>dude just go out lmao >mental illness doesn't exist lmao
Lincoln Cooper
Believe it or not many of the fags here already do this shit. It's not enough you braindead retard. Society in its current state has no sympathy for shy/disabled men. You can do everything right, follow the rules, and still end up hanging from a ceiling fan at age 35
It's like you don't even go outside
Ethan Watson
you forgot >just bee urself user somehow not original
Asher Phillips
This is bait, but even if you go outside, it will work only if you are good looking. If you are overweight, short, or ugly, you are creepy and they will call the cops. If you are attractive, you are cute and might have a chance.
Wyatt Lopez
>go outside Where? >real people Who?
Is there a place I can just approach people without it being awkward? Just going outside is kind of vague, I've never ever met people by just going on a walk.
Aaron Sanchez
>Go outside >i ain't givin' any more hints, it's literally just be outside, trust me
Jace Hernandez
Thats literally not what I said. Ive been there im fucking miserable all the time, but the first step to not being miserable to combat mental illness is to actually talk to people. it actually helps
Parker Hernandez
This. I'd go out on regular walks to town for maybe a year (including for occasional coffee stops) and never once met anyone.
Jaxon Fisher
Walk outside, say hi to an old man, talk to neighborhood people, u gotta try, do u have family? friends? anyone?
Wyatt Jenkins
Nah nigga ive got horrible acne, and i look like a fucking burn victim. the key is to just listen to what people have to say.
Sort of had the opposite effect for me. Id be depressed as hell, and wanna fucking die. I just go for walks and go by the sea and ill just meet random people and strike up conversations. it helps me deal a lot
Evan Ross
this is a retarded thread and i hope OP knows how difficult it is for a group of losers to do anything remotely normal. it's like putting a white kid into a school with only black kids, you're gonna be constantly anxious and have nobody to relate to.
Blake Lee
Yeah so what youre at a disadvantage, you sound like a nigger asking for gimmes The solution isnt to just lie down and take it as much as that sounds appealing, if you dont make an effort to improve you never will
Matthew Bell
>I just go for walks and go by the sea and ill just meet random people and strike up conversations >ill just meet random people >and strike up conversations
Jaxon Gonzalez
i am a fucking loser, hell even after all this shit i still am, but i realized that literally any small effort you make helps. Ive just started talking to random girls, and im still a fucking virgin, but slowly and surely i can now actually hold a conversation with them without sperging out
Jose Clark
Dont you have any stores that you frequent? any neighbors?
William Ortiz
not what i said >nigger
Nicholas Murphy
I wish i looked like that im not sating youre gonna walk outside and become a chad, because youre fucking not But maybe youll run into someone and end up not wanting to kill yourseldnfor 12 seconds
Oliver Williams
yeah i can fucking small talk to girls im not a complete loser but that doesn't mean i can turn it into anything
Blake Mitchell
I'm genuinely happy for you. But don't get ahead of yourself. They will never have sex with you, at most, they will tell you about how Chad fucked her last night.
Angel Williams
>all these anons saying that staying inside all day and never getting fresh air or exercise is actually good for them Im not saying its gonna fix your life but it might make you less miserable for a few seconds
If you think and talk like a fucking loser like that all the time its no wonder Have some self respect user
Tyler Thomas
>if you dont make an effort to improve Yeah, bro. Because my facial structure will improve if I go out and talk to people. >ib4 personality helps Get the fuck out of here. You know that there will always be someone with a personality as good as yours PLUS being attractive.
Joseph Kelly
No me too, but like everything practice makes perfect. For one reason or another we spergs are starting late to the game, but the key to not stating that way is keeping at it. im pretty close to something atm
James White
>im a fat ugly loser and ill never get women Yeah thats gonna help your case
Its a simple deal. You need to offer something they need. Status, money, comfort, security. Looks isnt the enitre battle. Get money, and get in shape, theres bound to be something in that
Dominic King
>go outside >wat now >say hi to woman >something like following happens >"..." >"are you talking to me?" >"go away creep"
Kevin Foster
While having the mentality of a loser doesn't help, as you say, you have to understand that there is a reason why losers think like that. Just because you start thinking you are a Chad, doesnt mean you are one. It reminds me of the pic of the landwhale in underwear in a train with messeage on her gut saying "I'm beautiful." You can only do so much when your face is deformed plus years of people making fun of it.
Noah Jenkins
>Im not saying its gonna fix your life
>The solution to all your problems
Make up your mind.
Jonathan Young
>be me in texas >go outside >its fucking 107 degrees >start sweating like crazy and I can literally feel my skin burning Yeah, my life just became less miserable.
Jack Bennett
I get you, but the problem is, there will always be someone who can offer her status, money, comfort, security PLUS attractiveness. The game is rigged, there is no way to win for a real ugly robot.
Leo Martin
This. The last time I tried to make some talk at my campus she just made a confused face and said " Oookay..." and then brushed me off. If it was a Chad, though, it would have been different. She probably would have gotten on her knees and given him a bj at that moment.