Baby powerlifter doo doo doo doo doo
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Other urls found in this thread:
Mommy powerlifter doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy powerlifter doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa powerlifter doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma powerlifter doo doo doo doo doo
I miss mommy powerlifter
who is this??
What happened to our dear friend Sarah "Sparrow"? Anyone know?
Good thread
She pissed herself dead lifting in a meet and stoped triping because of the autists.
has anyone else here tested their own piss out of curiosity? I didn't expect it to be so salty
Not even as a child. You are playing it too rough, the new thread was enough.
give it a while, I know for fact someone else here has done the same thing
Fuck.. I am cutting and today is a refeed day so i went and got me some pizza and chokolate. Then i read that refeed days are supposed to be high in carbs and not fat which my pizza and chokolate is full off. Am i gonna fuck my cut up by having having 3 days Worth of fat and going over my caloric goal for the day With 3-400ckals?
She still posts on ig
You are fine. No need for macro autism either, just be in deficit and get enough protein.
What's her ig?
>got the flu
>can't eat, stuck in bed all day
rip gains
at least i can funpost
Fun posting isn't allowed if it hurts someone's feelings
Would you punch norsefat in the nose to add 20kg to his snatch?
Actual hard question.
To what extent will cardio affect my strength gains? I'm doing TM and I don't want to lose gains but I don't want to get a heart attack either
They only need to be high in carbs if youre massively depleted
It kills the gains.
Do sub 30 minutes cardio wed fri sat preferably low impact like swimming or cycling
Alternatively fastwalk a lot
>got the flu
>yesterday wake up after 2 hours of sleep
>take 400mg ibuprofen
>sleep like a bird and squat normally
>today wake up after 2 hours of sleep
>take 400mg ibuprofen
>sleep like a bird
>take another 400mg ibuprofen in the morning and have a good bench day
However now my nose is either very stuffy when I'm sitting/sleeping or it burns like hell when I'm walking
No more ibuprofen, I'll suffer tonight and hopefully by Monday I'll be better.
No signs of fever yet, just getting some cough occassionally today.
Cardio is fine. Do it in the form of GPP
Cool, thanks. Would something like the stairmaster or whatever also be OK?
What's GPP?
I srsly consider guys who take ibuprofen just to train mentally ill and there is shit ton of guys like that here
Why though? I still got below the maximum dose and it's not like I'm doing it all the time.
If you need ibuprofen to train that means something is awful wrong
Yeah, the weather.
when I was a kid it was a popular thing at my school to crush ibuprofen and snort it during lunch time
but dont you do it beacuse something hurts you?
every day I suffer from deep emotional pain
Fuck lads. I shouldn't get greedy and go for 20 lbs PRs anymore.
I would have taken ibf even if I didn't have to train, because I felt like shit anyway. It wasn't painful, I was feeling weak, like shit.
For christs sake do some curls.
You had it, but you pussied out
is hehe emotional pain + powerlifting + ibuprofen natty way of emotional pain + powerliting + roids + (instert jim wendler quote)?
it was there but you moved onto your heels from midfoot like a brainlet
it was over the moment you got out of position to break the floor
could have probably hitched it for a meme strongman dl pr
rip your back
>having anything to do with back injuries
lmao it's just genetics
Youg uys are so strong.
I literally cannot move my back without lumber spine getting crippling pain shooting thru it.
You didnt look like you thought you could pull it while you were setting up
I would probably take 40kgs away and practice technique does not look healthy, with that much spine and hitch in the movement.
Cringe and bluepilled.
Unironically deload, throw the belt into a closet for 6 months and start from scratch.
He hitched maybe 1 cm, and I've never seen him pull with a straight spine, I don't think it's possible. Regardless of weight, he's always rounded to get off the floor
I tought same about me and its complete bullshit, he wasnt on midfoot even setting up and started pulling with pressure onto heels not midfoot. Literally same mistakes I did
106kg to 96kg was speedy Gonzales fast but 95 to 92kg took ages and 92kg to 90 took even longer and now every other week I'm only down half a kg if I'm lucky.
This is the longest cut of my life, does anyone know when I first blogged about cutting? I have no ides how long its been
>inb4 it's been a month
It's possible
He just needs to do it
That said, on a deadlift max, it doesn't matter so much. He put too much weight on the bar.
I don't think my form or setup are that terrible. My back just wasn't strong enough to stay in a decent position with that weight.
This was my 2nd attempt today.
easiest way to be on midfoot is to shove your femurs to sides.
What on Earth is going on at that .webm
How does he what that spine
I've spent the last 3 years of my life stuck at a 180kg deadlift
I deserve a reward for consistently deadlifting once a week at least all these years in the hopes of one day getting stronger.
>that ballet set up
You should deadlift more than once per week.
brooooooooooooooooooooo snap city
I said one per week minimum consistently, not I've only deadlifted once per week.
Nice 15" pythons there pal
I keep soles of my feet straight in deadlift, but this guy has them like donald duck / does it matterr or is is personal preferenceok?
I greacefully wave my hands when I hinge to grab the bar, making swans in the vicinity feel inferior to my beauty.
Some open them for stability, others say it helps engage the glutes while tipping their fedora
personal preference, I stand closer now but with soles rotated like this. Allows me to get my knees out of the way for my torso while I use narrower grip on the bar
Do some vertical jumps and you'll find your best position/
Thats what I did and it was always straight soles pointing forward.
He said "that terrible" not "not terrible", disinformation isn't cool man.
what the fuck is this car even
T-they're more like 15.7".
Also I benched 1.5xbw today for the first time
Dicklet and proud
I have a big dick but even I want this truck holy shit.
>I benched 1.5xbw
Is that supposed to be impressive? I literally benched after like 3-4 months of lifting
nah that's just some 4 foot dude next to a normal car
whats a big dick?
No, I'm a fucking awful bencher and anyone who benches less than me should take up rock collecting.
you are also an awful deadlifter
Are you good with dips?
we used to break into the little garden where the cafeteria guys grew herbs to steal the salvia
the wrong kind of salvia, but we kept doing it anyway for some reason
my dick
I want alex to outwilks everyone here to prove you dont have to be fatzilla to be good.
525 at 183 isn't that bad. I probably could have gotten 535 today too if I didn't get greedy.
Not particularly. I do them occasionally usually weighted with +35 lbs for sets of 8 or so.
i suck at bench but i'm retard good with dips, wondered if that was your case.
looks like fuckload of spinal flexion
>Thor can "only" bench 225kg for double.
am I crazy in thinking that is his weakest lift by far?
I swear he did axle press with like 200kg.
*actual 200kg press:
Literally this
>gee why isn't he strong at an assistance lift
What is the 2nd belt Thor is wearing?
Why does he wear it
It seems like something to keep his back warm plus a regular belt on top.
for such a tall guy he has short legs
I kept clicking on the play button and getting mad after the image was resized.
it looks like support belt hernia patients get from hospitals.. kek. i got one..
i think i have shoulder tendinitis incoming, haven't had it in like five
it's like a tightness and mild burning in my left shoulder, it started happened during incline bench and certain pec isos which i cut out, but it happened pretty notably today during bench for the first time
i've just pounded some ibuprofen and iced it, how do i continue from here
It's like a knee sleeve for your back.
Probably very similar to this
Then he wears a normal lifting belt on top.
Another junkie taking pills for no reason
NEAT, i will order this one for myself
Are you mad you are so crippled it won't work for you?