How many here can actually bench 2 plate though?

How many here can actually bench 2 plate though?

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About three fiddy

2pl8 is my one rep max.
i’ve only been lifting for about 5/6 months following a linear programme and have moved onto ppl

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Are we gonna act like its achivement? 1/2 of grown man aka over 25y old can bench 2pl8

Well yeah, not like it is a achievment above rookie.

Not for 5, but yeah I can do a couple.
Every time I cut I pretty much lack the ability to though.

Why do I rarely see anyone in the gym benching 2pl8?

Hit a 335lb bench pr back in June. A week later tore my right pec (no bruising but felt something pop when it happened) and haven’t tried anything heavier than 245 since. Fuck my life

Better question would be how many can actually bench 2 plates while being lean

you go to a shitty gym

can bench 105kg(230 ish) and still look like shit

I can't, go to the YWCA and i have only seen 2 or 3 people do it in the last 7 months.

Because it's difficult, it requires more dedication than most gymrats are willing to put in, and you honestly don't need to have a big bench to build a good chest. If you're lifting for aesthetics then machines or db flyes are better.

Those are some luscious breasts

My chest is pretty big and I can only bench 75kg for 5, i think my shoulders are just letting me down. Really plateuing atm :(

I just can do 1.5 pl8 for 3 reps tops, maybe can squeeze out 5 with a spotter. Serves me right as I'm an eternal cut fatass who just got below 20% bf. Still there are only 2 or 3 boomers at my gym bnching 2pl8 and more.

I rep 255 for sets of 5. Workout late at night in a hole in the wall so I rarely see anyone actually successful. Mostly fatasses on the treadmill or retards who quarter rep everything on the only smith machine in the gym. Pic related.

Also dumbbell pressing is superior in every way.

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Wait... A 2 plate bench is considered an achievement here? For a fucking single?? I have been having what I thought were legitimate discussions about strength and training with you god damned people. I feel fucking sick to my stomach right now. You people are god damned pathetic!

I can.
I hit 5 sets of 335 for triples earlier today.
I'd like to hit lmao4pl8s soon so I can make mai waifu proud.

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I can bench 4, yet my chest isn't that huge.

I've benched 3pl8 a couple times, but that went with he suicide cut I did. Gonna work my way back up though.

this is what happens when you dont do incline

I do 4 sets of 5 reps at 100kg. I don’t focus on lifting weights as I’m a boxer and strength training it just supplementary for me.

If lifting is your main focus and you can’t bench 2 plates for reps then you have some serious genetic defficiencies and I feel pity for you.

I can get about 2 reps for 2pl8.

>How many here can actually bench 2 plate though?
if you weren't a fucking newfag you would know that last years poll showed that only 30% of Jow Forums can bench 2pl8s for 1 rep

Jesus Christ how horrifying. Does anyone know of a good discussion forum for health and fitness?

it's called not being a fucking loser and moving on after a few months of discovering this place

for 10 reps

but i have a poverty squat and dl too

well that says it all


>200 kg, 440 tng
>225 for 36
T-Rex arm master race

I can bench 230 for 14 and 3pl8 for 3.
217lbs @ 6'1" in this pic.

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If a plate is 20 kg then me!

>mfw I recently got there too

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>I recently got there too
If you had to get there then fuck off and leave you low test genetic failure.

Fuark ill happily stay at 75kg bench if thats whats 3pl8 looks like

I Iooked just as shit at 78kg, user.
I've always looked like shit. That's why I bulked to 115kg, got 3pl8 and then cut down after 3 years of bulking (still cutting down) while still being able to do 3pl8 for 3.

I've given up on looking good on photos 5 year ago, there is no hope for me.

Why doesn't anyone on fucking FIT lift?! What's wrong with this place, it's supposed to be about fitness and people can't even go past beginner.

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Couple old guys put on 2pl8 but rarely do I see a good rep out of them at the gym I go to. One faggot does awful form powerlift 2pl8+
I go up to 2pl8 occasionally when I feel good. Do 215 5x5 for the past couple of months tho

is benching all you do nigga? wtf. how is this possible. what does your routine look like

Well at least you're strong now
But still even if you get weaker cutting looking good and benching 100kg is very respectable

Why would I lift? I just come to post memes and sometimes make race bait threads. I'm from Jow Forums by the way.

>That's the best you got user?

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I do 100kg deadlifts for 10 at my gym and everyone thinks im a monster. Its actually pretty rare at most gyms.

The guys that can actually do more go to 'hardcore' gyms which dont have airconditioning, dont have to wipe down equipment and have rusty 30 year old weights as they somehow think they are better or they think they are in the training montage in Rocky 4.

I can do 5x5 with 1 plate

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Over the past year I have seen 2 people in my gym bench 2pl8 + in the Netherlands. In the US in 3 months i saw 3 guys do it. I personally just hit it for my 1rm yesterday. People in my environment are flabbergasted but they are mostly normies I guess. This fucking board let's you never be okay with what you can

is this shopped? his wrists are too big??

>is benching all you do nigga? wtf. how is this possible. what does your routine look like
I reached 2/3/4/5 for singles (with 4pl8 squat for 5 and 3pl8 bench for 3) at peak bulk.
I also barbell for as much as I bench, 150kg for 3 was my best.

I also did 1/2/3/4 for 8 or more reps in the same week (1pl8 ohp for 16, 2pl8 bench for 15, 3pl8 high bar for 14 and 4pl8 classic diddly for 8).

what am i reading here. is that all you do for lifting? if it is then no wonder you look like that. you don't do accessories?

Did you even try ramping up volume and adding 1-2 isolations?
I refuse to believe that you are able to get this strong but don't manage to acquire hypertrophy when you try.

wait, you've bulked up to 115kg to do 3pl8s for 1RM or 3 reps?

He fell for SS meme

Yesterday was my first day, I benched two plates of 3kgs on each side. Am I blessed, fit?

Yes you are pretty lucky with genetics.

>barbell row as much as I bench.

Routine depends on what time I have on hand. Usually split training into squat day/bench day/deadlift day with accessories, with me taking a 'can't do this shit' day, which is a dedicated arms&traps day, if something feels very off on deadlits or squats.

Bench is either pyramind into top set followed by mega drop set (going from 3pl8 to just the bar and finishing with 5kg plates or empty hands to failure) or bb row/bench press supersets, with the same bar, going up. Bench press reps are limited to what I could row.

Squat day is squats to top set and from there either an AMRAP untill form is good with whatever weight felt best or, if sleep is on point (which is a problem with a 3year old and a newborn) over-warm up to a heavy but easy single and two sets of 20 reps, second being an AMRAP. Got up to 115kg with those.

Deadlift training is limited to deficits or classic deadlifts. Sumo is awkward and what's the point of doing 190kg sumo if you can do 210kg on demand?

Accesories are whatever I can fit in and whatever feels like it needs work. Pull ups. alternating leg curls with 3-0-1-1 tempo, seated OHP with barbell, standing DB shoulder press, alternating OHP and BTNP with 1pl8, machine rows, viking press, calf work, ab wheel, curl variations, PJR pullovers, upright row with ez-curl bar.

Alpha destiny can bench 4pl8.


good bye progress, hello shitter city

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1 rep, but since I was bloated as fucked, I continued to gain strength as I was cutting.
3 reps of 3pl8 followed by 152.5kg for a single was done at 108kg, while 3pl8 for 2 reps was first done at 114kg.
I don't even remember when I got 3pl8 for a single first.

I will try to keep it a secret outside of Jow Forums so people won't feel jealous.

sauce tho?

This type of thread is a newbie bait thread. It's useful to remind you of the kind of people who are giving you advice on here. Look at them all.

bench 2pl8 for reps at

breh... how did you go from 225 to 315? im stumped for accessories

right, okay. here i thought you were only doing those four lifts. at least you are at peace with how your body looks. maybe something will click and you will carve out the body you actually want. is your diet fine? best of luck.

>they think they are in the training montage in Rocky 4.
I sometimes put on the Rocky 4 training theme and imagine myself in a montage

It's pretty rad

im on 90kg, so close yet so far.


I do 80kg's for 8 reps.. Could I 2pl8 for 1 rep?

>is your diet fine?
Currently consists of lean meat (pork loin and chicken breast), nuts, eggs, cruciferous veggies and ~100g of frozen berries in the evening, because training went to shit without those and stopped losing weight.

I'm 32 and started lifting at 26, with completly no sports of any kind before that. I've already wasted all my gains by playing golden age cRPGs.

When I started lifting I was 110lbs. I'm up to 155lbs and I'm still unable to 2pl8. I can throw a 45 and a 25 on each side, but that's it. Maybe in another year.

>"I'm from Jow Forums by the way"

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I can bench 110kg for 5x5 but my chest still looks like shit. trying to add in a lot more accessory work for my pecs

People from Jow Forums are welcome. Because that's what Jow Forums is all about. Hating niggers and libtards lol.

tfw stuck at 95kg for 2 years
it has started to take a mental toll on me.

>"I'm from Jow Forums by the way"

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That is probably a limit for you. Genetics.

Does your chest look good tho?

If it's an issue for you, just gain weight. I mean, you'll propably end up like me, the fat boomer meme, but you'll bench more.
You can cut as soon as you bench your goal weight on three diffrent occasions.

nah i think it's a mix of factors

I got to 100 for 3 but then started cutting and by the end of my cut I tried fasting. I have been trying to get back to that but I've been going to uni and working alongside that and have been stressed a lot.


it did right after I finished my last cut

that's that plan

Smolov Jr. for 2 months. Thank me later.

Used to be a bench god in high school for my weight class. (118kg for 1 rep at 66kg)
6 years later and I can barely do 2 plate, still weigh 66 kg.
pic related

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Im 5 kg away from doing my first rep of 140 kg bench. Feels gut

should I work this into my current routine or only do chest for 2 months

>imagine being the actuall boomer war scarred vet who 'used to bench that much in high school' while being in your 20s.

Do you own some kind of dragon ball hyperbolic time chamber or something?
Is Mr Popo your spotter?

All you do for chest is bench smolov jr. I did it for 9 weeks (no other upper body exercises) and went from 215 to 260. It requires 4 days a week of dedication if you truly want to increase your max.

I only lift for looks and health now. I don't play sports or compete in anything so there's no reason to keep getting stronger after a certain point.

Since when?

i'm fat, haven't trained properly in years and could probably do a 1RM. My best has been a set of 5, about 4 months ago.

it's probably above bottom of the barrel but it's not impressive.

gj fren

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Fatanon reporting. Can rep 2pl8s for sets of 15, but weigh 275 pounds.
>is it really worth it though
Hell yes

In which universe guys randomly bench 2pl8 naturally without proper training for a few months beforehand?
I've had a lot of dudes come and start gym with me and they all fucking started with an empty bar. An empty fucking bar, that's 20kg my man. Some outliners managed to maybe start with 5-10kg on each side. I myself started with 8kg on each side and I had an albeit short history of lifting.

Fuck me for falling into this bait shit

225 is literally all I want.

I just got off my first bulk and thought I got it. My friend who spotted me admitted he helped a great deal, and I'm legitimately mad at him for it. I was so close all I probably needed was another day or two.

Now I moved on to cutting, and its hard to make strength gains on a deficit. I'll probably just wait.

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I did 3 pl8 for 6 last night, eat shit chestlets

You don't realize where you at you pathetic bitch. This place is for high test guys to discuss about lifting actual weights. Your kind has nothing in common with us. Gtfo with your shitty genetics before I break your bitch jaw.

Dang brah, I don't want your full routine but could you give a chestlet advice on how to improve on the flat bench? I'm guessing all you're gonna say is lift heavy and eat.

> Says the 14 year old

what do you want?

"yeah bruh just hold your wrist at exactly a 92.3 degree angle ez gainz"

The only way to improve on bench is to lift some heavy as fuck weight and eat enough to make gains.

A good setup is important, might want to look up a vid on it because it's hard to explain in words. Keep your shoulder blades retracted and tight mainly, brave core too. Focus on the bar hitting ur chest or at least an inch or two away. Tricep/front felt strength is also about as important as chest strength for fldt bench too

I suppose I'm being unfair here, apparently bench is also one of the most sensitive lifts to how you're treating yourself (sleep, nutrients, carbs to lift with, caffeine/pwos). On top of this, higher frequency of chest workouts helps a lot, 3 times a week is probably minimum. Anecdotally, I can vary an insane amount in bench within a fortnight.

*raises paw*
I can rep 255 for 5