Why Not Judaism?

We're all already severely autistic, Jews are like 80-90% autist.

Gives us tons of rituals for OCD and a sense of belonging and community that you can't find elsewhere (Jews will accept literally any behavior/outcast weirdos as long as Jew, and once you're in you're in for good, no matter waht you do).

Tons of connections and help from fellow Jew community, will get you a decent, comfy, lower management tier job at the very least where you will never need to put in any effort or do any actual work.

Get to travel to comfy tier Israel on holidays and have fun with qt Jew girls. Eventually settle down with Jew wife and breed her fine voluptuous body until your heart is content.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mutilated penises

I have phimosis anyway and need to be cut at some point, realistically. So that means nothing to me, really.

It's an ethnoreligious group. And the religion part is known for being the hardest religion to convert to. They don't want you and even if you get in you'll still be considered a gentile or a 2nd class jew. Most think you need to have a Jewish mother and Israel won't let you in unless you marry a Jew. You're not welcome with them, especially if they sense you're using them to network.

But this is another thread by that self-described communist trying to make Jews look good. Knew you were a fucking Jew. Go to Jow Forums with this shit and debate them about it.

>And the religion part is known for being the hardest religion to convert to. They don't want you and even if you get in you'll still be considered a gentile or a 2nd class jew.

This is true only for a fraction of Jews though. A huge percentage of them today are descended from converts themselves, many of the European ones for example.

It's true it's not easy to convert to Orthodox Judaism, but then neither is it easy to live as an practicing Orthodox Jew either.

Judaism, like any other group, is diverse in beliefs and denominations/beliefs.

>This is true only for a fraction of Jews though. A huge percentage of them today are descended from converts themselves, many of the European ones for example.

Genetically speaking Jews are intermediate between Europeans and Middle Easterners.


>Judaism, like any other group, is diverse in beliefs and denominations/beliefs.

The tribalistic ones won't accept you and won't engage in nepotism with you. The open ones will be SJW as all hell and will exclude you the second you do anything "problematic". Again, most Jews (Especially the ones that breed and aren't catlady feminists) believe you have to have a Jewish mother.

>jews are supposed to be the descendants of the 12 SONS of Israel
>you're a jew based on your mother

oh I see, the Exodus bears its fruits

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No one will see it anyway

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No bacon and you must follow 613 Commandments. I'll stick with Christianity.

>The tribalistic ones won't accept you and won't engage in nepotism with you. The open ones will be SJW as all hell and will exclude you the second you do anything "problematic". Again, most Jews (Especially the ones that breed and aren't catlady feminists) believe you have to have a Jewish mother.

What are you basing this on? I've been visiting a local Orthodox synagogue and they seemed really warm, surprised and enthusiastic to the idea of me wanting to convert. Granted, I have a lot of work to do, they want me to learn Hebrew, and I will of course need to be circumcised, they want me to spend at least a year with the community and attending services and learning about living as a Jew, to show me that it is no picnic and requires a lot of effort.

It's true that symbolically they need to push me away 3 times, and suggest living as a righteous gentile or following religions such as Christianity or Islam instead.

I need to prove to them not only a commitment to the Jewish religion and beliefs, but also to the Jewish people (for example Israel).

Hell they even believe the Moshiach will be of convert descent.

>Genetically speaking Jews are intermediate between Europeans and Middle Easterners.

Yes, and like I said, a significant percentage of Jews today have no genetic ties to the Semitic Iron Age tribal confederation of people.

The zionist state of "Israel" is the most disbelieving state and furthest away from God's teaching on earth. The jews are in control of the holy land(thanks to support from the christians) and in a few decades they turn it into what lgbt voted the gay capital of the world. The torah orders them to stone sodomists, not build them a capital in their supposed promised land.

The state of "Israel" has no legitimacy what so ever since they don't follow their own torah to begin with. They should all be executed for apostasy according to their own law. And again, the biggest supporters of the people who call Mary a whore and Jesus a spawn of fornication are none other than the christians.

Nice try Schlomo. You'll never be in the "in-group". You're all hypertribal or they're obnoxiously SJW.


Most Christianity and historical Christianity are antisemitic:


Only koscher food too. Fuck that.

Robots'll never be in the "in-group". Jews are all hypertribal or they're obnoxiously SJW.*

Yes, Judaism has changed and evolved over the millenia just like any religion (Christianity itself for example was once just a Jewish sect), and is as fractured today as any of the other Abrahamic faiths. There was a time when people would be forcibly converted to Judaism if conquered, lol. Or when converting to Judaism was simply as easy as declaring YHWH to be the sole God and worshipping him and following the commandments as closely as possible.

Rabbinic Judaism itself was largely created in the Middle Ages in Europe, you also have Karaite Jews and Samaritans, who are viewed with different levels of hostility or acceptance/rejection by various other Jewish groups.

Judaism is diverse, as is its people, as you might expect considering their scattered geographical placement over the years.

Have you not seen that a jewish person can become an atheist, a hindu, an idolater, a buddhist, anything in the universe, and still be welcome as a jew? Or break the sabbath? Or violate every single command in the torah? But the second someone criticizes their modern golden calf aka the state of "israel", then they become the enemy. That's the dividing line for jews.

>and still be welcome as a jew?

Again, it really depends on the Jew doing the welcoming. Orthodox don't consider non-Orthodox Jews to be Jews. And Hasidics don't consider other Orthodox Jews to be Jews, lol.

>Most Christianity and historical Christianity are antisemitic:
How convenient that they can change when there's a common enemy(Muslims). The church could declare crusades against the Muslims(who worship God and venerate Jesus) when they controlled Palestine. But atheist jews who curse Jesus? They become their greatest allies. What a ridiculous and false religion. The "messiah" the christians and jews will follow is in fact the anti-christ.

But Islam is just an Arabified and literalist interpretation of Judaism, lol? Interspersed with various tribal practices (polygamy) from the various shitholes it spread to.

Islam is the continuation of the religion of Abraham.

I mean you're closer to it than Christians, undoubtedly, but I don't know how you can lay claim to the religion of Abraham when Jews and their forebears come directly from him.

First of all, Arabs are descendants of Abraham too. Secondly, Abraham can't be said to be a jew.

And it's not about lineage anyway but rather religion. Did Abraham worship a trinity as a christian? No. Was he from the children of israel as a jew(supposedly)? No. Did he worship God as a monotheist and submit to His commands as a Muslim? Yes.

No. The fucking Jews paid Schofield to brainwash evangelicals. And the Israeli lobby bought Congress while Jews own the media, Hollywood, academia, etc.

Stop blaming us for the Jews. It's what benefits the Jews. It'd be better to redpill Christians so we no longer have to deal with Israel and those fucking Jews.

And what sect of Islam and what nationality are you?

>Did Abraham worship a trinity as a christian? No.

Did he practice the 5 pillars (Including Hajj)? No. A great teacher doesn't cram everything in one lesson. God didn't explicitly reveal himself too early - whether you look at Christianity or Islam he revealed certain things later. And Jesus was raised in the traditions of the Israelites. He wasn't some retconning Arab.

>Did he practice the 5 pillars (Including Hajj)?
Yes Abraham prayed and gave charity and fasted. That's not something unique to Islam. And Abraham built the kabah originally, so there's the hajj.

>Jesus was raised in the traditions of the Israelites. He wasn't some retconning Arab.
No but he certainly wasn't a retconning hellenistic pagan either. The christian church fought a war of annihilation against the israelite original followers of Jesus and made up their own religion far-fetched from anything Jesus taught. Mainstream christians today claim Jesus was an apostate pharao that ordered people to worship him and consequently rightly was put to death for apostasy as per the torah.

>The fucking Jews paid Schofield to brainwash evangelicals
Did the jews managed to also brainwash the holy ghost? If not then why doesn't the supposedly holy ghost-inspired church speak up or launch another crusade?

>Interspersed with various tribal practices (polygamy) from the various shitholes it spread to.
You know who else practiced polygamy? Abraham. If you're a christian or the wanna-be jew then you're an apostate that should be stoned to death according to the bible.

Nice plan, except for one severe flaw.
>being a dirty jew

>And Abraham built the kabah originally,
That's according to Islamic sources and he built it - did he even pray towards it?

>No but he certainly wasn't a retconning hellenistic pagan either. The christian church fought a war of annihilation against the israelite original followers of Jesus and made up their own religion far-fetched from anything Jesus taught. Mainstream christians today claim Jesus was an apostate pharao that ordered people to worship him and consequently rightly was put to death for apostasy as per the torah.

The original ones became Christians, died, or were lead astray by the "Synagogue of Satan". Jesus made miracles. As did Moses, etc. with God's help. What did Muhammad do?

>Did the jews managed to also brainwash the holy ghost? If not then why doesn't the supposedly holy ghost-inspired church speak up or launch another crusade?

Most Christians today aren't zionists. Just some evangelicals. And mankind is fallible - including members of the Church. We're waking up right now after a few decades of mistakes. We'll be back on course soon.

There are supposedly misguided Shia, Sunni, Ibadi, etc. that you don't agree with. Does that mean Islam is wrong?

Lolno! Criticism of Islam! Knowledge of Islam and divisions that exist within it! Noo! See in their own countries they are so used to just beheading anyone that even talks about Islam other than to brainlessly recite whatever their imam says.

Muslims literally cannot talk about their own religion.

>I have phimosis

Just stretch it, you don't need circumcision

>Synagogue of Satan

Lol, do you even know what the Synagogue of Satan refers to? It was from Revelations and was written by a JEW, who followed Christ and believed in him. He's referring to fucking what became Christians, trying to claim to be Jewish or more Jewish than the Jews themselves while failing to understand and follow almost anything of not only the Old Testament, but even their own Moshiach, Jesus, who himself was a devout Jew and firm believer in continuing the word of the prophets and laws/commands that came before him:

"Pagels concludes that the evidence weighs in favour of reading the 'synagogue of Satan' as referring to gentile converts to the Pauline version of the Jesus movement, who denominate themselves as 'those of Christ/Christians', a terminology never used by John of Patmos"

The Synagogue of Satan is, arguably, the Catholic Church.

I find it amusing that the only part of the New Testament I consider to have any credulity or interest in was in fact written by an ardent Jew, John of Patmos, lol.

Tfw phimosis which actually needs surgery to be fixed

>It was from Revelations
Not that guy but isn't "Synagogue of Satan" in one or more of the gospels, John I think...

>Lol, do you even know what the Synagogue of Satan refers to? It was from Revelations and was written by a JEW, who followed Christ and believed in him. He's referring to fucking what became Christians, trying to claim to be Jewish or more Jewish than the Jews themselves while failing to understand and follow almost anything of not only the Old Testament, but even their own Moshiach, Jesus, who himself was a devout Jew and firm believer in continuing the word of the prophets and laws/commands that came before him:

Theirs only one faith that call their places of worship a "Synagogue". Only one groups calls themselves the "Jews". Jews killed Christ. He even called them vipers. Let me guess you'll find some pilpul way out of that quoting some anti-Christian (Likely Jewish) hack.

>"Pagels concludes that the evidence weighs in favour of reading the 'synagogue of Satan' as referring to gentile converts to the Pauline version of the Jesus movement, who denominate themselves as 'those of Christ/Christians', a terminology never used by John of Patmos"

Nice pilpul.

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I'm not a pedo nor i worship satan.
Also, you need to have Ashkenazi blood to be a citizen of israel.



It appears in Revelations although that was written by a John, John of Patmos. He was an ardent Jew although he did believe in Jesus as the Moshiach.

Despite this, he was not a followed of the Pauline movement (which eventually became the Catholic Church), considering it to be antithetical not only to Jesus and his teachings, but to God and Judaism in general.

Israeli (non-religious/practicing) jew here, from what I know converts that join jewish religious communities are looked down upon and have a hard time finding a match for an arranged marriage.
But even beyond that, you'd be living your entire life under a strict set of rules and anytime you need to deviate even slightly you'd have to consult a Rabbi.
Just some of the things that are strictly forbidden: Smartphones (unless your job requires it and the Rabbi says ok), doing anything on Saturday and holidays (Shabbat) that isn't prayer (can't cook, turn the lights on, drive a car, ect), obviously non-kosher food.

I'd say if you're already Jewish (by jew-laws) maybe making Aliyah (coming to live in Israel) isn't the worst idea, but you definitely want to avoid the whole ultra-religious thing.

I dont believe in the religion

>Despite this, he was not a followed of the Pauline movement (which eventually became the Catholic Church)
Isn't Pauline Christianity more like Protestand Christianity instead of Catholicism. In fact Catholicism seems more like Judaism 2.0 just with the Jesus factor.

>Theirs only one faith that call their places of worship a "Synagogue".

Yes, which at the writing of these books would have been the ONLY Abrahamic religion, you dolt, and one that (those who would later go on to become Christian) themselves professed to be members of. Imbecile.

>Only one groups calls themselves the "Jews". Jews killed Christ

Actually inaccurate, the early Jewish sect that became Christians very much considered themselves Jews, Christian was a much later development.

Again, context and understanding the books from the time of their conception.

It's not pilpul, it's fucking observation and academic analysis from people who actually study these things.

Pagels is actually Gnostic and was raised Christian. But yeah, whatever, goyim.

Literally everything that is wrong with western society is the jews fault dating all the way back to the founding of the Frankfurt school

I wish all jews would fuck off back to the Levant forever

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>I'd say if you're already Jewish (by jew-laws) maybe making Aliyah (coming to live in Israel) isn't the worst idea, but you definitely want to avoid the whole ultra-religious thing.

Not necessarily going to go overboard with the ultra-religious thing once I'm in. I just feel a kinship with and affinity for the Jewish people and for Israel, strange as it may sound, although I have no Jewish blood as far as I'm aware.

I will try to be a relatively observant and practicing Jew, and I do believe in the Tanakh, but I'm not going fullblown Hasidic or anything, lol.

>Isn't Pauline Christianity more like Protestand Christianity instead of Catholicism.

Umm, in a sense I suppose, but clearly people of the time saw the way the Pauline movement was headed. And it kind of transgressed into Christianity.

>In fact Catholicism seems more like Judaism 2.0 just with the Jesus factor.

It's literally nothing like Judaism, it's so far removed it's laughable. It's closer to Roman paganism at this point.

Protestant Christianity (certain denominations at least) is ironically a lot closer to Judaism than Roman Catholicism is.

That's sort of what the Reformation was all about. Purging the "Satanic" influences of the corrupt and power hungry Catholic Church from Christianity.

>(Jews will accept literally any behavior/outcast weirdos as long as Jew, and once you're in you're in for good, no matter waht you do).

It's not that simple. Jews do tolerate certain types of weirdness more than goys do, but they demand a lot of loyalty. You need to see the Jewish people as like the ultimate end goal of the universe that has to be promoted, defended and supported at any cost. It's not really something you do just for incidental benefits. There's a reasaon not many people convert to Judaism even though everyone knows that it can help you in your career etc.

>You're not welcome with them, especially if they sense you're using them to network.

This. I'd argue that if you're looking to the Jews for career advancement or something you're better off just being a goy who supports Israel.

>but they demand a lot of loyalty.

I have that in spades. Sick of giving it to people I have no connection to and feel alien to.

>You need to see the Jewish people as like the ultimate end goal of the universe that has to be promoted, defended and supported at any cost.

I genuinely, unironically do. I believe also in a soon encroaching, unavoidable all out war between Israel and much of the rest of the world. I want to partake in that war, to usher in the Messianic Age.

>I'd argue that if you're looking to the Jews for career advancement

Really I am not at all, not interested in career advancement or material rewards in any sense. I just want to commit myself to Judaism and the Jewish people.

I don't just support Israel, I want to grow and expand Israel. I want to re realize the United Kingdom, I want to see the Davidian line restored, I want to see Jews mantle the global elite and guide the world to a better place.

I feel kinship with them, and I'm not sure why, having no Jewish blood, but something is telling me this is what I need to do.

We'll see how things go.

>They don't want you and even if you get in you'll still be considered a gentile or a 2nd class jew.
Nice. So after all said and done im still just a fucking goy that will never belong. Nice.

>Nice. So after all said and done im still just a fucking goy that will never belong. Nice.

It's ironic, considering we Robots are the most Jew of all people outside of Jews. Hated everywhere we go, excluded, attacked and vilified for no reason, just want to keep to ourselves but people keep coming at us.

I dont see the point if im always going to be excluded by the community anyways. Converting wont make me a better person and magically give me a nice job and jewess qt wife

You're an idiot.
Not him, but I had phimosis up till 17
You can't just stretch it, you actually need surgery.
I got circumcised at 18 and it still feels good. I'm 23 now and still feels as good as before. Which makes me think all this anti circumcision shit is just propaganda.

I wonder if it's just bait or j3ws unironically believe this

can't walk back all the drunk antisemitic rants i went on with my family.

won't even date a jew now for the same reason

fuck off kike
lmao the only reason why they seem so accepting and promising and welcoming is so they can manipulate people

nice try shekelstein the goyim know

Becoming a jew this close to the end times is the worse thing you can do. The messiah the jews and christians are waiting for is in fact the anti-christ who will march out from Isfahan with a force of 70 000 before being defeated by al-Mahdi's army joined by Jesus who will descend at the white minaret of the ummayad mosque in Damascus. After defeating the anti-christ a war of annihilation will be fought against the remaining jews and christians.

Repent, or Jesus will make you kneel at my feet.

>Implying you can convert to Judaism

judaism is pretty disgusting desu
>t. half ashkenazi jew