Whats the point of lifting when pic related is only 19 and looks like this? How the fuck are we supposed to compete with that?
Whats the point of lifting when pic related is only 19 and looks like this...
Roid, that's what you're going to do.
I bit the bullet my junior year of high school. No regrets. Start off with SARMs, hit natty limit, go to juice
Here is how he actually looks like without Pump, Lighting, whatever.
Because I want to look almost like that and have functioning testicles, a working dick, and not need test to have normal testosterone.
>functioning testicles
>a working dick
>and not need test to have normal testosterone
compete with yourself, not with other people
get better than you were last year
Yeah find whatever excuse you want not to better yourself.
Others are not me so I don’t care, I lift for me and those I bone. Mostly me.
what the fuck do you mean by "how the fuck are we supposed to compete with that"??? do you know this guy in person, do you thing every single one of us know this guy in person?, do everysingle girl in the world know this guy in person and have an interest in him?, is he intrested in the girl that everysingle one of us like at the momment?
>h-he thinks i mean competing for girls
then are you a fitness model or whatever the fuck this guy does for a living?
you are just a fat fuck that has never lifted a weiht in his life and you are seeking validation for not doing it, get your shit together or kill yourself
by working on your charisma and social status, kiddo
Why should i feel the need to compete with that kid? I don't even know him.
that's a neat picture
>taking a pill to make your dick work
>injecting a pregnancy hormone to make your balls work
All this before 30. You guys are fuuuuucked lmao. Not even mentioning the cardiomyopathy that ages your heart by a factor of 2
lol find a quality reliable source
Make some faggy kissy face when selfie’ing
And you can look like this silly cunt as well
David laid
Now you know him, whats your excuse now?
You posted this yesterday would you just fuck off and give it a rest
The only Source of Steroids that I Talk too seems kind of cagey.
I don't know if I should trust em or if I'm being memed on.
Compete for what, you mongoloid? Women? These require money not looks to maintain. You make your body for yourself only, that's the point. If you look in a mirror and you look good you feel better.
If you have the looks and or the personality, women will break their backs to keep you around.
Welcome to reality.
It's not like any of us will ever meet him and get mogged.
And even if you do, the chance of him winning over your 6/10 gf/crush is almost 0.
You're fine bro
You don't have to compete with that you retard.
He can't be everywhere at once
The only guy you need to compete is yourself lardass
Finding self worth in how well you compete with other men in arbitrary ways is a sure sign that you'll never make it
The only reason I wanna do it desu is stronger bones, higher sex drive, and improving facial aesthetics, like, I can get lean faced but having a round face even after seeing notable mew gains my face is still too ugly, so maybe if I look ugly but high test I can start being successful with chicks cause my confidence and game far exceeds my looks and I get called out on it daily.
This is jay cutler before roiding
And this is after,
Look at that mandible growth, I could use that big time
Am I deluded or is this something to genuinely consider?
This guy is one in a million you smelly retard.
No way you hit your natty limit at 17 lol
Stop comparing yourself to others or you'll never be happy.
Roiding when youre old is fine but those guys who start in their teens are completely fucked.
very true
The 'aesthetic' body, aka the steroids body, looks stupid and shit. It doesn't look strong or natural and no one who matters is impressed because everyone knows it's because of the roids. Wanting the validation of stupid thots is genuinely lame. A really impressive body is on a guy like the bugez, he looks thick and strong and sturdy in his whole body, like he actually lifts heavy - not this guy. This guy doesn't look strong for his size at all.
COPE, If you watch his videos, he isn't that big.
By doing something with your life instead of posting this same shit every day
nice bait
>wanting happiness over simply higher limits to strive for
I hate hitting the wall with everything so soon because of shitty genetics, like, I bust my ass at everything, in what way can I make this shitty hurts so good life fair?
You shouldn't want happiness you should want the tools to reach your goals.
This clearly homosexual young man keeps getting younger with each thread.
How on Earth was that a cope lmao, seems the projection is really strong
Its funny that saying cope is actually a cope in that you know the person is right so you say cope in hopes to make their argument seem less truuu
I came to this thread to say this.
It's funny how the people responding with that are the ones who actually can't cope. Some of us actually have well adjusted mentalities about succeeding with women and our peers, and some douchey kid can be more ripped than me and it doesn't make me wonder what could have been, it makes me try harder.
Dear lord, start actually working out, maybe you'd realize results are possible without roids.
>how to compete
By lifting more, get to it
>What is the point of trying to reach my full potential if other people have already reached theirs.
Never going to make it. Not with an attitude as shit as that.
>this thread again
You were supposed to say 18 this time. He's supposed to get younger every time this thread is posted.
I don't understand the question. what do looks have to do with lifting?
pls I need an answer
yeah you can really see the difference
Theres always gonna be someone faster, stronger and overall better than you. That doesn't mean you give up.