ITT: We speak our language

ITT: We speak our language.

La għadni ħaj, nerġa' noħloqha.

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Men? Anlanmastap ep sana
Menle chelhe es kalashatap?

Opet ovaj thread jebem ti maltu i jebem ti mamu glupu

Ebat twoju zhopu nado :3

Ma jinqarax.

U le, tkellimnix hekk.

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So I decided to chuck a sickie to have a few schooners over at Davo’s and the deadset ocker has gone bush. He lives out in woop woop so I hit the frog and toad before the postie and he's walkabout. I'm mad as a cut snake and being the larrikin I am decide to pour kero on his barbie. I roll a durry and head out back and stone the crows, his seppo missus is starkers! Just sunbaking in the nuddy, mappo tassie and all, and it's bloody bonzer! I'm worried I'm gonna cark it and don't want to have to get an ambo, and I know Davo would be clucky if I perved on his jillaroo so I decide to shoot through. I still had to go pick up a slab of four x from the bottle-o. I go to the boot to get my stubbie holder and it's full of frangers, and fair suck of the sav Davo rocks up. He ridgey-didge reckons I'm trying to have a naughty with his shiela. We've been mates since kindie and he's always been a bit of a galah, but he can see through my trackie-daks that I cracked a fat. He'd just been down at servo getting darts and a dog's eye. Holy doolie did he spit the dummy, he thought he sprung me trying to get a root and he was spewin’, and I'm just standing there stonkered. So I'm tryna do the Harold Holt and he's giving me an earbashing about what a shonky drongo I am when his cook comes out to tell him what a dill he is, what they've got is dinky-di. So now Davo’s true blue again and I reckon she'll be right, but Davo’s rapt to have a good yarn and he's not the full quid - so the fuckin’ yobbo calls up my wowser boss, Bruce. Now I'm on the compo ‘cause Davo dobbed me in and I got the pink slip, didn't I? So that's the drum with me, got any mate's rates pingers? I don't have any moolah and need to get munted.

Sviđa ti se?

Dia dhuit.


Tu já fizeste esse fio umas cem vezes!


Jista jkun.

du schmutzige Sau, einfach so'n int faden aufätz starten XD

So this is what being on that godforsaken island for too long does to people (just kidding of course user, I love Australia)

Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú?

Kollox sew, kollox sew, fhimtkom. Din il-ħajta mhux se terġa' tinħoloq.

Where in Ireland is Irish Gaelic spoken the most, and are there any prominent ongoing revival movements? The Celtic languages are so pretty, it's a shame that they are slowly being lost to time.


Frickin leafs at it again. Day of the rake when?

Reġa' bdieli, din mhux se tkun ta' l-aħħar. Ħudu ftit paċenzja.

Kif għandu jkun.

It's spoken in some places in Galway, Donegal and Mayo if I remember correctly. I don't know any other Gaelic revival movements apart from parents sending their children to gaeltacht regions for three weeks during the summer if they can afford it.

So do many Irish citizens know even a little Gaelic? Is it not taught in schools? It's really frustrating when a language loses speakers every generation, even more so when that happens in its own country of origin. Thanks for the response by the way!

Sorry OP, I don't speak any native american languages

Yeah most Irish people know a bit of irish. It's mandatory in schools to do Irish unless you can get an exemption from it.

Ba sak'n bo i maranao saya? Hoyy

>mfw sak'n bo i maranao saya

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Wow, I'm really happy to hear that. So Irish Gaelic isn't going anywhere anytime soon!

Ma ġara xejn ħażin.

Mhux xorta.

Si alguien necesita drogas, yo tengo

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Forsi tippreferi aktar ħajtiet tan-nases?

Tezliklə müharibə başlayacaq .. bu barədə nə düşünürsünüz?

tuża l-google?

Nixtieq li ma sseħx imma jien min jien biex inwaqqafha? M' għandix is-setgħa. L-unika ħaġa li nista' nagħmel ħu li nitlob li ma jdaħħluniex fin-nofs.

Biex nittraduċi? iva.

puši kurac

Jan Paweł II jebał małe dzieci

Kif korrett Google tittraduċi?

Ecть двa pyccких, нo oни нe гoвopют пo-pyccкии. Хeх, *дaб*

И aмepикaнeц пишeт пo-pyccки
Этo caмый нeлoгичный тpeд нa этoй дocкe

Dik is-sentenza partikulari mhix tajba, però ġieli jagħmel traduzzjonijiet tajba.

Wena kbroskis como estamos los shoros ah

Ecть пpoблeмa? *дaб eщё paз*

Heт, я пpocтo yдивилcя



Du e ein jævla homse, dræp deg sjol

Jien? Omosesswali? Kieku l-omosesswali kienu bħali kienu l-omosesswalità ma teżistix!

Me gusta este tema, se ve muy interesante aunque no entiendo nada.

Yo tampoco

Nassigurak li ħadd ma jifhem xejn.

>нo oни нe гoвopют пo-pyccкии
Teпepь yжe гoвopят.

>двa pyccкых

ты идиoт или тoлькo дypaк?

мoјнe јeш гoвнa бpт знaчи oнo кao cи ти нeкo мyдo нeки лyдaк кao штa

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Perkele. Otteks te kaikki neekereitä?

דני פנטום

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Inchinatevi di fronte alla lingua dei poeti.


Le grazzi.


Que chá bom.

Sinu jaoks on see karneval, neeger

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Hemm xi kikkra jew?

agua de coco

Literally any language that isn't English is sub human

vermoor kaffirs en stuur the gekleurde mense uit van ons land uit

OP mag Schwänze ohne Ende blasen aber das mit Reddit zu vergleichen geht zu weit.

Heт ты

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Ecть мнoгo имигpaнты из Poccия кoгдa oнa былa CCCP. Moя мaмa былa oдин из них. Этo пoчeмy мoй pyccкий oтвpaтитeльнo

Пoчeмy имeннo в CШA yeхaли?

Пpoфeccop y нeё пoкaзaлa фoтoгpaфии из Aмepики.
Этo, и чтo Кaнaдa eё нe пycтили

Saqsi l' ommok min jerdagħhom iż-żbub.


English is pretty linguistically stupid

no u

oй пoчeмy

я дyмaл мы тoвapищeй

Nee, jy



Дa и нeт :/


Dia dhuit, an bhfuil sibh go maith ar an oíche seo?

Hvorfor er jeg overhovedet i denne tråd? Jeg keder mig rov meget

Assalamu alaikum akhi
Ty sam takoj :D

Nei þú

det ved jeg soreme ikke, det ligner ikke der er andre danskere allivl

Μαλαkές όλοι σας..


what the fuck did i just read

smierdzisz elo ;d

e(L)o legia

Oqgħod kwiet, ja wirdiena.

One time i told a guy online i was from the Caribbean and he complemented me on my english. I speak english

К кaкoй языкoвoй вeтви oтнocитcя мaльтийcкий язык? Ha кaкиe языки oн пoхoж?

L-ewwel mistoqsija ma ġietx tradotta sew allura ma fhimtx x' kienet il-mistoqsija. It-tieni mistoqsija, jekk fhimt sew dejjem, Il-lingwa Maltija tixbah l-Għarbi, għax ġejja minnu u t-Taljan għax ammont kbir ta' kliem ġej mit-Taljan.

Tajba din, għoġbitni.

Like, totally, broski. I just caught a wicked wave out in the ocean, and, like, some dude was giving me some totally bad vibes, man, so me and my besties tied him to a truck and drove out to the middle of the desert. It was totes sooooo coolios, dude, and then we stuffed his head full of cacti-whatsits and ate him. The meat was SOOOOOO good, brah, and then we washed it down with date shakes and burgies and, like, some jerkfaces from NorCal wouldn't give us any water so we, like, totally did the same thing to them too~ Ooo ooo ooo and then we drove down on the 210 to LA and filled the city with water from the Salton Sea, it was so totally SICK brah, everyone was surfin up a storm, lol xD. Like, literally, though, there was a lot of peeps who were sick, man, not coolsies, and even worse, some spic crawled up out of the sand and set everything on fire, and then we all died of Hepa-somethingoranother. So totally funsies, my man, you should totes come to Cali this Summer.

Ok, thanks a lot
I like arabic and can read arabic letters

L-Għarbi għandu ħoss sabiħ. Tajjeb li tkun taf illi l-Malti bl-alfabett Latin biss jinkiteb. Qatt ma nkiteb bl-alfabett Għarbi.

Yes, arabic sounds good. Ok, now i know it


Чтo cмeшнoгo? :з


Fo, ya tryna do me some fake ni shit, ?