Want to fap

>want to fap
>go to xvideos, pornhub, /aco/, /gif/
>too depressed + nothing pleases me anymore
>give up and go to sleep
>wake up next day at 2 p.m
>eat "breakfast"
>2 minute noodles it is again
>write this greentext
what's wrong with me...

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You need a waifu user. She'll make you happy.

Fap to harder porn.
Bondage, rape, gay nigger gangbang, grannies, 2D loli, men having sex with animals.

That's what I do

Dude same. I can't lewd myself it just doesn't work anymore. Haha I'm all empty.
I want to die. Nothing is fuffling.

even the porn you listed doesnt please me anymore

even I'm not that cruel, jesus user.

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You should also try exercising

It makes life more enjoyable, so the porn, is by side-affect, more enjoyable.

Get an onahole if you don't have one

I do excercise though, once every 2 days and I still feel hollow

Up it to every other day.

Do weight lifting instead of cardio, etc.
When you get used to it, it's not as good as it used to be, and you start to feel nothing from it.

Exercising at a high intensity kept me happy to play video games and listen to music. I would hit 45 hours at 21 years old in video games just playing.

Now that I've quit exercising, I can barely get 10 hours of video game on my steam account.

There's a powerful physical affect happening through a lack of exercise. I can't even feel good anymore. I listen to soft music like this because I can't handle anything else. It's all just irritating.


You also need to eat right. If your diet is poor, it will further increase your depression.

If you are addicted to coffee and you quit drinking coffee, you will feel tormented, so be aware of what you're addicted to.

Get vitamins, eat healthily, and your depression will subside

>2 minute noodles it is again


Probably the easiest fix to get the ball rolling so you exercise more is to correct your diet.

It takes the lowest amount of effort, so you can start there.

too much fapping idiot the more u do the worse it gets

but its all i have that gives me pleasure

Because you don't live right/healthily.
You eat like hell, so you are making your mental perception of reality hell.

Human beings are built to exercise everyday and eat nutritious food at least once a day.

The industrial world is twisting your mind.
Hunter-gatherers are what the human species comes from. The further you get from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, the more misery you feel.

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what are some cheap foods that can get me the nutrition i eat?

throwing out all the noodles btw


Fish and potatoes aren't expensive
Fruit isn't expensive


how should I cook the potato? I know for a fact that boiling turns the potato from a health battery into a pile of filler matter

is baking the best way? I can eat the potatoes raw since I don't have a sense of taste

I don't know about the specifics. You'll have to find that out yourself.

My mummy cooks for my tummy

>nothing pleases you anymore
that's real depression user, welcome to the real downhill

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You can still go uphill from there.
Saying you can't is a lie.


Is this what true non-meme depression feels like?

feels pretty shitty, gotta be said.

We haven't been a hunter/gatherer society for nearly 200 years. We're all a bunch of desk cucks now who stay inside 16 hours day doing boring, repetitive tasks to make sure that asshole shekelberg who went home early again has enough money to buy another mansion in the Alps. Fucking dipshit faggot society where queers who should have been bashed against a rock at birth are living the good life while good people toil and suffer.

it can evolve into pure apathy if you let it set in to long and then your habits will change to adapt to apathy.
>no sad
>no happy
>nothing but staring at the wall only moving if you can bring the willpower to drink water or eat food (which will become a massive challenge and exahaust you)
and then you just start shitting in your bed

And 200 years of subsequent suffering and mental instability i.e "faggots" that are just people that got all fucked-up from the world around them.

You are what you're born into and what your biochemistry is, and that's all that this world is.

It sucks. If I didn't have a 116 IQ, I wouldn't even be writing this. I'd probably be watching football or TV, probably drinking beer or going to church.

This is how harsh reality is.

all this shit started because my parents were horny one saturday night, and now I'm paying the price.

Yes, you can, but it only works in some people, I go to the gym and nothing happens, I socialize and nothing happens, I'm literally empty user. We, the real robots are doomed to live and I really think that suicide is for cowards. We born broken, nothing can fix our nature.

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>IQ fags
It begins

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>all this shit started because my parents were horny one saturday night, and now I'm paying the price.
You are at a pretty early stage if you still care about your parents mistakes or anyone elses whos shaped you.
The real fun begins once you realize that regardless of anything including a moon falling into earth you still have to fix it all yourself with help from no one else.
Even a therapist only exists to help remind you that you are infact trying not to go back into the hole

I know it's not your fault.
There are people in this world that exercise and eat right and it's not enough for them.

Socialization, to me, is not worth my time. It only serves to highlight the emptiness in my brain for other people, and it only hurts me internally.

If you can't feel okay from exercising and eating right and you don't have a family that loves you, you're in trouble. You need faith in god to help you. The worst part is this world makes it a struggle just to exercise, so it's easy to give-up.

The only things that can help a person that does everything in their power to live a better life and receives nothing are the following

1. Love
2. Valuable Work
3. True belonging (that makes work valuable)

These are the only things that can help a true depressive.

sometimes i wish i just remained bluepilled. i would be a lot happier worshipping some bearded sky-fairy, totally oblivious to the world around me.

it's dead user. no more. "love" is now money and charm.

I have plans for the future user, I don't give up easily. You will see.

>sometimes i wish i just remained bluepilled. i would be a lot happier worshipping some bearded sky-fairy, totally oblivious to the world around me.
I very much doubt your depression is just
>lol i dont believe in god anymore so now im sad
if you did its not going to be a very long period of depression which is wonderful for you because its just a realization that it has always been like that and always will so following that both wonderful and horrible things are able to happen from your own perspective than nothing at all has changed.

>it's dead user. no more. "love" is now money and charm.
Depends on your definition of love. The current definition of love is mixed between two things. Love through suffering which deepens a bond between a couple and cocaine tier love at first sight love.
>love through suffering
Basically this is what you find when two people must come together to survive and both equally miserable about it. Overtime and through many shitty fucking experiences they bond heavily and form a kind of love that can't be broken. Usually you find this in just garbage situations.
>cocaine tier love at first sight
This is basically called "the spark" by women. It is for better or worse 100% raw sexual attraction to the point the brain is releasing chemicals that are only comparable to you snorting cocaine. The common 1 year marriage and divorce is caused by the "spark" being lost from a marriage in which they feel the withdraw after about 365days due to a mix of their tolerance to it growing and the relationship switching to a sort of Love through suffering type like above. Its why alot of people have children to make their lives miserable because the pain forces them to bond.

Also to depressed fags who are in it deep. Here is what you can do to HELP it some but it will not fix it.
>nutritious diet every single day of the week
>no fast food of any kind
>no sugary drinks
>caffeine only before your lunch
>a regular feeding schedule of some kind, do not repeatedly switch between meme diets like some odd fiend
>exercise after you wake up and exercise after your job/school/towards end of neet day. It must be challenging in some way
>water. You can filter it, boil it until the steam drips into a jug, or drink it raw. You need it
>cut down on use of electronics and social media (yes this counts discord, Jow Forums, and multiplayer games)
>daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals. You have to do them and then remind yourself that you did well after finishing one, nobody elses opinion should ever matter as much as your own and if it doesn't you just have to practice until it does.
>you must have a daily hygiene routine
>you must get things to look forward to doing even if its hard to motivate yourself to do it
>speaking of motivation, its crap so don't bother with it.
>read up on discipline and willpower
Welcome to hell, the punishment for half assing is feeling your depression as a brand new thing each time because you loser your tolerance to it as you come out.

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Just fap to memories instead :^)