What can I do about these small wrists?

What can I do about these small wrists?
Can I make it?

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same OP.
what do

becom trup


When will they learn?

Me too, it's literally the only reason I can't get a gf. We're never gonna make it.

they make ur forearms look bigger bro

sorry but your skin tone says you are neither white or black, you cannot into big man world. You can be manlet weightlifter if you chinese, otherwise make way and dont take gym space like you belng here

Fellow wristlet here. Do endless wrist curls, rolls, knuckle pushups etc. Still got wrists thinner that a chinamans cock.

Only wrists?

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how big are your hands?

your foot looks fucking giant

Alri sasquatch

not really

before someone asks


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at least you are symmetrical, i have 26cm ankles and 19cm wrists fml

ur only allowed to be called wristlet if u can compete with me, the wristlet KING,

I have 5,9 inch, 15 cm wrist

Yeah i have the same measurements

21cm ankle 15.5cm wrist

Welcome my fellow wristlet champion,

you are now invited to my wood elf kingdom!

Nothing, unless your forearm muscle insertions are bizarrely low down, or your thenar insertions are bizarrely high up

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Every time I think of my 5’4” height, I remind myself to be happy that I wasn’t born a pajeet. Tough luck bro.

But i'm not a pajeet

>What can I do about these small wrists?
You can't grow bones, so nothing.
>Can I make it?
Yes, wrists are irrelevant with good forearms

>What can I do about these small wrists?
slit them

the only thing you are making with those is making it easier to fist your own soiboy ass faggot

>25.5cm ankles 17.5cm wrists
mfw I got my dad's thick legs and my mom's schoolgirl-tier arms

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>tfw unironically have 5.5 inch wrists

thats whay i get for being 5'9" 135

lmao wrist mogged by a female autist

Im sorry, but whe civilized wood elf people dont like to compare ourself with ogre beasts like her

dafuq? I have relatively thin ankles and I'm nowhere near being able to grasp all the way around. You must either have doe legs or mammoth hands

>wood elf
funny way of saying shitskin manlet.

Hello my good man
You're not alone

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train your fore arms, this includes your finger and wrist, if you do hard forearm work, both your hand and wrist will get bigger, but not so much that you will go popeye movwe or something, that's genetics and a lifetime of hard fore arm work, however is better to have small but strong wrist and hands than weak and small hands. look up to jujimufu grip training videos, that's the kind of shit you want to do

wristlets have it easy when it comes to forearms because your tiny wrist makes them look YUUUUGE

It wont even matter once your forearms get big

bless you user

>once your forearms get big
oh that meme again

Thank you based anons.

Is it possible for me to make it

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not gonna lie user, it's going to be hard but you can make it
gonna have to bulk to fuck out though

do you think that was caused by my entire childhood of being very skinny and still emaciated, or was this just caused by birth and having a small frame?

the girth of where i put the quarters is literally 5.5 inches

dude I'm I've been so fucking skinny most part of my life, no even funny
literal skeleton at teenage

hot feet m8

Tip: when you measure your wrists you should have your palm facing the ceiling while keeping your forearm parallel to it.

you think that would have mnade a differnce? or is my wrist circumference so small that you assume im wrong

whats your height and weight

i hope u fuckers know having small wrists is a good thing, makes your arms and forearms look bigger than they are

how do I fix this, I will never get a qt bf at this rate

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When you do it that way you won't have the boney ball in the way and you can have better measurements

i dont want a cheating measurement with the styloid process. i take the real measurement that truly encompasses my emaciation

177, 6'1"

tfw 5'9" 135

wrist rollers and hammer curls

I just measured my wrist for the first time and it's 5.5" like other people here, but that's also exactly the girth of my cock, so what the fuck is goin on here

This tbqhwufam

Massive forearm tiny wrist is asthetic

if you have a 5.5" wrist you are legit emaciated

i am
at 5.5", dick is only 5" girth though

Cut them.

>used to have 5.5" wrists
>just checked and they're 7" now

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pls respond


gain some weight nigga you're skinny af itll make your wrists not look so small

>that feel when wristlet
At least I'm not an anklelet

same here
I use long sleeve shirts even in summer
about to kill myself

1) he measured while he was still growing
2) he doesnt know how to measure

Who gives a fuck, it's a wrist. You guys are pathetic

>it's a wrist
Yeah, a wrist that prevents you from getting a gf

>tfw wristlet

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lmao you fags are incapable of of understanding attraction without devolving everything into stats and numbers like a fucking rpg. I was fucking girls when I was a 130 lb auschwitz mode tiny wrist skeleton, it literally doesn't matter. The only thing you should be worrying about is how ugly your face is

Your pathetic insecurity over your wrist is why you can't get a gf. They smell low confidence like a great white smells blood