/r9gay/ - #428

stress management edition


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Hello mentally ill losers, how goes your l lives?

Who wants to be my boyfriend? One of my orbiters stopped messaging me so I need new ones.

Attached: everyone-has-a-weird-fetish_o_2505123.jpg (563x520, 83K)

For me a nice hot bath calms me down (sleepy emoji)

Attached: C2oz4VGWQAQF8DE.jpg (1053x1200, 171K)

Do you want a boyfriend or an orbiter? You're giving me conflicting messages here.

I wonder if someone would buy me something that wasn't a video game....

Attached: 826.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

so, what do you think /r9gay/?

not my type, nice body though

We talked about this a few days ago no one here seems to like em