Would I be able to kill myself with an M-16 by shooting to the head...

Would I be able to kill myself with an M-16 by shooting to the head? I've been thinking that if I have a chance to end it quick, it would be in these 2 years.

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if you're a civilian you legally can not get a M-16
just use a Snubnosed revolver

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I am in the army, so that's why I'm asking

I think it would very awkward to kill yourself with a rifle
aren't you guys issued a hand gun

Awkwardness doesn't really matter to me, what matters is the effectiveness. No, at my rank it isn't possible to get a handgun here.

Why not go all out and launch a missile at yourself. The army have those too.

You mean AR-15, and you are free to do with your property what you see fit, but I would strongly encourage you not to commit suicide and continue suffering here with the rest of us. There are better guns to do the job, by the way, like shotguns and handguns, but really don't kill yourself. You never know what jackpot is around the corner. And, if you're gonna die, you may as well make it meaningful and die doing something interesting.

Lmao, sure man, sounds like a great idea.

You can, but its not a very good idea. With a rifle round you're going to make a dead straight and very narrow hole right the way through your head, and most of your brain can take a penetrating injury without shutting down. There's a good chance that you'll either have to lay there waiting until you die from blood loss, or you won't die at all, just turn yourself in to a wheelchair bound vegetable or spend the rest of your life with locked in syndrome.

Oh, God, that would be horrifying. Shotgun for effectiveness, OP.

be warned results by suicide by rifle are messy to say the least

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Exactly what I was thinking. I was suspecting the round might be too small to do the job.

Is shooting yourself in the head with a 5.56 high velocity round going to kill you? yes. you will not survive

you're an idiot. it's going to fuck him up bad, especially if he can get his hand on a jacketed hollow point round.

Don't make rash decisions like this.
Why do you want to end your life?
I will pray for you in the hopes that you change your mind.

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The thing is, I don't see myself ever having a life that I'm going to enjoy. I've been plagued with suicidal thoughts since at least 10 years old.

Are these thoughts prompted by anything?
Why don't you see yourself having a life that you will enjoy?

why not do it with an 120 mm tank gun?

this desu, pioc reaatled

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These thoughts always come back to haunt me, no matter what. I feel worthless.
I don't see having a great future because each day is such a struggle. To keep in contact with friends, and to do activities that'll get me out of that state is getting harder and harder.

What made you post the Messiah?

Make things harder and you'll appreciate what you've got. Destroy your internet, go homeless, etc

You are not worthless -you cannot be!
Do you not have hands to mend?
Do you not have a mind to think?
You have the ability to change lives even when you feel powerless or worthless.
>To keep in contact with friends, and to do activities that'll get me out of that state is getting harder and harder.
Know this.
No matter how dire your situation, the Lord will not abandon you to despair. Even if you have no friends to distract you from your misery, even if you find yourself unable to live with yourself, you are greatly loved.

I was in a similar situation to you at one time. I believed that I was worthless because I was surrounded by people more capable than me. "Why exist when others have all of my gifts but greater?" I had not friends to talk to for guidance, and I contemplated suicide often. But I decided to instead spread joy, it was all I could do. And I turned to God. When I surrendered myself, my jealousy, bitterness, and anger, were washed away.

You have a purpose in this world, even if you do not know it. Spread your love to others and you will never be alone. Accept that your thoughts may persist, but I have absolute faith in your strength to continue.
Bless you, user. Know that you are, and always will be loved.

I like the emotion that the image is conveying, mostly unrelated to Jesus in the picture however. I feel like building up than destroying what I have.

Thank you for your kind words. In these two years I did say that I'm going to try my best to succeed in life, and to improve my mental attitude towards things.

That's one of the easiest way to do so...
But don't think you'll become the next Jow Forums hero!

Stay strong soldier.
Do not end it now.
Do not surrender. Give it a few more days, it might settle down.
Don't let some kids on the internet take satisfaction in luring you into ending your life user.

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Do i need to keep lying?

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