Anime is we know it is about to change forever

anime is we know it is about to change forever

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Nobody who actually likes anime cares.

>100% female

This term is also discriminatory against women who happen to have penises

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>cr is going to do anything at all about anime
You are fucking retarded. Kys

>our staff is 100% X
>this makes us diverse

I know, manga team. But why are they patting themselves on the back, when it's been done? I keep hearing about women and comics in the West, meanwhile in Japan there's Rumiko Takahashi. Aren't women in the west more free than any other, so what's stalling them?

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honestly this is the end game of these people; they just want their respective group to gain power. they dont care that having an all female writer room is actually kind of impressive.

Don't be a sperg. It's only one show, a western one, that looks just similar enough to anime to maybe bait a couple of people. If you're even a little familiar with the medium, you won't fall for it.
Plus, I bet there's media that you really enjoy that was made by people that you'd find despicable.
The whole displaying someones race, sex, sexuality etc as a selling point to a work of fiction is still pretty disgusting.

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>Urusei Yatsura

>tfw you can't even imagine a westerner creating a character like Ataru in todays climate

That's a good thing a bunch of white bitches controlling the medium= bad end

This affects anime in zero shape or form because anime is not made in the west. Crunchyroll is just a service for westerners to use to view japanese anime.

>(((wh*te))) women
>making "anime"
>probably not even a show based on a manga
yeah i'm sure their show will be a big hit and everyone will watch it and follow their template

You know they don't actually care about diversity right?
Social justice warriors are politicians and lie like politicians.
They're pro-themselves not pro-diversity.

its going to be a shitty show and people will slowly realize diversity doesn't make a good show.
Talent does.

no it's about equality, once you put them in charge everyone will be happy and no one will have problems, they will finally be able to love the betas because the alphas won't stop them, or something idk. support your local feminist!

>hurr durr don tach muh chinese cartuuns
vote with your fucking wallets you raging faggots.
By sharing and talking about this shit, you only encourage them and give em free advertising.
>but muh pinon
nobody cares. kill yourself.

Same user. Just wanted to add that Crunchyroll putting forth money to this show is really... shady?
A big selling point of the site is that the a part of the money they get from the users will go to the anime industry, to support it. So when they shit out money to a western show that has nothing to do with the anime industry, it rubs, and it has rubbed people the wrong way.

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imagine seething over vitenamese cartoons on 2018

That's not how that works sweetie.

>By sharing and talking about this shit, you only encourage them and give em free advertising.
I guarantee you that these threads are made by CR themselves. They started on /a/ but eventually got permabanned after spamming it up for a day. It's exactly how Sony ran their marketing campaign for Ghostbusters (2016). Just antagonize nerds and let them tell everyone else about your product.

Im glad to see this. Animefags are annoying cancer and the day they get btfo will be entertaining to watch

>he says while posting on an anime imageboard
Your life must be hell

>these threads are made by CR themselves
i dont think they even need to involve themselve.
Marketing and advertising in 2018 is like this:
>trigger the autists
>autists talk about it
>talk leaks to normies
>normies get pulled in
>because normies to everything they shouldn't they will do what corporation yxz wants them to do
Or have you ever seen any corp involved in "bad publicity" shut down in the last few years?

Nothing to worry about

Lmao, the Nips are constantly making fun of the western Weebs, while the latter one thinks it's serious business and they have a saying in anything about it.

crunchyroll writer's room? wtf is crunchyroll writing?
since when do they make shows?

just don't watching who's making you?

The thing that bothers me is you know this wasn organic. They picked females becuase of mah oppression and very likely passed over more qualified males.

It's amazing how every racist and misogynist eventually develops the psychic ability to find out who a company didn't hire, despite having no insight whatsoever into the process. It's amazing how much of these worldviews is based on just repeating speculation so often everyone assumes it's true. To see this in action, in basically any thread where someone claims to be in a relationship with a woman, 9 times out of 10 the first reply will be claiming that she's cheating on him. No evidence offered, no insight whatsoever, just knee-jerk defense of the Holy Truth.

If you even seen the art all it is is more cal arts bull shit. And apparently the show isn't even original, just a rip off of little witch acadamia.

>t. either a jew or a faggot

Btw, check em

Looks like this trip doesn't stop, trips and then dubs

>he actually thinks CR has no influence or input on anything

If it was 100% male people would be angry and assume they passed over more qualified females. Seem SJWs have the same magic ability to find out who companies didn't hire too since they whine about males having jobs they want all the time.

This celebration of a 100% female staff is hypocrisy in the most blatant form.

Why do all zoomers type in that obnoxious, smug, childish sounding way?

It's not anime though, it's not made in Japan. And I'm almost 100% sure that no one in Nippon will give two shits about this and will continue on producing their own shit.

Whenever westerners try to make """anime""" we always end up with garbage like neo yokio or the new voltron.

if they stick to western design sensibilities like Steven Universe then anime-like storytelling can work just fine tho

So uh...what are they writing?

>if they stick to western design sensibilities like Steven Universe then anime-like storytelling can work just fine tho

Avatar was pretty good tho despite looking kinda animeish

Of course they'll produce their own shit, but RWBY is popular in japan user. FUCKING RWBY.