Microneedling for face gains

Has anybody tried at-home dermarolling/microneedling to improve complexion especially acne scars and aging skin? Does it work?

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How long does this shit take to work?

nigger there's studies about this on pubmed, Jow Forums cannot provide you with any answers

I just thought there'd be folks here who had tried it for some time and give their firsthand opinions on it.

Tried it and haven't gotten any results. I think that, to get good results, you would need to get it done professionally. Where they numb your face and stick needles 1mm into your skin.

You can do up to 1.5mm at home. Also numbing creams are available at drug stores. "professional" sessions are ridiculously overpriced for the tools and work they put in.

The deeper the needles the longer it takes to heal the better the result.

I microneedled for a long time and got rid of most of my small acne scars, I'll need laser treatment for the few deep ones I have left though.
The golden rule: always disinfect it with alcohol before use, if you breakout/get infected it's worthless

I purchased an inexpensive dermaroller and have used it about once a month for the past year or so. My ice pick scars haven’t fucking budged, but over time I think it has helped a bit with my skin’s texture and fine lines. There’s really no real downsides and there are enough people who report noticeable results that it’s worth trying if you think it might help.

Have any anons ITT had success in treating atrophic scars (boxcar, ice pick, etc)?

Had it done by a doctor with anaesthetic cream because she put her full bodyweight into my face when she did it (I was lying down). This was with the proper roller not the one with microneedles.

Did absolutely fuck all. 3 sessions of it and 0 results.

Had laser treatment done on Harley street. Did nothing.

Had dermapen done with PRP injections - did nothing.

Do you use a roller or an automatic pen? What length?

Your scarring must be quite severe then?

You need to do it on only one half of your face for awhile and then compare. Anything else is as good as placebo.

Cameras exist user. Chances are there's a good one in your phone.

Maybe your skin is already perfect?

What kind of skin condition are you treating for?

Work in a derm office, a dude came in to get microneedled, he looks tons better. Still has some scarring, but he cleaned up his diet, changes his razor, and got a skin care regimen, and between that and the microneedling he looks way better. He's standing upright and actually making eye contact now. Shit costs like $300/sesh though.

I just want baby smooth skin man.

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Can you draw a picture of before and after in paint?

You can buy the dermapen for $50 and do it at home. $5 if you go with the roller. Derm offices and aesthetician clinics are commiting daylight robbery at those prices they are charging.

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Dermaroller or dermapen which to get?

It helps you grow a beard faster that's for sure. Derma roll my face once a week while using minoxidil. It causes the skin to produce collagen which causes facial hair to grow and thicken..

Pic related is scars from back acne from my teens. Like fucking craters. Not really having success with 0.5mm but it does make them more flush with my normal skin and less deep.

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0.5mm is way too shallow for your back skin which is much thicker bro. People even use 1mm in their faces. Also have you considered getting a dermapen? You can adjust the length on the fly so you win need to buy multiple rollers.

Do you have atrophic acne scars in your face too or is it just on your back?

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Derma rolling ages your skin prematurely.

You're creating small amounts of scar tissue every time you use it, Your skin won't perfectly heal unless you're a newborn.

Your skin make look more flush and fuller in the near term but over the course of a few years you'll look older than if you hadn't done it at all.


Lmao you don't even know what you're taking about faggot. Microneedling only punctures the epidermis and leaves the dermis untouched so scarring is impossible. How about you read the dozens of studies on pubmed before coming off as an idiot.

this is basically true plus it doesn't work

you sound emotionally triggered...

idk dude microneedling sounds like snake oil. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

regardless, post your studies.

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Yeah you're right, it doesn't work even though it's the same principle as laser surgery (collagen induction therapy). Fucking moron.

Study this.
*grabs dick*

Derma rollers are so cheap though. What's the disposal time on a derma pen?

Just my back, or more specifically my shoulder blades. I lucked out, no acne scaring on face. Maybe because the skin on my back is thicker and the cystic acne was super deep as well.

>reddit spacing
>writes bullshit of things he knows nothing about
checks out

>post your studies
why don't you just do a search yourself. the studies literally say the opposite of what you wrote

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How effective are light therapy, infrared and radio frequency treatments? Esp the at home treatment with the meme machines

>pubmed studies on some bogpilling quackery

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The derma pen accepts disposable needle cartridges that can be replaced after single use or 3-4 uses. They cost a couple of bucks for a dozen.


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sounds like its a vector for really shitty infections

do you know where you are?

if i buy a new one from amazon, should i still sanitize it?

how do i sanitize it, dip it in rubbing alcohol?

There are a billion videos on youtube on how to do it. Every single step from sanitization to how to roll your face and what to apply. This isn't some closely guarded cult secret.

Yes Jow Forums.

Those are quack treatments. The whole point about collagen induction is causing controlled micro wounds to your skin so it is triggered into repairing itself properly. That's what laser and microneedling do.

What I want to know is if they can somehow fix KP.

What's KP?

keratosis pilaris

Microneedling mimics laser which has been successful in KP treatment. No harm giving it a try. I've seen posts on reddit skincareaddiction where people tried it for that purpose.

Retin A and collagen supplements is far better and less primitive than this shit

That's the most ignorant shit I've read. Collagen is just protein folded in a certain way. You eat collagen, it gets digested into amino acids. Retin A works by exfoliating and peeling the skin but does nothing to reshape the scars.

name of this muscular braphog pls

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pls response

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no i mean the girl in but thanks dear.

the sad part is i just knew

it's ok, she's hot

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does this cure my skin cancer?

Nope. Where is you skin cancer located?

in his skin, you fucking moron

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Yeah but which part?

Just use fucking makeup if you want your face to look perfect.
You idiots put a ton of unnecessary stress on your face.

All you need, fucking all you need
>only water
>quality sleep
>no drugs
>daily cleanser
>daily moisturizer
>daily suncream

If you want some peeling use an ALA or BHA based one if you want to be super good you TCA.
If you have shitface you are fucker and should go to an actual dermatologist who can help you much better with lazer.

Where do I start with makeup if I'm a guy?

Who is she?

go to a any woman.

What if I don't know any woman?

your mom?


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the skin

I tried it once a week to only one side of my face for a period of six months.

No discernable difference. Results might be different if you have it professionally done

>Just use fucking makeup if you want your face to look perfect.
you mean if you want people to think youre a faggot. Seriously, what nornal man would wear makeup? Is this some new age trans androgynous shit?
Makeup is bad for your skin as well.

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are there any risks to microneedling?
If there arent I might as well try it - why not?

>Can you draw a picture of before and after in paint?

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this is the best picture in the world
u have moar?

It's very safe. All you have to do is to make sure you soak your needles in alcohol.

What length of needle did you use? Did you get redness akin to sunburn right after?

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might as well try homeopathy rofl

>enough people do it!

Lol go eat a bunch of rat’s assholes because a bunch of people in China swear that it will give you fatter boners