Wife made carrot cake again

>Wife made carrot cake again

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Dump that gains goblin. I freaking love carrot cake tho

Eat the cake you pussy

Then fuck her hard like you should

If the cake and sex game weren't both on point, I would consider it.
But god dammit, muh gainz

Just fast after, you fucking weak willed panzy.

Do not eat it then if you do not want it.


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>wife made pusy cake again

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Normie scum

Jeff pls go

When mine makes carrot cake I consider it a victory.

She's about to make banofee cake with a chocolate oreo base after we discussed starting to eat more healthy.

Do not eat carrot cakes (EAT THIS INSTEAD)

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Honestly if you give her a hard enough dicking after the cardio should balance out. Just have one slice and make sure to not let it be a regular thing.


Fuck her carrot cake making asshole as revenge milord



Hand it over, you've already had another slice this year

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>Mommy made Totino's Pizza Rolls again

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No Grug, no eat meat (EAT BERRY INSTEAD)

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