If Meat Is Good For You

Why do the (vegetarian) seventh day adventists have the longest life expectancy on earth by more than 6 years?


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>the longest miserable life expectancy

>>the longest miserable life expectancy
wrong, their soul is pure and their spirit is beyond your small imagination

>Imagine a life so empty that burgers are the best bit.

M8, leave the house occasionally

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imagine being a hooknosed basedboy with a fat monkey faced Asian


I'm sure you look like Henry Cavil.

Thanks. I'm sure your son looks like Elliot Rodger.

Attached: ha uhuh uhuh uhuh hahaha.gif (498x245, 862K)

At least I'll live long enough to have one


Because studies don't take into account what people are eating besides meat. Having one dietary restriction I'd say vegetarians are on average more conscious with the consistency of their diet and are less likely to gorge on sugary crap and sodas compared to the average non vegetarian.


>hippie memes

This. They are extremely conscious.

>Why do the (vegetarian) seventh day adventists have the longest life expectancy on earth by more than 6 years?
{Actual verified scientific studies needed}
What does it matter? Seventh Day Adventists are extremist nutjobs. Also they allow anything 'extreme' like bodybuilding. Hell, they don't even allow you to eat foods that are hot, cold, or spicy, everything has to be BLAND, BLAND, BLAND, including your lifestyle. So who cares what they do?

(damnit!) "They DON'T allow anything extreme like bodybuilding..".

look up the american adventist health study, they live longer than any other population on earth, and the ones that live the longest are the pescatarian and the vegan adventists, the omnis and lacto/ovo vegetarians live less.

>5'9 vs 6'2

>american adventist health study
Yeah sure conducted by an ADVENTIST university and (shocking!!!) finds that the ADVENTIST 'lifestyle' is better than everyone elses. TOTALLY LEGIT, LOL.

They're NUTJOBS. Even worse than Mormons.

This thread certified as BAIT. Disregard it.

>soul is pure
Vegans aren't born. Veganism is a fairly new hipster trend, which will be forgot soon enough. You ate meat/fish/milk as a child. In fact you probably sucked on your mom's tits.

>this level of degenerate cope

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i'm pretty sure there's been at least a handful of studies on these people and they all find the same thing

Are you an incel or a roastie? Product of a single mother?

>{Actual verified scientific studies needed}

Look up Adventist Health Study 1

>What does it matter? Seventh Day Adventists are extremist nutjobs. Also they allow anything 'extreme' like bodybuilding. Hell, they don't even allow you to eat foods that are hot, cold, or spicy, everything has to be BLAND, BLAND, BLAND, including your lifestyle. So who cares what they do?

Can't speak for the body building thing but their dietary restrictions are just guidelines it's up to followers how closely they adhere.

Except there are various groups of adventists, and the vegans and pescatarians live the longest, except vegans have slightly reduced risk of most types of cancer.
Their diet was analyzed very well, vegan and pescatarian and vegetarian and flexitarian and full omnivorous adventists eat virtually the same ammount of protein and total calories, vegans and pescatarians eat the most fiber and the least saturated fat.
The pescatarian and vegan adventists live the longest.

Fuck these vegan threads. Saged and hidden.

Well if you need to know the scientific reason, red meat has a hormone in it that speeds up the metabolism. A faster metabolism means a faster aging process. It also means faster gains, however.

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>Their diet was analyzed very well
No, it wasn't.
They ASKED the adventists what they ate. They didn't closely analyze shit.

Because not even the afterlife wants these fucking guys.

Yeah, dozens of thousands of adventists were studied, in populational studies this is the only way to do things lmao, did you expect every single person to be put in a metabolic ward?

>being this retarded

>imagine never having eaten that One Burger that is so good it ruins the rest of your life

They are told to lie about what they eat or even lie about what they eat.
They also have a vested interest in claiming that they eat a certain way.

user, that study is damn near useless.

Hmmm Adventists running their own 'Adventists are better than you' scientific study.
For some reason I don't really trust this
Who even gives a shit. I'm not gonna stop eating meat and they're not going to start

Imagain having to pay 300$ for a tandem skydive

>did you expect every single person to be put in a metabolic ward?

Yes. It’s the only way to examine diet with meaningful rigor.


Exactly. Almost all of my wife's family is 7th day Adventist and out of the 50+ members only 1 is a vegetarian. And she's fat because all she eats is bread and leaves and sugar

That religion is full of wackos.

guy on the left looks way healthier, i bet he'll live longer

You're lying. You have the this weird tick where you describe food as "leaves" Go spam your sv3rige links.

Seriously this, I want to go skydiving, but they force you to go tandem for your first like 8 times or some shit. Where is the fun in that?

He died of a heart attack last year.

That's not how research works on the populational level, dude.
And we have actual mechanistic data and metabolic ward experiments that indicate that the more plant based a diet is the healthier it is.
Even if the vegan or pescatarian subjects intentionally lied they still obviously ate the closest to a true vegan/pescatarian diet out of all adventists studied, so at the end of the day it doesn't matter wether or not you believe the data to be reflective of reality.
Check the percentages in the data of the population, the majority of adventists self report to be not vegetarian.
And the bmi numbers don't lie, vegans and vegetarians are the slimmest.
Your less than accurate anecdote though might be just sliiightly one sided, think about it for a minute.

protein upregulates igf-1, by itself
I guess we better stop eating protein then

also igf1 found in animal products are not bioavailable, peptides such as growth hormone and insulin and igf1 are absolutely 0% bioavailable orally, they need to be injected in order to have any impact in one's hormonal balance.

Are you telling me spinach and lettuce aren't leaves? Are you a mentally ill vegan?

>the healthier it is.
Define health.
Because a healthy omnivorous diet and an active lifestyle has every single positive benefit you can name and doesn't need special supplements to make up for deficiencies and everyone can eat it.

Hell, children raised on onions based milk are far worse off then children raised on the animal byproduct known as mothers milk.

Are the Adventists vegans? Or do they consume animal products?? Seem to be some confusion about this???

>Forgot about his vascectomy


Vegans need to be reminded, what they look like in real life, and I'm here to remind Xer.


>stop eating leaves reeeee
>go away sv3rige nuthugger
>i-it's not me you mentally ill vegan!
>mentally ill vegan
Lmfao it is you you lying cunt

They're asked to be vegan but they can do whatever they want.

>when corrected for BMI, the mortality differences in each diet reduce below experimental error.
Seems like a pretty important part they missed out

As in promoting the most longevity, and protecting against the main diseases of today, such as cardio vascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, obesity, etc.

They don't? Literally every person who managed to get 110+ years old had a normal, balanced died. I don't know of a single vegan who managed to get particularly old.

>Hell, children raised on onions based milk are far worse off then children raised on the animal byproduct known as mothers milk.
You don't know this yet you are pushing this belief as if you know that's a reality.
It is not, and no one is told to feed their newborn children soi milk before human breastmilk.

they're not "asked" to be vegan, dumbass, they are told to minimize the consumption of animals as much as possible, as such various types of dietary groups exist in the same adventist demographic, such as semi vegetarians(still eat beef and chicken but not often), pescatarians and lacto ovo vegetarians and full blown omnivores, not just vegans.

Your bones are brittel and your teeth will fall out when you're in your 40s. No one who works out and has an active lifestyle has to worry about obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Cancer is a crapshoot no matter what diet you follow. Lowering the risk of cancer by 0.0004% while increasing a variety of other health issues isn't going to do shit for your longevity.

Literally over 99.9% of the people that have ever lived since the industrial age never reached 100y of age, so I guess your argument is fucking dumb as shit that doesn't take into account genetics.

Eating a clean healthy diet and being active does that. Not just going full vegan.
Although going vegan for a while is a way to help counteract years and years of abuse with terrible eating and bad lifestyle choices.
It's not a lifetime diet and it's illegal to put children under the age of 4 on a strict vegan diet for a reason.

You can be a vegan and still have all of those problems if you eat modern foods. As a matter of fact, if you're a vegan or come from people who are vegan and eat processed vegetable oils you have a staggeringly high chance of getting prostate cancer.

By the by. Vegans do not live longer then the norm. They simply don't. They also trade some health problems for other problems.
There is no perfect diet out there.
Never was.

There is only a good diet for you that can help with optimal health and life. It's omnivorous and has lots of different stuff in it.
But that's about it

Everything you just said is fucking WRONG.
They do tell and encourage mothers to feed their children onions based formula and it is in fact worse for children then breast milk.

This, it's like that one psych phenomenon. I think hawthorne effect. Now try comparing a vegetarian diet to one that's just as health-conscious but also doesn't necessarily exclude all meat. That would be much more accurate than comparing health-conscious people to people eating mcdonalds every day.

0% of those people who lived to 100 were vegan though so...

I'm just saying, if you claim that your diet has this astonishing benefit of significantly increasing your longevity, then you should at least have ONE example of a person who followed your diet and actually did have exceptional longevity. But all you seem to have are statistics that vegans live maybe 2-3 years longer on average than morbidly obese Americans. Which I'm sure is true, but that's not saying anything about them being able to live longer than people with a healthy, balanced diet.

You seem to be projecting this ideal fantasy of yours that anyone who disagrees with you eats nothing but bananas all day, idk what must be causing this but it might be the cortisol spike fucking up your head and your lack of thyroid function from lack of carbs, get that fixed asap.
See? I can do it too.

It is not that it is impossible to be fit and avoid metabolic syndrome on a non vegan diet, it just is a bit harder.
Unsaturated fats which make up for the vast majority of fats in the plant kingdom are less adipogenic, promote the least visceral fat accumulation and are less inflammatory than saturated fats from either plant or animal sources, the fiber helps with handling blood sugar levels as well, the lack of abundance of certain nutrients such as cholesterol and abundance of phytosterols helps people at handling CVD and avoiding strokes or heart attacks.
That and the fact that plants are harder to over eat makes it better for the vast majority of the population.
The vast majority of the population does not workout.
Also you are completely avoiding the topic of longevity, because you know longevity is linked to a plant based diet.
Sure avoiding excess caloric intake is a big part at play but it is also harder to over eat on plant foods alone unless they are HEAVILY processed.
Ever tried to eat 3000 calories worth of potatos?
Also it's not about lowering your cancer risk by 0.00004%, stop being misleading, even cutting down on the consumption of eggs which is a simple dietary change drops your prostate cancer risk by 1%, on a wide population that's a big risk reduction.

>do this, but its completely optional
Okay vro

And none of those eat the same diet as you, so I guess you are still fucking dumb and don't understand the whole point of my argument refuting yours:
Genetics are at play, but diet still plays at role, and your diet is not the same as the diet of all these people that reached over 100y of age, you don't even know what diet they were
actually on to be honest, so why are you talking shit?
People that reach that age also have unique adaptations that are way over represented, adaptations that the vast majority of people don't have, such as the genetic adaptation that lowers one's natural cholesterol levels, which greatly reduces one's risk of stroke or heart attack which are the biggest killers in the elderly.
>if you claim your diet
first off, it's not my diet, I don't eat the same things the longest living populations in the world are eating, they are mostly plant based, this is irrefutable, and the 2 longest living populations on earth are pescatarian and vegan, but my diet is closer to theirs than yours is, that's the argument.

What makes you think that the population that you claim to be saving by helping them with their evil diet is going to know enough about their diet to eat the right variety and amounts of healthy vegan foods to live well?

They'll just start eating totally vegan hamburgers and cookies and cakes and be just as bad off.
As a matter of fact, without the satiety of meat and fat they'll be even worse because they'll be under the false impression that as long as there's no animal byproducts it's totes healthy.

Yes it's optional, dumbass, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about, they're not forced to do anything but if you're an adventist you have to reduce meat consumption as much as possible, as such the majority of adventists still eat meat, because(surprise surprise) it's not mandatory to not eat meat, dumbass.

>And none of those eat the same diet as you, so I guess you are still fucking dumb and don't understand the whole point of my argument refuting yours:

My grandfather lived to be 100 and I eat the same diet more or less.
You eat a vegan diet and you have not one single example of a 100+ year old vegan to show me.

You didn't refute shit.
You squealed out a quick stupid retort and hoped that would be enough.

>yes it's optional
Good so you do agree with what I said. Thanks for your insights

FUCKING THIS. I'm so fucking tired of vegans saying how they barely live longer than amerifats. Congratz on living longer than obese mcdonald amerimutts.

>What makes you think that the population that you claim to be saving by helping them with their evil diet is going to know enough about their diet to eat the right variety and amounts of healthy vegan foods to live well?

What makes you think I hold the position that a diet is evil or not? Projection much?
The vegan adventists are pretty damn healthy, I think most people would agree to that.

>they will just start eating totally vegan hamburgers
Again, assumptions based on 0 evidence, people that are told to eat no animal products for health reasons and have health as their only reason for switching to a vegan diet wouldn't just eat vegan processed foods.
Furthermore, vegan hamburgers vary in variety and ingredients, you seem to have this weird notion that all of them are bad or perhaps even worse than regular hamburgers(am I wrong in assuming?), when most of them are made with literal legumes(the meat), vegetables and grains(the bread).
Anyone that switches to a vegan diet purely for health reasons is not gonna "start eating totally vegan hamburgers and cookies and cakes", stop being dishonest.

No you claim adventists are "asked to be vegan", which they are not, dumbass.
The average adventist eats meat.

Imagine thinking all meat = a fucking hamburger.

>And none of those eat the same diet as you
Why are you pretending like they all had some super special, secret diet that allowed them to get so old? The vast majority of people who reached 100 years of age and above had a regular standard diet what normal people would eat. They grew up before there were any health hipsters around. They ate bread, meat, cheese, vegetables, fruit etc like everyone in their family would. A normal, balanced diet that they passed on to their children who then passed it on to theirs. So yeah, I have pretty much the same diet as my great grandmother had who died at 98 years of age.


>The average adventist eats meat.
Argument attacking a claim I never made.

>No you claim adventists are "asked to be vegan", which they are not, dumbass
>if you're an adventist you have to reduce meat consumption as much as possible

>let's """live""" and eat in the most strict way possible 24/7 just so you can maybe live till you're 90 instead of 85
And then a car hits you when you're 40 and you're dead.

One year while you're in your 20s/30s is worth more than an entire decade when you're 80. Live and eat healthy enough that you don't have to worry about dying in your 50s/60s, but don't go full retard where your diet replaces your entire identity with your sole purpose in life being to live as little but long as possible.

>why are you pretending they all had some super special secret diet
Nothing special, but you aren't eating the same diet as them, because all of them have different diets, and the reason why they outlive the majority of humans is purely due to genetics.
Do you understand now what I'm talking about or do you need a drawing too?
> The vast majority of people who reached 100 years of age and above had a regular standard diet what normal people would eat. They grew up before there were any health hipsters around.
Great, and do you know how much bread, meat, cheese and vegeteables and fruits they ate, the specific ratios they ate them, how their intake differed during the season?
Do you know these things?
No? Wow, it's almost as if looking at people whose diets have NEVER been documented is a complete waste of fucking time, amazing isn't it?
>great grandmother who diet at 98y of age
Are you me or my brother? because mine died at the same age, from a stroke, well more like she died some months after the stroke.
>so yeah
lmao, love how you make it seem like you TOTALLY OWNED ME lmao, when you literally are using the example of people you literally have never met and have no fucking idea what they ate as a reason to ignore the importance of one's diet in order to maximize longevity.
You must not read many studies then, most look at variables such as smoking, alcohol consumption, bmi, level of education, you just gotta be honest with yourself and let go of dogma.

>if it proves me wrong it's cherrypicked

Why don't you adress the point that adventists are not asked to go vegan, which is based on fact.
Why do you claim adventists are asked to go vegan, when they are not?

>The vegan adventists are pretty damn healthy, I think most people would agree to that.

All of those studies are based self reported eating habits health and how long they lived.
The adventists are biased.
The entire study is fucking worthless.
By the by. There are no fucking vegan adventists in that study.

>Again, assumptions based on 0 evidence,
You yourself said that the adventists who eat an omnivorous diet are healthy correct?
And if people decide to eat whole foods and homecooked meals they'll be healthier then the strawman western diet people you people keep bringing up and even healtheir then self proclaimed vegetarians who stuff their gullets with totes healthy vegan processed foods.
Hell they'll be healthier then strict vegans and have fewer health problems overall.

That is a fact.

>not asked to go vegan
>asked to reduce meat as much as possible
Pick one and one only

>√egans teeth.
>$acrificed for an ideology.


Vegan means no meat ever.

>uneducated gay lord doesn't realise there is no difference between vegan and vegetarian in nutritional studies
The people you'd consider vegetarian are called lacto ovo vegetarian lmao

Nah. In this context it's referring to diet and thus a whole foods plant based diet which does allow for meat up to 2-3 times a month. The study even acknowledges this. Less meat is better

That's fucking vegetarian.
And that study is bullshit because it's self reported and comes from a biased source.

Vegan = no meat
Vegetarian = less meat.

You do not get the fucking luxury of switching between those while trying to push a pure vegan diet as perfect for everyone and talk down to fucking everyone for eating meat you faggot.


>Vegan = no meat
>Vegetarian = less meat.
You have just outed yourself as ignorant. You're wrong on both points and even veganism from an ethical standpoint is not no meat ever though that is what some adhere to. You're dumb af, typical basement dweller arguing about shit he knows nothing about

Vegan = no meat
Vegetarian = less meat

That's the textbook definition.
You do not fucking get to jump between those when you are losing a fucking argument on nutrition.

>That's the textbook definition
No, it's what you think the textbook definition is because you have surface knowledge of the subject but think you're an expert. Typical basement nerd arguing on the Internet.

>you are losing a fucking argument on nutrition
>this is what he tells himself to feel better about getting exposed as an ignorant faggot


You're retarded.
I'm done with you and this thread.

>vegans define themselves
>no! Let us define who you are for you
I'm pretty sure the proper definition has already been posted in this thread. Also dictionaries are descriptive and not prescriptive so you fucked up there anyway.

Isn’t vegan no meat and animal derivares ever and vegetarian no meat but occasional egg and milk?

No Vegans are 100% no fucking meat.
This is how they define themselves.
You have been arguing this entire goddamned time about something you know FUCK ALL about.

Vegans = no animal flesh or animal byproducts
Vegetarians = some animal flesh or animal byproducts

This is a fact
This is how it is
You do not get to change these basic bulletproof defnitions that they themselves created because you are losing a fucking internet argument.
I'm actually giving you the benefit of the doubt here. I honestly thought that you were fucking retarded and didn't know anything about the very thing you've been arguing for this entire time.

You are wrong.
Stop digging the hole
You're already 5.5 feet down.
Any further and I'll bury your ass.

Vegan = no meat or animal byproducts ever
Vegetarian = little meat and animal byproducts.
That's what that means.

You're wrong and your wall of text is pointless. Go look up what vegan means to vegans