Do people usually have a lot of trouble getting a first job?

Do people usually have a lot of trouble getting a first job?

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From what I saw back in my teenage years you either
1- Got a job cuz of pure luck
2- waste months trying to get a job cuz no ones calling you back after the application

I got rejected from cleaning the toilets at McDonalds

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No, unless you're a robot

>high school
>want money for stupid high school shit
>start putting it applications all around town
>wait a week
>no calls
>call back many of the places myself
>"we're not currently hiring. Sorry."
>more applications
>2 months later and nothing
>2 closest friends decide they want jobs too after seeing me trying
>less than a week later they both start new jobs
>both at places I had also applied to just days before them
>never could get a job while in high school
>always a robot

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>started having an existential crisis during my last year in high school
>gave up and let my grades drop and fell out of the top ten of my class
>feel exhausted every day and just wanted to work and not go to college
>decide to start applying around
>apply to places as my junior year was ending
>no one responds
>during senior year I apply to a new gas station in walking distance of my house since I couldn't drive yet
>really excited and want to work there since it's new, clean, and close by
>they call me during class and I tell them I will call back
>they never pick up the phone again when I try calling back
>I walk to the gas station in the Texas heat after school instead of taking the comfy bus home to get to the gas station
>they tell me my online application to the gas station tells other ones in the area about me too so a different one called me
>I start leaving in a sweaty disappointment
>the manager of this location stopped me and asked for my name
>went home and was really hoping they would call me
>they never did

They later hired a person I knew who failed a school grade. I think it is just because I didn't fluently know Spanish. God I felt so depressed about it.

I don't care about the money, I just want a job

Following up on this post. I thought the whole, "You're not gonna get a job if you don't know somebody that works there" meme was just fake news, but almost all my friends got jobs because they knew someone at the workplace or their parents helped them get it.

No, but it does get harder as you age.

yeah you usually have to know someone for the first still working my first 40 hr. job at the age of 26 (started at 24) and i only got that because the supervisor knew me

only real job i ever got was because my dad was an executive at the company.

i sent out dozens of applications and never heard back from anyone.

the problem is that most jobs don't really require any sort of intelligence or skill to do, so what it comes to when hiring is how much they like you. if you're unlikable you're fucked. it's not really that much different than the dating market.