Whats bothering you, user? Just let it out

Whats bothering you, user? Just let it out.

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Got diarrhea so I'm stuck on the shitter for at least another 30 mins or so.
Fuck me

-Got bronchitis and trying to fight the urge to smoke a cig.
-need a job.
-applying online and it gets me spam texts.
-took a benzo and can't focus or think straight.
-want to play vidya but, too loopy to do anything.

I have a terrible urge to delete any kind of digital memory i have. Any pictures, diaries I wrote online, any account. I don't want to regret it but I really want to do it. I want to forget the past and who I think I am.

Two of my closest friends are kind of having a relationship, and now is fucking annoying to spend time with them but I don't want to ruin their relationship

I'm a manlet and I'll die unloved because of it. I think about killing myself and I think I want to but I also don't on the chance that I might not die alone.

Its another episode of I feel like sad and alone and like shit for no reason tonight. Also after spending a shit ton of effort on tinder and online sites I finally find a girl who is nice and likes me and then she runs off and ghosts me after being intimate.

Now I have to fucking put in effort again god damn it, dating is stupid and meeting people is way too much fucking work and pussy is not even worth it that much when onahole technology is what it is today. Why even fucking bother with goddamn women and people in general

The last of my friends doesn't respond well and I don't want to keep bothering him and seem desperate so I will just give up.
The suicidal thoughts increase every day

my balls sometimes fall out of the sack and i cant find cases of this happening anywhere. they fall down into my thigh and if i move at all it gives me the worst pain ever.

I've made some bad financial decisions and as a result am staring down a lot of debt.. I'm facing some hard decisions right now as a result.
I spent so much fucking money taking care of a fucking crazy girl at one point, damn it. Fuck my idiotic 19-year-old self for being so desperate for a relationship that I spent a fortune and lost all my dignity in the years I was with her. Nobody do what I did, please.

My sleep schedule is so fucked. I sleep all day and stay up all night. I haven't seen the sun in a while

Jesus fuck I did not need to hear that this is possible. May you find your testicular peace, friend.

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Fucked up chance Girl i kinda liked a year ago, so now i just see her on social media with her new bf and i just wanna cry because it's all my fault

This. I've said so much dumb shit that has been criticized and judged online. I feel like it is a fossilization of my lack of worth as a person.

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There is a part of me that is always screaming inside. I'm a hard worker. My job is easy. I wish I knew what was bothering. I feel like I need to go into the woods to scream for awhile. Or a place I can go to break stuff. I want to die in some ways, at the very least to change. But I don't know what to do.

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Tired of still being a closet fag khhv. Nervous over job prospects with my meme degree I'll have at the end of the year.

I don't know whether to stay near my hometown and try to help my parents as they grow older with the burden of a mentally challenged sibling, which will likely leave me with no time or resources for a life of my own

Or to throw myself to the winds out in the world, and live a life with just a general sense of direction and absolute freedom to take each new day as I please

I just watched The Strangers Prey at night and it was filled with qt girls
I'm 18 in my senior year and I've never had a gf, and one of the girl killers in the movie was really cute
I want a qt killer gf to kill people with :( I'm so lonely...I've never held a girls hand

My mother believes I'm a spoiled brat and laments about where she went wrong in raising me. This is despite the fact that: (a) I sleep on a literal sunken-in mattress on the floor, (b) I haven't had my inhaler refilled in a matter of years, and (c) I actually generally have very few privileges at all. I have nothing, I own nothing. But because I don't have a job and I have a cellphone (that's 6 years old and no longer works), apparently I'm spoiled.
Lazy, sure. I'll admit that. It's a flaw I have and need to work on improving. But I am far from spoiled. My living conditions are actually pretty horrid.

shit all i've ever wanted was to walk out of my room without feeling threatened and dreadful.

tfw no creepy gf to be paranoid with
We could just watch a slasher and share a blanket and snuggle :3

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Get nintendo switch

Just be a NEET

Dont. Just make a new username.

Drop them if they keep leaving u out.

Embrace the manlet.

Onaholes were cool for a while but i stopped using it. Just my hand now.

I hate people who cant message back properly. Drop them if your the only one reaching out.

This is scary. Please see doctor.

Im sure you learned alot from your mistakes.

I wish i could do this but my mom would yell at me.


That sucks.

Nah, new username, new era! Feels good when you make a bunch of new accounts to begin things right.

Try running. Peaceful and uses your pent up energy.

Embrace the dick sucking.

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It's dawning upon me that I might be asexual.

I want to discuss the logistics and exact composition a nazi 1936 order of batttle would look like. If they included pokemon.
But the Jow Forums and /vp/ janitors deleted my thread. So l just gave up.

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I woke up to my parents threatening each other with divorce
I can handle it I guess but I'm worried about my brother

I have no job or direction. Having no passion or interest in shit beyond vidya makes me feel like less than half a man.

>Having no passion or interest in shit beyond vidya makes me feel like less than half a man.

why does masculinity seem to be about feeling threatened and insecure at all times?

dunno but if you know how to fix my problem I'd appreciate it.

If I don't get above a 2.4 this semester I fail out of college and then likely kill myself.

my poorness

What's bothering me? Mmh okay, im just coming out of an extended period of severe deppression that prevented me from enjoying the neet life for years. No vidya, no anime, no porn, nothing. And just right now that im regaining my taste for the things mentioned above I find myself in the necessity of getting a job. Pretty sad isn't it?

Sometime between 2030-2060 the US will either dissolve into civil war, or become another brown socialist latin american country.

no, you'd get bored of them in time if that's all you did

Fuck college holy shit, I hate everything about it

Was dating a girl who things aren't working out with. Basically got obsessed with her after kissing and hugging her. Now have to deal with the harsh reality that I'm alone again, just more aware of it.

I fell in love with a girl on ig and she lead me on for a while. But even thi she claimed she loved me and said things like I am too addictive and how she'd love to cuddle and kiss and do this and that with me, she "likes" another guy more. This is some bullshit internet drama but as it is my only interaction with people outside work, I've taken it kinda seriously and now I try both to sabotage ebery interaction they have and make her love me, because I'm so desperate and lonely and pathetic she's been the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. But I've come off as needy and obnoxious and I think I'm scaring her away lmao
every time she tags him or comments some shit about the other asshole I feel a kick to the teeth

by trying to drive them further apart you're only driving her and you further apart

Just pick something you're at least interested in and go try it out. The things you want aren't gonna just fall onto your plate.

what the fuck do I do then
please, this shit is wearing me down harshly. She gives me the highest highs and lowest lows, and I can't let her go. How do I win her

I want to play video games with a little girl, but I can't. I'm broken hearted over this.

If she gives you huge lows you gotta think wether or not she's even worth staying in contact with.
Here's something you can do: pull away. Dont message her for a couple of days, she'll stop thinking you're desperate. Maybe she'll come back to you on her own, but if she doesn't then she's just not that into you and you gotta move on.

Bottom line is you can't force someone to be with you, that's not how things work. Love requires votes from both sides.

I don't have any siblings, don't have any friends, hardly have any family that isn't senile, schizophrenic, imprisoned or all three, and my 8-year long Internet friend recently killed himself. I'm trying to fit in two jobs, remedial TAFE [pseudo-college thing in Aus] classes, maintaining a healthy sleeping/diet/fitness without collapsing into the easy path of just eating take away and junk food, not doing anything to improve myself and looking like every other bum fuck middle-lower class lardass walking dead guy there is

this fucking dock I have to clean at work. the white dust keeps coming back. and the front street. the sand is like melded to the asphalt. how the fuck do I clean it up and make it look nice if power-washing and hard scrubbing didn't work?

She's an egirl, she doesn't give a fuck about you. You're just a source of attention without the burden of commitment. Silly cunt stop talking to her.

i have to become a psychic just to fix my life, it turns out everyone in the family is a psychic and they are the reason why my life is a shit one. Trying to play videogames and becoming involve in occult is a bad idea, im hoping that one day god will help me to climb my mountain

She feels literally nothing for me.
I feel like dying.

Feel like my autism is leaking out

>Hanging out with friend on his front porch
>Were talking about random shit
>His family arrives in the driveway
>Sister comes out of car and proceeds to the front door
>She stops to say hi to us, I'm looking away from her when she says this
>Say hi back while still looking away, friend already knows I have autism so he doesn't think much of it
>"user, you okay?"
>Reply "Yeah, I'm good, just hanging out" almost 15 seconds later, realize I wasn't looking at her and began to make eye contact mid sentence
>"Oh, okay, cool" she says, her face is visibly confused, goes inside

And on another occasion

>Hanging out with gf
>Having good time, talking, cuddling
>Talking about random shit, topic of pregnancy comes up
>She says "What would you do if you got me pregnant?"
>Without thinking I reply, "I'd punch you in the stomach" thinking it was funny
>She recoils and gets mad at me "What the fuck?"
>Collect my spaghetti and say "Babe, it's just a joke calm down"
>"Well it wasn't very funny, user"

Sometimes I'll reach peak autism, in public I learn to hide it (mostly) but when with family I'll go full retard. It's been straining, the longer I try to keep it in the more mistakes I make and the more shitty things I say. My friends all make fun of my constantly, not like bullying but because I'm prone to doing stupid shit, I just want to be taken seriously but I don't know where to start. My only option is to be quiet and be called out on it or become full retard and be made fun of.

I'm sure you'll be a great psychic. Don't forget to take your pills, user.

solid advice
if I can't win her then I'll expose her here on the board because I don't give a shit lmao i know she lurks so she will be scared and pissed off and I'll laugh my ass off

im not into psychic shit, just knowing the things that really revolves around my family makes it feels weird to me, i feel like in a place where everyone is a witch and you dont have a choice but to go through it. They are catholics but someone said to me that they have done shit to my body, i dont believe in them im just not digging the idea that they are doing stupid things that involves my name, im planning to escape but they are giving me money to live.

Write daily in a diary. You can express all the nonsense in your mind without care for social norms. After a while you should begin to have an easier time choosing acceptable actions and responses publicly.

I messed up my relationship with my best friend a few years ago, and I've missed being friends with her ever since. Everything seems so clear to me now, and it's really obnoxious to me that I couldn't see it as clearly at the time. I've learned to be more self-aware from the experience, but my regret doesn't go away.

You're pathetic. She has no interest in you, just get over and stop acting like a Supreme Gentleman. An American might say she's living in your head rent free.

Grab your cock user and learn to speak. I had the autism once and I beat it through repeated efforts. You have more opportunities than I do. You have the blessing of knowing you have the autisms, it is up to you to combat it.

Dealing with people who refuse to think about how they think. I have noticed people can easily belive something just because it makes them feel a certain way when in fact what they belive is exactly opposite of what they think they are believing in. They will simply buy into a certain line of cognitive bias without even considering any opposing facts. I understand when this is an issue while you are still very young but anywhere after age 27 a person should be able to seriously consider what they belive and why. Due to the fact that people generally don't enjoy confronting themselves intellectually they simply allow others who have stronger wills do it for them and they just go along with what feels good, what the masses are believing. Jung stated that a person can understand allot about themselves by what irritates you about others but that is not true every single time something about other people bothers you. I have considered that thought but after being confronted with the issue I see that my beliefs are valid and it is not therefore a projection. What disturbs me the most is that I can see how this kind of malformed mass psychology can influence entire nations and bring everything I love and cherish to destruction just because the mob rules and ignorance is generally innate to the masses. How fucked up it is, that we can loose our entire happiness just because groups of people are stupid and intellectually lazy. They give over their entire mentality and life to people who are in power and have an equal amount of idiocy but have a greater will. I guess that is how heroics are born, the few who are awake defend themselves at last against the many who are lost in deep stupidity. Heroes never want to be or try to be heroes, they are forged from their circumstances. I feel a bit better now..thanks.

>g-guys I'm an autist I don't look at people when they talk to me lmao I'm totes a robot

>has a gf, has sex on a regular basis, has friends who invite him to their houses to hang out
get the FUCK out of my board you disgusting piece of normie shir

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lmao cry more faggot, if I can't have her I'll make her life shit. if you don't agree you don't belong here and I suggest you leave this board and kill your normalfaggot ass self

You enjoy calling others idiots yet here you are screaming into an abyss of idiots in hopes of said idiots offering you praise for your needlessly wordy insult aimed at people who don't sniff their own farts. Shut up.

Lel, I just come here during bath time to laugh. I'll never kill myself.

Staying by your family is the better choice, and you can die with pride.

Be the joker for a harley quinn fangirl. Thats close enough.

Seems fair enough. Keep being lazy if you dont desire to have stuff.

Thats why i stay at home. Going out is overhyped by normies.

I hate horror movies.

Makes life easier.

Be there for your bro.


Try makin something you can be proud of during vidya breaks.

Who cares bout masculinity?

Follow what starts poppin in your mind when the vidya is off.

College is a meme. Drop out and live your way.

Live simply and wisely.

Qt brown girls are great sexual partners

See if you can work part time.


Atleast you got to feel a female.

Thats the wrong approach. Put effort on yourself and if she wants you, cool. If not, you never had her anyway.


Put some chip n dip on my plate

Just realize its outta your control.

Nah you can adopt one later in life

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I can't stop hating myself and when people tell me that they like me or think I'm good at something it bothers me. I wish I could just see what they see, sometimes I feel like they're lying to me.

Obviously you have some personal issues. its intresting that you took that personally, that's funny. Anyway people can be really ignorant, how is that not apparent? And I didn't post that for anyone to give me praise, the idea behind the thread is to let out what bothers us, No one ever wrote that others would give any opinion.

Thanks for the laugh. Obviously you have some personal issues. its intresting that you took that personally, that's funny. Anyway people can be really ignorant, how is that not apparent? And I didn't post that for anyone to give me praise, the idea behind the thread is to let out what bothers us, No one ever wrote that others would give any opinion.

Jow Forums users

Maybe you're lying to yourself and you've done so for so long that you believe it.

Cmoooon, people aren't venting for venting's sake they want attention. Anyway I reckon you're more of an idiot than the idiots you complain about because you've probably learned just enough to think you're smart but not quite enough to be smart, largerly regurgitating opinions of others that sound but even if you don't fully understand. Do you like Dr "Clean Your Penis" Peterson by any chance?

Care to elaborate? (originally tho)

You're way too negative about yourself and trained yourself to think only negative things for years.
Try positive reinforcement. Write down 5 positive things that happened every day, no matter how small. Maybe you petted a dog, that's positive. Anyways, the point of this is to train yourself to start seeing positive things, after a while you'll start naturally doing it. You can also write down positive qualities about yourself to improve your self confidence.

But what if looking for goodness in his life is like looking for the Sun at night? Maybe his destiny is in the darkness.

>Leave job because of a very stressful month.
>8 months out of work.
>The office that gives unemployment and welfare in my area is highly abusive and will interrogate you before they consider giving you NEETbux or any form of financial assistance.
>20 interviews later and still no fucking job.
>People might assume I'm lazy because I'm black but I outperform everyone I work with.
>Can only eat one meal a day.
>Can't afford to attend university and all these fucking normies assuming the government pays for it all when the government only pays for 1/3rd.
I wish I could just skip the interview process and work..

I hope you all have a nice and relaxing Sunday :)

god bless

>is unemployed
>outperforms everyone he works with

The belief that I spent my life building a resume of things I'm not proud of to get a job I don't want anymore.

They had to hire 3 people to replace me.

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Did you steal the first two replacements' bikes?

This was an office job

Surely, even in America, people can ride bikes to office jobs.

No job
No wife or kids
No life
Friends dead or gone or our lives are so different now that I don't know how to talk to them
Don't remember the last time I've had sex and to be honest I don't really care. I just fear that I'm missing something by not having it and turning down easy opportunities is starting to nag at me.
Taking care of people in my family in lieu of actually having a life, and I realize that they've been sabotaging me to keep me here

Keeping fit, Meditation, Cooking, Learning new things, taking care of people and doing what they need done as well as hustling money here and there is how I live my life. I also semi live in a fantasy world that helps deal with how hopeless my situation is.
I occasionally go into deep depressions that stretch on for weeks and spend most of that time trying to find reasons not to kill myself.
This is the first time I've ever written a completely honest post on Jow Forums.
Thankfully it will be ignored and even seen as a joke.
Just had to get that off of my chest.
Oh and I see sex as a way to maintain relationships and connect with people and not just something to do for pleasure and have actually toyed around with the idea of becoming bisexual because it would mean that I could connect with more people more easily. Couldn't go through with it and just gave up on the idea.
Paradoxically me having pleasure during sex is bad and I'm quite honestly afraid of having sex because i might accidentally catch feels and only want to have meaningless sex with random women I'll never see again and don't want relationships of any kind.

Oh and I'm in the process of becoming more fit to be a male pornstar in japan. It's almost ten inches and I've mastered basically everything to do with the male orgasm and self control. So...yeah.

I keep trying to think of positive things that happened to me today. The only things I can think if are that my basic living necessities were met and I played some video games. I'm having a hard time calling these things positive though, they feel neutral to me. How do I lower the bar for seeing something in a positive way?

>tfw heart is beating weird

I'm only 20 and had my heart checked out last summer and they say I'm fine but I still get worries my heart is sick. Doesn't help that I have acid reflux and get chest pains from it

I'm in an abusive living situation but I have to keep being nice to him so I don't end up homeless

Literally by lowering the bar. Having basic living necessities is positive, but you can take it a step further and appreciate when you had a good dinner, or a good night sleep, or maybe something made you laugh today. Keep looking, doesn't matter how small it is.

Also if video games is all you have, definitely work towards going outdoors, or finding a hobby or a job. Having a goal is necessary.

Where are you from? Can I save you? Do you have a discord?

I have a job and I like to draw, don't really have any goals though. I think back on something that made me laugh today and I feel nothing about it, it just happened. Maybe I'm too autistic for this kind of thinking.

>>She says "What would you do if you got me pregnant?"
>>Without thinking I reply, "I'd punch you in the stomach" thinking it was funny
based as fuck

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The fact I'll never be that girl.

My psoriasis has gone haywire due to stress and I gained weight due to depression. One of my teeth needs to be extracted and I am recovering from a summer long bender. Still recovering from PTSD but I find it hard to see the end of that.

As the days go on, suicide feels even more inevitable. 8 years ago in high school I completely hated the idea of suicide, but I get it now and feel like it will happen sooner or later.

I am 19 and have never held a job before in my life. I feel like a failure despite my focus on academics over getting a job. It's hitting harder than usual because I'm worried about my father's economic status. He's been more stressed over money lately. I want to snag a job but I'm currently having a hard time maintaining my classes as well.
I just want to make my dad happy bros.

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its just tough for me right now. I'm moving away from my best friends who I've spent every moment with. I'm scared that I'll lose them when i move, it's happened to every best friend i had when they moved. eventually we just stopped talking and I'm scared that that'll happen to me. it sucks that i have to move and i have no control over it. i don't want to leave.

uni fucking scares me

You better apply for a job. People in their 20's with no job experience are basically seen as worthless and unhirable.

No matter what I do, I start to hate it. I can't relax, nothing is enjoyable. Studying IT? Literally the shit I liked to do cuz school was boring? Hate it now for some reason. Playing Games to relax? Nah. Lan parties? Boring shit and I get bored after 2 hours. Nice food? Meh, could've saved that money. Everything feels pointless and I don't feel bad. I always wake up with a clear mind, am never sad about my situation even tho I should. What is this shit and how do I get rid of it. I can't get my ass up and get shit done without getting pressured enough. Fuck my brain. No pressure, no goals, just living doin absolutely nothing and hating everything I do. What do robots?

Its bothering me how sad people in here can get

I'm afraid i will fail my analysis and linear algebra exam for the third time and that as a consequence, i will get kicked out of uni

The weather is absolutely terrible here
>tfw August is nearly over
>you will never experience the comfyness of a British summer until next year

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Try out for some volunteer positions initially - even if it's for a month, or heck, a week - it looks really good on your resume, and it makes getting a job easier if said job is related to previous volunteer work.

This is my first ever time posting on Jow Forums so bare with me, and I watch alot of wave titan so I think I know what I'm doing.

>be me
>be Jamaican
>be yesterday
>have girlfriend easy 8/10 qtpie
>she shows up unexpected 9 a.m in the morning
>still asleep because stayed up all night playing video games until 6
>had a nice fap before bed because horny and haven't seen her in a week
>she wakes me up and we talk for about 15 mins
>start rubbing her legs then pussy
>she takes off her panties for a quikie because she had somewhere to go
>we had sex twice before without condoms but i decided to use one this time
> condom too fuckin small and won't go on
Yes dat how we do it in Jamaica mon
>stand there for 3 mins trying to get it on
>finally somewhat goes on
>put it in but the condom slides back off
>she says get rid of it so i throw that bitch across the room
>Start having sex again but all the frustration of getting the condom on is making my dick softer than my grandma's pudding
>there she is riding a half dead dick
>i tell her to get off
>she says ohk and kisses me telling me not to worry about it
>She gives me a hand job and it gets hard again
>try to put my dick back in but it got soft faster than Usain bolt at the Olympics
>plus i already fapped so that didn't fucking help
>She says she has to go now because she's late
>my face when

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At least once a month I hit the bottle too hard and end up on /soc/ or here adding people or joining servers just to find someone to talk to, and then realize what a mistake it all is because everyone seems to be so whiny about everything. All I want is to find some people I can play games with on PS4 that don't spend every minute of the day complaining.

Housing is way too fucking high and I can't get a place of my own.