Why is the army so fucking annoying

Why is the army so fucking annoying

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it's supposed to kick the pussy out and make you a ruthless killer

Because they take soo long to make a decision

I know but I'm waiting for them to decide

no they don't want you on that cool spec ops unit

It's fucking annoying man I'm just sitting here waiting for them to decide when they want me to be sent out

if waiting for something interesting possibly to happen is annoying to you i think you're on a wrong trade

Cat burning was a form of entertainment in France prior to the 1800s. In this form of entertainment, people would gather dozens of cats in a net and hoist them high into the air from a special bundle onto a bonfire causing death through the effects of combustion, or effects of exposure to extreme heat. In the medieval and early modern periods, cats, which were associated with vanity and witchcraft, were sometimes burned as symbols of the Devil.[1]

There is interesting shit happening all the time but I can't act until I'm deployed to the scene

it's not your interesting shit until you're told it is

I just want to go somewhere. I want to go anywhere

I just want them to call me. You don't know how annoying this anticipation is

This but unironically

isn't your army just a few drunk indians and ill tempered moose

If you live in canada and your in the army that just means when you go to battle youll just be saying sorry to the enemy

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Nigga our army is the best army in the world.

I didn't even know Canada had an army

>canadian army

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haha... annoying.. your army wants to draft you for a year too?


Get out of Russia! They can basically force you to join the military at any time.

HMMMMMMM... *heavy thinking*

Where have I saw this picture before...

yeah it's called "conscription"

I wish Canada had conscription