Why aren't you living as a total parasite if you were circumcised?

It just seems obvious that any society that would cruelly allow your genitals to be mutilated when you were a helpless infant shouldn't shouldn't expect you to contribute anything to it in return.
I don't see why any mutilated man should bother wagecucking, if they can live parasitically off of welfare and crime instead.
You should be paid compensation, at least $1-10 million.
I can't believe there are cutfags who actually swallow the "be a productive, contributing member of society" bluepill.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's not a choice, not everyone can be a parasite. For most it's lowly wage slavery their whole life (with no chance of fulfilling sexual or romantic relationships due to circumcision) or death. Death is the preferable option, but survival instincts are disgustingly strong.

what's with all these "wah i/you was cut :(" threads recently?

I am. Why should I care about a society that doesn't care about me?

Many men waking up to the fact that they're not even whole people.

Is it capitalism's fault part of my body was cut off and sold?

should i be releaved to still have my happy skin

>It's not a choice, not everyone can be a parasite
I understand, but even cutfags that can skirt by through leeching usually still believe they have some duty to contribute to society, even after being blackpilled on circumcision.

more like it's the newest flavour bait imo

Geez id rather take more trap threads over these cut dick threads at this point.


you have your answer user


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>Is it capitalism's fault part of my body was cut off and sold?

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>what's with all these "wah i/you was cut :(" threads recently?
Where would you prefer the threads go? Feminists and cucks now control almost the entire internet. There aren't that many places left where men can go to complain without being censored.

Masturbation prevention
As a leader of the anti-masturbation movement, Kellogg promoted extreme measures to prevent masturbation. His methods for the "rehabilitation" of masturbators included measures up to the point of mutilation without anesthetic, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying carbolic acid to a young woman's clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young,[36] he wrote:
A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.[50]
a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice
In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid (phenol) to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.
the application of blisters and other irritants to the sensitive parts of the sexual organs, the removal of the clitoris and nymphae...

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>men depressed that the most intimate part of their body was mutilated against their will when they were infants
>"whoa what annoying bait stop it"

This is why men are silent

you can complain about literally anything else instead of the same "if you were cut i'm surprised you haven't murdered your parents" or "i'm cut im sad" or "Why aren't you living as a total parasite if you were circumcised?"
these are bait threads and no amount of switching from wifi to data is gonna convince me otherwise

Was Kellogg cut himself? I always wanted to know.

adding on, i mean that all these cut threads in rapid succession make it bait-tier
i didn't care about cut threads before

It wouldnt be surprising. He was such a huge faggot that he would rarely touch his own wife

I'm not going to tear down society, at the cost of my personal self mind you, because of one bad thing.

Threads like these are just as dangerous as the trap threads or the incel shooter threads.

Having the majority of sexual pleasure ripped away from you is more than just "one bad thing"

>Threads like these are just as dangerous as the trap threads or the incel shooter threads.

Let's keep cutting baby dicks. You don't want to be dangerous.

Attached: Merchant Glowing.jpg (288x288, 29K)

>one bad thing
hmm just like this bad thing that happened about 60 years ago now no problem right hmm...
oy vey!

this is just like that black tranny poster always responding to the same post several times in a row

>said the black tranny poster in an increasingly nervous way
nice damage control shlomo first day at the jidf?

>said the black tranny poster in an increasingly nervous way
i didn't know we were roleplaying

>n-no you
oy vey!

now i'm stuttering, but what happens next

>I'm not going to tear down society, at the cost of my personal self mind you, because of one bad thing
Goy, don't complain. Circumcision is no big deal. Remember, you have male privilege. You need feminism. Wagecuck. Betabux.

>what happens next
the you know what but for real this time

i'm gonna start cry-typing and saying "muh"? that's scary

you're going on a train ride to summer camp

This. It's an absolutely disgusting and barbaric practice. It pisses me off whenever I think about it-but there's nothing I can do about it, so I try to avoid dwelling on it. These threads just remind me of how cruelly hurt I was as a child and it really hurts. It's good that the problem is getting more attention, but nothing can make up for what's been done to helpless males by a predatory medical industry.
If I could be a parasite, OP, I'd be one in a second.

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Omggg fuck off with your 20 bait threads and just go back to your stupid discord group with your fucking mangled little peepees, nobody fucking cares. I'm gonna start unironically supporting circumcision just to mess with you faggots. Sage.

It appears to be another psyop by a group of discord shills.

They're actually all cut themselves, which makes it all the more interesting. After all why would you spend this much time and effort into talking about other mens dicks?

There's just no way in hell that they're not all bitter af cutfags themselves.

>the jidf shills are just openly talking to themselves now

The first time I saw a picture of an uncircumcised dick, I thought it was some kind of deformity.

Yeah it's a lot easier to be reminded that trannies exist every now and then than it is to be reminded that your penis was forcibly mutilated at birth for no real reason and you are sexually nerfed forever

That is very sad and disconcerting yet not surprising

I was banned for three days because I posted a trap story to entertain you guys and hear your opinion. You brought onto yourselves, now live with cut cock psy-ops and bbc tgreads that barely have anything original going on.

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Circumcising should be an adult mans decision not the parents. Its the right thing to do to leave it to an individual to decide what he wants with his dick

Meme Idea:

Robots should start shooting up hospitals that routinely perform circumcisions

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any excuse to post more dicks, i say

It has happened to me and can't be undone, man. I somehow have to live with it and accept it.

I am from germany where the majority of men is uncut,
ever had to hear "Eeew, why is it so dry?"?
Believe me, after that a piece inside of you is dead, though I also have rheumatism that tortures me with pain, keeps me distracted.

You have to accept that life is just torture and stay alive for your loved ones.

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This lunatic professor thinks circumcision should be mandatory: intactwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris
He also runs a professional-looking circumcision website (circinfo.net) encouraging expecting parents to mutilate their sons. It once openly linked to circumfetish sites, including a site run by convicted pedophile and circumfetishist Vernon Quaintance: intactwiki.org/wiki/Vernon_Quaintance

Attached: insaneman.jpg (175x217, 8K)

definitely looks like a man who wants to cut up baby dicks

Maybe Circumcision is why i Jerk off to Baldurs Gate

Attached: BG fetish - Copy.png (1176x559, 53K)

Circumfetishists look very creepy.
Here's Jake Waskett (pic): intactwiki.org/wiki/Jake_Waskett

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jidf get out you dum dum

Circumcision is big money for doctors, trauma based mind control for power, and helps Jews hide in plain sight. It has been proven to cause the rates of autism to double, but still we do nothing. The number one deciding factor that determines whether a child will be mutilated is if is father was.

I was cut and I literally have never thought about it.
I just don't give a shit.
It still feels good and I have so much more to care about.
Plus, why do you guys care so much?
It's unlikely any of you are getting laid, so why do you care.
I'm not pro-circumcision either, you guys are just over-exaggerating.

>I just don't give a shit
ignorance is not an excuse

>ignorance is not an excuse
That's not an answer

You're missing a small, functionally unimportant piece of skin that makes your cummies better. Better give up on life and/or kill yourself

>being this obsessed with fapping
do something with your life and maybe u wouldn't be on Jow Forums

you don't care. some people care. why? because they do not want the mutilation to continue

Not getting sex does not mean your lack of pleasure and functionality doesn't matter. People masturbate. The virgin's one source of sexuality is forever nerfed. It's still just as big of an issue

I don't care in the sense that I acknowledge what was done to me.
I acknowledge why it was done (whether justified or not)
I acknowledge that I can't do anything about it, so there is no reason to obsess over it.
If I have a child in the future, I don't want to continue the tradition.
I don't care.
I have a life to attend to.
The best way to combat genital mutilation is to move on and discontinue the tradition.

the best way to discontinue the tradition is to discuss it openly until everyone understands

Okay. Just don't obsess over it and don't spam boards. I've seen 7 threads of this topic in the past 4 days. It's not that important.

>getting 1.10 million for free just for being circumcised

holy fuck make this law please

getting a free pass at life cuz they cut my dicky

>It's not that important
in your opinion

Yes, in my opinion and objectively.


routine infant genital mutilation is pretty fucking important my guy. It's more damaging than most forms of FGM yet for some reason literally and unironically the jews people pretend like it's not a big deal

The people who don't think this is a big deal are literal ducks who deserve their legs to be chopped off.

>Oh but you can have this chair see it's NBD you can still get from a to b

Yeah it really isn't that big a deal. It's better to not circumcise but if it happens it doesn't really hurt people all too much. These threads are extremely reactionary and almost propagandistic. A circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis isn't too different. The sensation loss is exaggerated and statistics on the subject show the likelihood of a circumcised penis to get early erectile dysfunction is almost nill. I agree that the tradition should die, but these threads are unnecessary and uninformed.

Meanwhile most porn actors are circumcised.

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there can be only one dum dum
>not a big deal

jews hate it when the goy talk about circumcision

>people pretend like it's not a big deal
They don't have to.
It isn't a big deal.
You're exaggerating.
It's unnecessary and it should be removed, but it's not as bad as these threads say it is.

Oh for fucks sake, piss off with your retarded hyperbole, FGM is like getting the literal entire head of your dick cut off ala Lorena Bobbit's poor bastard of a husband

I'm not Jewish and that isn't an argument.

Actually look into it. Most FGM is not clitoridectomy. Even symbolic pinpricks for a drop of blood are illegal on females. Yet removing the entire foreskin which objectively damages the function of the penis is still allowed. It's disgusting

Denial is the second stage of grief

Is stats about circumcision reducing STD risk a lie then?

you talk like a jew and your shit's all obvious

That's what happens when misinformation is spread.
You'll get people who think circumcision means getting your penis removed.
In reality, it's a surgical operation, often done in infancy, where the extra skin on the end of the foreskin is snipped off.
The side effects are extremely exaggerated.
To be clear, I don't like circumcision, I'm not defending it, but if we're going to have a dialogue about this, it needs to be honest.

>Muh goalposts!
Die of cancer please, preferably centralized in your stumpy mangled little mutt dicklet

>you talk like a jew and your shit's all obvious
I don't know what that means and that's still not an argument.

I mean the hospital treated you like cattle so why not do the same to the hospital?

FBI disclaimer: this post is not serious

>which objectively damages the function of the penis
It doesn't.
You're urethra is still intact. You can still urinate properly. You still feel pleasure. It's still a functional penis, not at all "functionally damaged".

How can you sit there and keyboard warrior to say the effect of losing the most nerve dense skin on Male genitalia is exaggerated. That's the most insane shit. You're speaking out of pure ignorance just kill yourself dude

god im gtting sick of these fcking slide threads
cant these retards go somewhere

You're retarded unoriginally. Structure is function go take

>not an argument
>not an argument
>not an argument
Here is an ARGUMENT for you, kike. Circumcision is harmful to the many babies who get the surgery who do not absolutely need it and there is no reason to not talk about how much of a big deal it is so that one day it will be stopped.

I'm not a keyboard warrior.
I'm sitting here with a calm demeanor, explaining why these threads are spreading misinformation.
There is a loss of sensation when a penis is circumcised, but it's exaggerated. The loss is that great.
The circumcised male is still capable of intense orgasms, but the potency isn't at it's full potential.
Let me be clear once more, I'm not defending circumcision. I don't like it and it should die off.
These threads are just objectively dumb.

You're wrong. What I said is true.

>not at all functionally damaged
The gliding mechanism has been removed.
It was a valid point.

I'm not Jewish.
Circumcision is temporarily harmful to the many babies who get the surgery.
It is unnecessary.
One day, I believe the tradition will be gone.
You still have no argument.
Calling me a "kike" doesn't mean anything and I don't think you understand that I agree with you, but these threads spread misinformation.

>Not a keyboard warrior
>Proceeds to paragraph a defense of circumcision offering no evidence just "exaggerated"
I understand you have a lot of blocked emotion about the subject which you do not want to face. It's not your fault.

i just told you my argument you slimy dodging kike. reread what i wrote here idiot

The gliding mechanism isn't necessary for the function of the penis.
It makes using it for masturbation useful and it's better to have one than not, but that still doesn't cover what was said about a loss of functionality.
There isn't.

Get a load of this goy. Removing specialized skin is only
>temporarily harmful

>Removing gliding function does not mean there is a loss of function of the previous


They do the equivalent of remove all of a womans labia and the clitoral hood leaving her exposed and open.

Want me to tell you how they do it?
The doctor gives the baby a handy to get them hard then they use to cuts then they RIP it off.
The child stops screaming after a while and goes into complete shock.
A child changes after they've been circumcised. A parent can tell.

They can feel the pain and we have proof that the effects of that barbarism scars the infants mind forever leading to permanent mental problems.

Three things happen because of this.
1.The dick will never reach it's full potential of growth

2.The man will have problems pair bonding because they never actually achieve that natural orgasm. And to be honest, they will never be able to experience a real orgasm.

3.The man will never feel as much pleasure from sex. Not ever. Not once.

4.The man will suffer from ED and PE.

5.Eventually the penis will become so numb that nothing will work on it. That's why most have gone onto nofap.
The heavy masturbation has desensitized their penis too early and the excess porn has fried their only way to become aroused so they're basically numbed down there and have a hair trigger, if they can even get it up at all. On the flip side they can stay hard for longer and pump away but they don't feel shit and they never cum.

Sounds great? Not really they soon begin to suffer heavily from ED after that.

6.Men who are circumcised become degenerate sex fiends who're desperate for ANYTHING to get them up and make them feel something sexual.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts on the topic.
Someone said in this thread said this topic was serious and a conversation should be had.
I'm trying to have a conversation, but instead, I'm labeled with "keyboard warrior" or "kike".
I suppose when you have no real argument, you rely on an emotional reaction.
Also, the length of my replies doesn't reflect anything other than the amount of thoughts I have, that's it.
I don't know if the users on this thread are lacking in reading comprehension, so let me say it clearer:

"I'm on your side. I agree with you. Circumcision is a barbaric practice/tradition that should fade away. I will not circumcise my children in the future. That said, there is a lot of misinformation in threads like these. This leads me to believe that these threads aren't actually created for honest discourse, rather to be spam and used as bait. That is all."

I'm glad these threads keep getting posted. They push me to keep restoring. It takes such a long time and it's easy to lose track.