Meditation thread

>Ctrl + F
>No meditation general

Well, let’s fix that. Meditation has many well known health benefits. It boosts creativity, lowers stress/anxiety/depression levels, raises pain tolerance, reduces feelings of addiction, resists senility in old age, improves memory, enhances empathy, lowers chances of heart disease, boosts the immune system, and stabilizes blood pressure. Meditation has been practiced for millennia by everyone from greek philosophers, to indian mystics, to taoist sages, to christian monks, to sufi masters, to rehabilitation centers, to the modern military.

Feel free to share or discuss techniques and progress you’ve made.

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Last two digits is minutes you meditate


Do you know the varying meditation practices?


i use "meditation timer" application, i just created a bullshit username there.

I meditate just before going to sleep, i noticed it helps me calm me down and gets me primed for sleep.

What i usually use is Body Scan meditation, and i get this fuzzy felling in every part of my body, its great.

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Rolly polly


And what purpose does bodyscan meditaion serve?

awareness of your own body. Helps with mind to muscle connection

I meditate for an hour a day for two years ama

How does sitting with your eyes closed thinking about nothing for x amount of time benefit you?

how do i meditate ?

That's not meditation
Find a quiet place. Sit down cross legged. Relax your body. My eyes and jaw are always noticeably tense. Focus on breathing whether its through your nose or your stomach filling and emptying. Any thoughts that come about, take a note of and push them aside. Keep focusing on breathing. Do this for 10 minutes or so to start.
10% happier is a good beginner guide app

Is body scan meditation a real thing? I've been doing it on my own and always figured I'd made it up or something. Also feels like I can pump hormones around to where I want them, you ever get this?

>Any thoughts that come about, take a note of and push them aside.
So it is thinking about nothing, or am I misunderstanding. I'd like to get into it more, I'm just trying to figure out if it's a meme or not.

No one can think about nothing. It's not how the brain works. Its simply a method of trying to calm the thought process down and giving us a little bit of time to recognize things that come up when you are trying to quell everything around you. Sometimes they're important, sometimes not. I look at it as a good self reflection process. It also is extremely nice to simply breathe without trying to figure out what's coming next


Ah ok. Thanks.

holy kek

Body scan is. In certain circles, the practice is build solely on sensing one's own body and observing it. It's a lifelong practice though, so for general public purposes, quick body scan can be used to help with managing one's emotions in life and alleviate stress.

>No one can think about nothing.

What happens when we sleep, or are dead? There's been moments where I feel I've completely zoned out and had no conscious thought

How do I get the will power to keep doing this? Every time I meditate I get so restless and bored it almost hurts.

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Do walking meditation.
You simply go for a long walk and let your mind wander without actually focusing on any one thought.
Also try to focus on your body and feelings inside of your body and "energy" if you want to call it that.

I don't close my eyes
