What the fuck is healthy food

The richest and most powerful people in the world eat junk food almost exclusively.


Zuckerberg does, it, Merkel does it, even Putin eat steak and pies and ice cream (even though Prawda obviously says differently).

So, what is healthy food? Obviously, not what we think it is. If the richest and most powerful people in the world, the guys that could have anything, still opt for fast food - and thrive on it (compare Trump from his campaign and how he gained weight after Ivana changed his diet to be "healthier") - then maybe they know something we don't.

And we all apparently fell for a big, big scam.

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Being rich doesn't mean you can't enjoy junk food ever.

Being rich means that you can buy your way out of your poor life choices.
They have fuck you amounts of money user.
You can't live like them.
No matter what bullshit articles where they try to sound like one of the little people tells you.

imagine loving money so much you submit to IRL analog insemination by the Zuckerhuman

she's eventually gonna have to do it again

great googly moogly

>enjoy junk food
>exclusively live off junk food
Do you English, Pablo?

>Being rich means that you can buy your way out of your poor life choices.
You literally can't, though.

>No matter what bullshit articles where they try to sound like one of the little people tells you.
Did you have a stroke?

What matters the most is how you eat as a kid and they likely ate very healthy growing up. They’re older and can just indulge, but that crucial point that will determine how well developed your body and brain is, how robust and resilient it’ll be, is from the moment you’re born to the end of your puberty.

>Hello fellow humanoid. Don't mind me. Just doing normal humanoid things.

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>what is CICO

turns out normal people, especially successful ones, aren't autistically obsessed with their diet and "optimizing" their health and fitness because they actually have shit to do, barring actual autists like Elon Musk
>cue clips of jobs and wozniak from the 80s arguing SS vs SL in their garage

Ultra rich people can eat whatever the fuck they want. They're rich. They don't go through the stress, frustration and misery of normal life, so their diet choices don't really affect them.

okay, all memes aside, this is epic

>You literally can't, though.
Wrong. You might not be healthy like a healthfreak but you can get 75% there. Which is healthier than than the average person that is mindful about his health.

So your idea of the world's healthiest people is Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Silvio Berlusconi, Marc Zuckerberg, Angela Merkel, and Vladimir Putin?
Am I understanding you correctly?

They make pacts with devils. The elite have been doing this shit for thousands of years. Money, power, health. Obviously McCain did something wrong.

>You literally can't, though.
Yes user. You literally can.
They have acess to health treatments and knowledge that we can't even dream of and many of us don't want to know about.

>>No matter what bullshit articles where they try to sound like one of the little people tells you.
>Did you have a stroke?
I didn't proofread what I wrote.
This is quite clearly a bullshit article designed to make the rich folk look just like the little folk.
It's obvious what's going on here.

Listen fucker. Eating those type of foods every now and then will not kill you. Life is balance, ying yang, in every single aspect of your life. Once you realize that youll see that a little or too much of something is always bad.

I can honestly buy Trump actually eating like that though. Dudes fat as fuck

This. Eating healthy is great and everything but people who dont give a fuck and are just out to do great things tend to be more resilient to shittier diets.
If you're depressed, sitting around all day with no drive shit food will just make it worse

>junk food

I think it has to do with a constant need to supply dopamine to the brain. Whether it be food sex or success these people are wired to crave so much dopamine that it propelles them to greatness

Don't forget that these are the "people" pushing for us lesser folk to eat bugs and shit. Really makes you think.

A Jewnese.

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Isn't trump's favorite mcdonalds burger the fillet o fish? Objectively the most healthy.
