What is your biggest "no homo" moment?

What is your biggest "no homo" moment?

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my friend accidentaly sucked my dick

I walled in on my friend taking a dump

sucking dick

I fucked a guy in the ass and I’m not even gay.

>with my friend who’s in a different frat from me, playing pong in his basement
>at one point the girls we’re with leave the room and he turns to me
> he kisses me and I kiss him back
> make out with him
> stop making out and kinda laugh
> girls come back
> later one of the girls leaves and there’s only three of us left
> first time meeting this chick
> me and my bro make out in front of girl as a prank, to see if she was homophobic or not
> later have a threesome with her
>Mfw I still consider myself straight because men don’t turn me on
>mfw telling people I’ve made out with a guy multiple times but I’m still straight and watching people lose their shit
N-no homo bro

>haha guys im not gay

Might be bait but whatever

Rubbed and tugged dicks (a couple of times) and asses (?) with my cousin when I was young. Now years later we're best bros but never mention it

MAN walked up to me and said “hey, you want gay sex with me?”
I looked at him and said “no, homo” and walked away.

About a year ago some dude I had never seen before on campus just walked up to me and said "Hey man, don't get mad, but are you gay?". I said no and he apologized and walked away. I don't know if that should be taken as a compliment or not. I was pretty self conscious for a couple of days after that.

A true no homo moment, thank you user

>kissed friends
>seen almost all of my friends cocks

My best friend got the shit kicked out of him in school because he came out as a faggot around age 13/14 back in the early 2000's. Which was a big deal and definitely a bad thing to do back then. He was talk about killing himself because of how bad he fucked up socially and he was the only fag in school. I told him I was a crossdresser to make him feel better and wore a pair of my girlfriend panties to prove it. Still made it clear I was not a homo though, just a freak like him in the same boat.

Worked out fine in the end and he was just going through a phase. Now he's happily married with kids (at least as far as I know). We never speak of it to this day.

Making out with a dude is gayer than just fucking.

Me and my mate started playing a game where we would pretend to be gay for bants. It started off just resting our hands on each others thighs and holding hands etc. It soon progressed to making out and groping through jeans and it wasn't long before we were jacking each other off. Eventually it led to full on blow jobs and anal sex.

The faces of the people we told were priceless. It was funny as they were not in on the joke they totally thought we were gay

I'd fuck a guy in the ass but at least I wouldn't kiss him faggot.

Were you actually a crossdresser or did you just do that to make your friend feel better? If so are you still a degenerate or did you grow out of that phase as well

Nah, I wasn't a crossdresser. I just did it to make him not feel like as much of a freak because I genuinely thought he was going to neck himself. His brother had died in a fairly horrible accident the month before that.

He wasn't even a fag really either. Never was with a bloke or anything. He just said that he found the dude that played Angel in Buffy the vampire slayer sexy. Then he got the shit beat out of him and became known as the local faggot, he actually had to leave the school all together. It was a pretty rough area where he lived.

All the evidence I need that the gay can be beat out of somebody

It was actually the social shame that probably did that more than the beating. Getting into fights or attacked in that area was fairly normal at that time for any reason. I got the shit kicked out of me by a gang of lads in their late teens when I was 12 for wearing reebok runners.

Shame was the biggest factor in it for him. Thats what is wrong with society today, everyone is degenerate in some way but people these days have no shame about their degeneracy. Gay pride parades for example have nothing really to do with men wanting to be with other men, and are more about normalising sexual deviancy and degeneracy.

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was he qt? he liked u owo

You're a good friend user

>finding eccentric and bombastic ways to get chicks dtf even if I gotta do a threesome and maybe kiss a dude
My typa shit, but still, no homo
I have better methods I'd obviously use first but like maybe I can refine this so I can be less gay.

we were drunk and a friend told me that he loved me, 5 seconds later he added "AS A F-FRIEND BREH!"
that was the closest to an irl no homo i've ever been.

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Tried to finger my ass while looking in the mirror and said, "No homo"

if you really did it for making him feel better, I congrat you user. Friendship in this level is something worth of sacrifices, and you did. Real values there, no homo

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