Tfw creatures like these get laid but not me

>tfw creatures like these get laid but not me

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why do that do your kid lol
just adopt some asian kid
least you wont be contributing to overpopulation

Just another coping mechanism. Some deaf parents want their children born deaf even though doctors could cure it.

You don't need to get laid. You need to get your life in order and on track. Reproductive activities are optional, not required. Get your head on straight OP.

It should be illegal for people with genetic disorders like this to reproduce

thats some lobster shit

maybe it's not a dominant gene and they took their chances?

>he thought personality and confidence was a meme

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protip: that's not his kid

he is a spokesperson for the disease and goes around meeting people with it

Holy fuck they’re ugly, is there anyway we can stop god from making more of those clay people

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I fucking hate tripping faggots but this man is correct. You get laid by being having at least baseline functioning in the areas of physical attraction, sociability, and your own mental state. Even then two ugly people can bang.

There's actually a good book on this called "models". If you want to understand the actual textbook stuff that going on, look up attachment theory and research and treatments for social anxiety.

Make sure you're life isn't a complete shit show logistically, achieve some sense of mental health, and be outgoing and flirtatious as needed. Getting laid x1 just requires alcohol and the last one.

you could start by killing them when you see them.
just strangle them silently without anyone noticing

what's the disease?

Massive faggotory lmao xd

Because he didn't let his disability ruin his life. That in itself is attractive.

>he didnt take the mewpill

Looks like a who from whoville

tbf he got adopted by rich people. its one thing being ugly but being that igly u wont get a job probably.

Overpopulation is not a white problem

It's crabs, but I take your point

I think it's called Ligma

reminder that he has a cute asian wife while you don't

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If he had his arms and legs...he wouldn't have that wife or his ministry.
He took his handicap and made it a positive.

imageboards will die out in one generation then

>at least baseline functioning

underrated post

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Does he have benis?

Fucking tripfags

go away

He's not wrong

I know this guy. I have his snap and he's really chill.

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