Balding at 22 and manlet just fuck my life up more

Balding at 22 and manlet just fuck my life up more

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become that 22yo boomer

Go bald and grow a decent/trimmed beard. Not much else can be done

fuck that's horrible, how long have you been balding?

Fuck off I have it worse. 26 almost and balding, manlet, dyel but I literally can't gain weight due to my genetics, terrible health, generally a fucked up blob of fucked up genes.

I will
My beard is shit so not an option
Idk man maybe 5 years ago

it could just stop at that stage
widows peak hairline can be distinguished and masculine looking

how the hell can anyone believe in god or think god is good when humans are just built to suffer

That's crazy.

My dad's bald. I'm probably going to be next.
Almost 21y still not balding. My hairline still looks fine.
How many years do I have left?

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I hope this will stop my grandpa and uncle got widow peak and my dad is full bald but my dad told me that i got better hair than him when he was young (true seen it on pics) so i still got a bit of hope

having a bald dad doesnt necessarily mean you go bald...

i hope. im definetely noticing a trend.

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Drake almost certainly has hairplugs

how?? hes been on the camera since he was a teenager

and I dont think hair plugs can look that full

that hairline looks so fake ttho

He's rich as fuck, he can afford covert hair treatment

It's inherited matrilineally. If your mothers father went bald then you have a high chance of it happening to you.

well no shit but people cant just get a transplant without there being some sort of noticeable loss in the first place. I dont see any movies or music videos where he shows the slightest hair loss and transplants cant make that much of a full hairline

transplants cant make a perfectly full hairline like that. one interesting case is tyga. I noticed in his early music career he had a really bad hairline now his hair is completely full but hair transplant experts say it cant be a transplant because its too full looking. he went from balding to full hairline and ive even seen him getting his hair cut and shaved before.

some people were saying he got a weave or something

I have an alcoholic 60y neet uncle that has a full head of hair, he has been a neet all his life. His hair is thick and black while all my other uncles are bald.

Just how why is he the only one with hair.

Just go full Vegeta kek

my moms dad had a slight receding hairline but he wasn't someone you looked at and thought they looked bald. my dad however is bald as a fucking pumpkin and always has been. im young with a shit hairline

im thinking of 3 friends right now with the fullest hairlines i've ever seen and all of their dads have a full head of hair :/ i've even looked up celebrities and all the celebrities with hair have dads with hair

lol i've noticed the opposite thats weird. I've noticed a lot of successful people have full hair and their loser underlings have no hair. my dad is really impoverished and always had shitty jobs and hes bald as fuck but I know a lawyer and he has a full ass head of hair and ive been noticing my friends with richer parents have full hairline dads and my dad is poor and bald as fuck.

Fuck it full Vegeta it is my man kek

Well i balded before my dad but my grandad went bald in his early 20's.