Front squats vs back squats

which one is better and why

Attached: 9.-Front-squat-vs.-back-squat.jpg (744x300, 25K)

Back because front will fuck your wrists up big time

do both and dont listen to that fucker about wrist pain you dont even need to use your hands to do front squat

i constantly have the issue of falling forward in back squats though, whereas with front squats I stay upright. Any tips?

Neither! Do zercher squats.

Attached: zercher-thirds.jpg (1200x762, 56K)

I only do front squats its alot easier on the lower back

Either/or fallacy friendo, depends on your goals.

front because it typically draws peoples' attention at the gym better and looks more impressive and let's be honest, people mirin' at the gym is pretty much all we get from lifting

Front squats because
>Works the upper back much harder
>Works the core much harder
>Shifts focus to quads from glutes/hams
>I find it easier to go atg without buttwink than back squat

Low bar back squat is a retarded ego lift.
Do front squats if you want aesthetics and performance, back squats if you are a fat powerlifter

Pretend you're sitting on a really small chair

Do both.


Back squats make it hard to get into a sitting position and stay stable because the front of your thighs are being pushed forward and out. I find that leaning back on the heel of my foot helps to counter this.

-t. Eric

Do both but front squats more

OP here im leaning towards front squats, I think got it right

look at these fucks lmao

front squats expose tons of weaknesses

a good front squater is guaranteed to be a good back squater but a good back squater might bomb at front squat

If I had to pick one, I'd do high bar back because my upper back and core won't hold my legs back.

Depends on your goals. I prefer just back with front as occasional accessory.

about that quad thing... dunno, I think in general it's true, but if your glutes are dominant, than you can't do much about it. I can do 160 kg fs, and my quads don't feel much stress at all, but muh ass goes balloon regardless of fs or bs

Split or overhead.
...or overhead split

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Why not both?

How do I get into that front squat rack position? thats the reason why I also don't power clean.
I can OHP with my forearms perfectly vertical yet this shit is hard and I can't maintain my elbows high or maybe im doing something else wrong

Don't let your knees fall over your toes.

Bulgarian split squats

I think im going to start front squatting because back squats are killing my lower back


You have shit mobility

I can grab my wrist with my hands behind my back, dunno the name but its rear hand clasp or some shit so its weird that its mobility but makes sense.
anyways, any video on youtube that could help me fix this problem? a dude I used to lift with played football/soccer and he did FS and Power Cleans and he had some really aesthetic legs and sick traps for a natty

your rack position doesnt have to be perfect. you just need the bar to be stable on your clavicle. keep it on your fingertips for a while then move it into your hands once you're more comfortable

the pic you have for front squats is fucking horrible, I can feel my wrists snapping. Hands crossed over is best.

Jeff Cavaliere, athlean-x, says to do front squats.

t. dyel retard

do whichever one you like better or both doesn't really matter

I do both

Both are important, but if you have a ssb use that. It's the best of both squats in one

use straps
this is your goal

Attached: torokhtiy front rack.jpg (1476x832, 103K)


Wtf i love Jeff now
learn both, but focus on FS and you'll be rewarded

can you just pick one and focus on it?
I want to maintain my legs but also to switch from back squat to front

If you are novice to the point where you are asking these kinds of questions then you should do what your program says and don't deviate.

What about for someone with long femurs? My leverages are fucking shit for back squats, would fronts be any better?

Thats true unless you have the mobility to front squat properly

>you just need the bar to be stable on your clavicle
Try that with a clean and you'll get some nasty bruises.
Look at and notice how the bar primarily rests on his shoulders.

>I can grab my wrist with my hands behind my back
Why do you think this is a relevant test of mobility for the front squat?

>on your clavicle

retard alert

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I think both front and back are good. I prefer front squats though and help a bit more with posture.

Maybe lower the weight or work your core harder. Front squats are not an ego lift.

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what about safety bar squats?

Attached: safety_bar.jpg (696x576, 90K)

nah. front is legit