
how do you cope with those times when you remember that years ago you left the person who was everything you could possibly need, and nobody you've loved since then has come even close to being what fits you best?

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I don't. I cry out sometimes. Sometimes I prefer to get wasted.

same, pretty much


They left me.

Drugs, but nowadays i face them, let them get to me. Cry out if i have too, then move on.

Need to fucking move on.

Are you 19?

They left me actually. I still have his picture on the wall for when I'm feeling lonely and nostalgic.

By not being a normalnigger who never has and never will belong to have had the chance to experience love. Kill yourself.

I havent loved anyone since. I fucked up, but its over now. I have infinite time to think it over, and drive myself insane over what happened.

i done this but about a week ago, i miss her

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>years ago you left the person who was everything you could possibly need
are you implying I've ever met someone like that?

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She left me. I get high

>a week
Its been two years for me buddy. Get her back while you can, time helps nothing.

>Has perfect partner
>Leaves them
>Cries because of something that's completely in their control

Come back to me when it's the other way around, you disgusting whore roastie

I used to cry because I was lonely, and I saw no possibility of ever getting a girl to like me. Now I've had a girl like me and leave me and honestly falling in love is the best feeling, but losing it will absolutely crush you because you will never love anyone again. I can't even wank because of her, it still feels wrong.

My ex came back to me after six months of fucking around with a guy after our breakup. She confessed that emotionally it was for me. Then I pretty much won her back and it started off really well like it usually did. Then after six months the problems that we faced during our past relationship started resurfacing. I decided to end it because it was too much pain for her and I didnt know what to do. Couple weeks pass and she's having fun with a new set of friends and I'm feeling the loneliest I ever have. I confessed to her that I actually still love her, but she said told me that she gave it her absolute best to make it work the second time and now it'll never work again.

All the feelings of sadness and regret are going nowhere but inside just fucking you up. Wouldn't it be better to put those emotions and energy into something that actually gives back? Just hang in there my man.

>you left the person who was everything
You mean a complete stranger that I never met

I've never left anyone. they all abandoned me. now I've got nothing.

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>how do you cope
i don't
i can't

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This will seem really banal but it has worked for me. When those feelings come floating up and you start thinking in circles about it, try your best to reason through it to the end. Think about everything thoroughly. For example, if you were years younger, think of all the life experience you lacked, the reason you made decisions. Feel all the emotions that brings up, don't distract yourself with the internet or music to ease the pain. Then when you have sorted through it completely. Think to yourself what you learned through it all, and let go of the hope that it could have ended any differently. It is in the past, and now, you can move on.

I'm 21
I've never known love