is this what vageta feels?
that's hot Emma fertile
I can't even imagine how many times she caught people in the crew staring like fucking cavemen while on set.
>tfw i apparently have 8 inch wrists
Huh. Thanks dad.
But what if she starts to eat you out?
You mean mämmi?
How is that a loss situation of any form?
>negative canthal tilt
>wide hips
>fat storage on hips and pecs mostly
>avg. height
that's all i can think of rn
Narrow esophagus. I have this too. Takes awhile to eat anything
Should wristlets even lift or stick to cardio? Asking for a friend
This board is complete trash now.
>implying that's a bad thing
It isn't
>not a necklet
>not a wristlet
>not an anklelet
>not a dicklet
>not a friendlet
Just proves it's all about the hair
could be worse tbeeh
These don't matter.
What do these even mean?
Lift faggot. Don't unironically fall for Jow Forums memes you idiot.