Daily reminder that our TRUE enemy is Muttland and their jewish masters from Israel...

Daily reminder that our TRUE enemy is Muttland and their jewish masters from Israel. All Europeans must work together with Russia and China to destroy once and for all Mutland. Without Mutts jews will be lost.

White people. Help the world and kill all Mutts you see. Good Mutt is dead Mutt. Dont trust Trumpf, he's nothing more then jewish pupet.

When Muttland is no more Israel will be defenceless and weak.

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This is an amazing post.

goyim NO we're the GOOD GUYS

Pfloomf BTFO

God is with your Iran. Dont be afraid of Muttland threats and their jewish masters.

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Why don't you start with convincing your countrymen not to suck anglo cock all the time? Your country is the American Trojan horse in the EU.

>Trusted Trump
I think that it was not the Europeans electing Trump
Also he is still better than the Hillary

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He hasn't declared war yet. Let's spare judgement until then

You are not completely wrong.

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Not true. Fuck Muttland.

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I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time America has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. America is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for America to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, America will not survive.

I've heard Jow Forums is illegal in Iran. Is this a last day posting or something?

He's nothing more then jewish agent of influence.

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It only shows that no matter what Muttland will always be ruled by jewish pupets. Mutts were made to serve Jews. Its in their DNA.

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So you forgot all about the kikes when you sucked Uncle Shmuel's cock all those years?
Now that the kikes turn on you, there's European solidarity?
Not buying it Pol/ack

The truth is Europe is stupid to hew to US foreign policy dictates and they are going to continue to bear the brunt of all our actions

Yeah we're looking at a solid 0% chance of that happening.

Look m8 I understand how assfractured you are right now, but we're trying to keep this from happening and you're really not helping by constantly needling us with this garbage.

Yes we have a problem with Israel controlling our government, but PART of that problem is that every fucking thing every other fucking country's people says to point that out is couched, incessently, in this sniveling "mutt" shit or "fat americans huu huu" that. You're not helping. You're actually making the problem worse, this kind of shit makes me want to just give up and support the war because I know it'll make you mad.

This is not how it's supposed to be. We're supposed to be working together to spread awareness of the kikes, not pissing people off. This is a stupid strategy and it's counterproductive.

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Muttland is holy mother of jews.

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I hope not for long. We need to get rid off NATO fast and kick all Mutts back to Muttland. No Mutt in white man's land.

Americans are told its good to die for Israel. Mutts are slaves to Jews and nothing will change this.

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No don’t do that I want a cute polish gf


Stop drinking.

>this is only partly correct, because it will create the NWO

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>it's another polish proxy episode
There are more forgettable people in my country who are neither good or evil than there are people in the entirety of Poland, and real polacks aren't dumb enough to forget this. This is just a kike trying to split the board before we organize to stop the Syria thing, they've been cooking the public support for months now.

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Glow in the dark some more why don't you