Wh*te people

>wh*te people

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Sweet, I'm not white btw.
I'm Latino.

Attached: dude chill.png (555x407, 13K)

greek ""peopl*""">

white people would lift the visor first

wannabe europeans """""""""""""""""""ppl""""""""""""""""""""""

""""""""""people""""" """""people"""""""""""

whomst've'd quote?


thine maternal parent ist homosexual

>""""""""Animal""""""" """"""people"""'""""'

animal people

Attached: at+the+park.png (3000x1954, 1.57M)

nay, for I hold the disease of homosexual within mineself

Sweet Im Mixed race, not white

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habla espanol?

Im 75%

Attached: 39854301-52DA-4675-B5D6-6A75255F901F.jpg (600x600, 60K)

Դու հայերեն ես խոսում ՞

more like 56%

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I dont identify as white, you mutt. Im mixed race

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75% what?


i just le farted quite had

you should just look mostly white then

I look neither white or black

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Well I'm 75% and I just look white
Once or twice online people have guessed middle eastern

hi i am white

Attached: JAMY.png (1024x768, 814K)

you have a lot of % today

stfu cumskin

Sorry that you're an idiot then


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Fuck wh*Teoid sub-humans!
They're a plague to the planet, and deserve to be annilhated!
Mother nature obviously hates them because they cursed them with pig skin. And we know, pig skin is suseptible to be sunburnt, lmao.
Melinated skin on the other hand is a blessing from the gods themselves. Not only does it shield us from the sun, but we gain god-like intelligence. This is why Egypt came to light. It was we Africans who built it, while whitey lived in the Caucaus mountains.

looks like you beat me

nice we wuz

What races?


Lol mixed from what peoples. For instance European and African.

Are you serious or is it bait ?

mutt mix
