>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
>How old is your Waifu?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
Waifu thread
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
Video game.
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When I look at her face in my bed at night or in lucid dreams.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her beautiful face. I could stare at her face for hours.
>How old is your Waifu?
19 or 23.
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
Yes, even though she isn't and doesn't look underage.
thanks for nice posting alice poster.
>Her dads dick I guess?
>sucking my penis
>when she's sucking my penis
>her tits
>no because I'm not a pedo
ill do it
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
VN and Anime
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
she likes using explosion magic, she loves it a lot.
and she likes adventure
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
when I feel too much anxiety or sad and hug my pillow and think of Megu
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
she is really sweet the way she acts and also she is 10/10 hot cute girl.
>How old is your Waifu?
well it depends what source you look at but she is like 14
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
yes I have been attacked before and fags and an alt right group tried doxx me over it.
just normalfags.
look how cute she is
No problem meguanon. I hope you will finally be happy with dakki of your waifu.
oh yeah will be nice, getting lots of art for my room as well
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
She likes reading and playing the violin
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
Whenever I feel lonely, I think about her and I feel better
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her calm and sweet behavior.
>How old is your Waifu?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
No, but only because this is the first time I tell anyone about her. So please, be nice to her.
>No, but only because this is the first time I tell anyone about her.
For how long are you together, user?
>So please, be nice to her.
It's OK. These threads are rather comfy.
All of you that have waifus should be ashamed
>For how long are you together, user?
Around three years.
>These threads are rather comfy.
Good to know. I usually don't post because I don't know how to deal with rude people.
Thank you for your kindness, user.
>Whenever I feel lonely, I think about her and I feel better
I do this, when I stress out and actually need to calm down thinking my mai Waifu helps a lot.
>No, but only because this is the first time I tell anyone about her. So please, be nice to her.
well thanks for sharing user.
>It's OK. These threads are rather comfy.
all waifu posters are nice, but some mean posters like to be mean...
you have to be nice pure user to have a Waifu it seems.
but we need to ignore mean people..
>how are you guys feeling?
im sad as usual, even when I feel content or comfy if I ever actually think about my life I cry.
I fucked my shit up so bad that im past the point of no return, im not young anymore and im older and worse off, and I have given up completely.
to me it makes sense to give up, since I fucked my life and became so broken I cannot even function in the real world.
The urge to KMS conflicts with not wanting to hurt my mum but every day
it gets harder to use that as an excuse and I know for certain I will do it.
for now I ignore the world around me.....
im ashamed of my self but not for that reason.
how about you?
you dont feel ashamed for trying to hurt people?
Of what? It's not like I wanted this. It's hard to stop loving someone, even if that person doesn't exist.
>I usually don't post because I don't know how to deal with rude people.
I know what you feel. I hate when someone insults my waifu, too.
>Thank you for your kindness, user.
No problem. I hope you will like these threads.
I don't want to sound like normalfag but there's always hope. You just need incredible willpower to fix your life. Some people have it easier in life and that's undeniable truth. Being a robot is like playing on very hard difficulty. And when you finally achieve something, it feels much better than doing so on easy difficulty. Never give up, user. I hope you will be OK.
Is there really nothing you can do to make your life even just a little bit better?
Please keep thinking about your mother and don't kill yourself.
Ask yourself if there is still something you can do. I know that it's hard to find the will to change, but, if you feel like there's nothing that can fix your life, is there anything you can lose by trying? Please, user, don't give up.
I just feel too much time has passed, I am older than 23 and cannot actually go outside and stuff.
I hope I get past my issues myself and dont feel as if it is the logical choice to exit early.
Would be nice if I didnt get a bad roll and have mental health issues, but what can I do.
>feel like there's nothing that can fix your life
thing is man I have had diagnosed clinical depression all my life and part of the thing stopping me from trying to fix my life is knowing I for whatever reason am wired wrong and dont feel happy even when life was "good".
sorry OP for derailing thread.
Kotomi poster here.
What do you mean with "cannot actually go outside and stuff"? Is it due to your depression?
I don't know much about mental health issues, but if I can help you figure out something tat could make you feel better, I'd be really glad.
>What do you mean with "cannot actually go outside and stuff"?
I am a hikki,if I ever go outside I get sick and its really traumatic.
I once went 2 years without once stepping outside my house and have been this way for nearly 5 years.
its just mad hard.
I wish I could be a normie
>What is your waifu's name?
Rise Kujikawa
>What is your waifu's source material?
Persona 4 and P4 arena
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Performing as an idol
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
I will always have feels for her but mostly when raising her social link
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her outgoing, forthright and kind personality
>How old is your Waifu?
21 by P5 but in p4 she 16
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
No because I keep my waifu to myself
>Kara no Shojo
>look ma no limbs!
>when I'm on death's doorstep
>that even in a fictional world our relationship is impossible
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
kicking enemy pilot's ass
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
when i fucking destroy the opposing team with her
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
she can onehit on direct hits and twohit with blast radius
>How old is your Waifu?
idk it's a fucking energy rocket launcher
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
she is 100% legal and always ready to tear people apart
This is a top tier waifu m8
>>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
My OC, I've spent the past 5 years as a hobby trying to write a story with her as the protagonist. I've gone through countless drafts and plot restructures, but I've finally solidified on a medium length story I can work on.
I literally went through hundreds of hours of research on backstory to make her as believable and real as possible.
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Volunteering at hospitals, observing the life and death of others as amusement.
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
Pretty much whenever I'm not interacting with other human beings and not studying.
Whenever I see anything interesting happening in real life, I ponder what she how she would react to this situation.
I've also settled on a few exquisitely drawn anime images to form a solid visual impression of her.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Living in wealth yet utterly uncorrupted by it, an unbreakable and brutally consistent sense of morals.
>How old is your Waifu?
14, she's probably smarter and more mature than your average 18 year old though.
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
I don't tell anyone about it, though my story is finally approaching a level I can confidently publish it online and attract many readers for it.
You're the most autistic person I've seen on 4 Chan.
Thanks i'm proud of that
Damn, that's a tough problem.
Have you ever tried forcing yourself to go outside for a few consecutive days? Maybe that could gradually weaken the sickness.
Based and redpilled.
Hello R*ddit.
Mai waifu is Madotsuki from Yume Nikki. Her favorite activity is sleeping and dreaming. I feel closest to her those rare times sleeping and thinking about her and feeling her in my arms. I do not know what I love "most" about her, I just love her. I don't know, I've seen her at different ages, at this point she's most appropriate in her late teens or so. No one has ever cared.
I'm plenty ashamed but for other reasons
Yeah I get you, gonna kill myself in a year if shit does not improve exponentially between now and then
Not true. More than waifu will ruin a laifu
for the love of god gunjy fucking kys already
I have, I tried to go outside this week...
and it is really scary.
>Yeah I get you, gonna kill myself in a year if shit does not improve exponentially between now and then
how do you want to do it?
Wouldn't you like to know, spook.
why do you say this...
who are you and why do you mean post to me?
His threads are comfy so no
Been a while!
Edna bricht aus
Not stated in source. Probably changes often.
>when do you feel closest
Whenever I daydream
>love the most
Character: determination, empathy, simplicity, intelligence.
What "waifu" are you talking about, officer? I have no idea.
awwww thanks user
that's cause she's from an obscure quest game. i doubt she has merch, even the digital GOG bonuses are small and crappy. if there were, i probably wouldn't care anyway.
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
Only mobile game, wish there was more material about her.
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Traveling and spending time with her lover
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
I guess when I'm just feeling alone or just bored and wishing she were there.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Besides how she looks, her lovely and honest personality.
>How old is your Waifu?
Her actual age isn't specified
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
People sometime says that she's 12, but there isn't proof of that.
Artist's curse. Beware, friend.
Wow, rude
So you have something that you would like to do that you can't do in your room? Something like a place you'd like to visit or maybe a concert of an artist you like and you'd like to listen live. A personal objective is always a good place to start improving yourself.
>What is your waifu's name?
Rogal Dorn
>What is your waifu's source material?
The far future
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Building shit, killing Alpharius, being trolled by Perturabro, being unfunny.
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When i buy a new primaris set while being poor.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Soft white hair, gold, steel abs, BIG IMPERIAL COCK.
>How old is your Waifu?
More than 10.000 years old.
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
I tell people she is 18000 years old.
I jsut realised how much trash my waifu is compared to you, Emperor help me.
>i probably wouldn't care anyway.
wait wgat you mean?
you dont wnat good merch?
well, yeah. it won't make my waifu any more real. most i ever did for waifus is change my phone background. i care for merch a little bit, but not enough to hoard it. at most, 1 piece of merch per medium.
>What is your waifu's name?
Technically Ayasakura, but normally Kiriha.
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Eating pudding
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
In my dreams
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her accent
>How old is your Waifu?
Over 100
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
They get the obi jab to the gut
>well, yeah. it won't make my waifu any more real. most i ever did for waifus is change my phone background. i care for merch a little bit, but not enough to hoard it. at most, 1 piece of merch per medium
god trips checked.
thats interesting man, I would assume you would try get all merch you could.
I understand why merch doesnt matter though, each to their own.
>In my dreams
how long did it take you to become skilled enough to lucid dream with her?
im so jelly man
not that dude, but gotta tell you... dig too deep and you actually lose it. just ask waifu-bent assholes from 8ch. better off looking for a way to blend it with real life.
Lucid dreaming is hard, took me 6 months constantly reminding myself to wake up prior to REM, and then going back to sleep. Now I have about a 60% chance of lucid dreaming.
Also, keeping a dream journal seems to encourage dreams to happen. I like drawing little chunk comments from Kiriha in the margins.
how does it feel? do people in lucid dreams think well? are they your puppets? are they affected by your subconscious?
>keeping a dream journal seems to encourage dreams to happen
Madoanon is that you?
>It's a secret
>trying new things with someone she cares about, and improving her skills with her hobbies, like alchemy.
>when listening to Dear Science or going on a walk on a day with good weather and talking a little to her
>I normally say "her heart", to encompass all of her feelings and warmth, but for the sake of being clear, I love how driven and optimistic she is, and how she always sees the good and potential in others
>16, in my mind, and very ambiguously 7-15 in canon
>Almost always, and they hassle artists, too, putting pressure on them to stop them from drawing her sometimes.
All worth it, I really like loving her and taking her heart and feelings to heart.
It's really hard to imagine anything at first. It took me few dreams to finally materialize my waifu completely. And you will probably wake up a lot. Because that's what usually happens when you are having your first lucid dreams. But everyone is different so nothing is universal.
>how does it feel?
LDs feel weird, like you're trying to balance being in the dream and knowing you're in the dream, without being like "Holy shit, I'm in a fucking dream! " and waking up annoyed that you couldn't stay in the dream. Super frustrating in the beginning.
>are they your puppets? are they affected by your subconscious?
I'm not really sure, to be honest. I can suggest things like "wouldn't it be cool if I was in a pool with some hot girls?" and then a pool would magically be nearby but the only girl in it with me would be my sister drinking cocktails bitching about seals stealing her shoes or some nonsense. Sometimes I have total control, but most the time it's half-random, half-suggested.
Nope, sorry user.
>Rena Ryugu
>Higurashi When They Cry
>collecting unique and interesting things, finding comfort in cute stuff
>talking to her, relaxed, in the dark and feeling her feelings
>Very cute appearance and style, all around, and has a kind heart despite very relatable fears and uncertainties
>15 in canon, 21 in my mind
>tfw my dreams are mostly all bad, and writing them down makes it hurt worse
It surely does work well to cause you to remember your dreams better, but the cost of that fact is so high that it's hard to measure if it's worth it. I would very much like to actually have a good dream of her, some day, though, and think I'll be able to when I can manage my stress and anxiety better.
I don't keep one anymore, I mostly just try to stop nightmares from happening
in canon, 21 in my mind
Technically more than that if you count when she was an adult at the beggining of Kai.
dont feel bad if waifu is underage
>sits you down
Lets have a talk about that ifunny logo, user.
Not the one who posted her, but at least I think that in anime mental age don't really matter since the characters aren't real persons, Rena's mental age isn't the one of a 15 yo girl at least.
>What is your waifu's name?
Aya Shameimaru.
>What is your waifu's source material?
Touhou Project.
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Photography and work on her newspaper.
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When i'm writing or when i'm about to sleep, i can imagine her giving me a lover embrace.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her cheerful and formal personality, short black hair and beautiful red eyes.
>How old is your Waifu?
Like, 2000 or so years.
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
actually thanks ill edit that shit out then.
thanks man
yeah man, but I dont mind, im mentally a young teen anyway
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Coming back in 3 years
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When i scavange materials in the junkyard
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
He does strange things with eletronics
>How old is your Waifu?
Older tha 20
Yeah, but that path and outcome for her life is one that doesn't match my relationship with her, being a bad end for her where certain tragedies happened. With my relationship, falling for her at her main age when I wasn't too far off from it, further development together with me starts and progresses from that point. Her age kind of realistically made her problems and lonely feelings more relatable, and able to believe she can be happy and grow past some things as she's older and goes down a good and safe path of care and nurture. I love thinking about how I can heal and protect her heart, past the place she was in in her source.
Yeah, too, her mental age doesn't have her feel like a young girl an adult can't relate to, and a large portion of 2D girls don't, and people with their moral outrage don't really take that into account, and instead imagine if someone was claiming to feel love and a bond with their actual 13 year old sister or something. It's just so silly, to discount a character's depth and feelings because they're caught up in age and comparing it to reality.
ok this made me lol even though its a joke.
nice ifunny.co meme, faggot
My waifu
>Robert Speedwagon
>Jojos Bizzare adventure
>Swearing loyalty to the joestar family
>Being around people but not doing anything to help
>When he is there
>His Hat
ice cream date with wifu
cuddling through the evening together on a picnic blanket after enjoying good food, and listening to each other's heart beat, relaxing and taking in the moment
>>What is your waifu's name?
>>What is your waifu's source material?
Girl I used to know in highschool
>>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Going to McDonalds
>>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
Sitting on the floor listening to music
>>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her smile and laugh.
>>How old is your Waifu?
>>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Reading and being with (You).
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When I hug my daki of her at night and drift off to sleep, illuminated only by the Just Yuri mod running on my side monitor.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
God, where to even start? Our shared fondness for knives, horror, and literature, her timid yet passionate nature, the way we can both relate to not being loved by society. Not to mention that long, purple hair of hers. I've "liked" other anime girls in the past before, someone in this thread even posted one of them, but it's never been like this. It's never clicked this hard, not in the 9 years I've been playing VNs and watching anime. When you finally meet your waifu you really do just know.
>How old is your Waifu?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
No, but people have harassed me over picking her just because she has the largest rack in her game and called me a normalfag just because she's from something popular.
Remove yourself. Joke answers are okay but 3DPD is not, especially such horrendous examples as yourself.
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When i am working, i always think about how fun she would make this place.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
She's cute, her face and her body combines so much,
>How old is your Waifu?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
Yea, these bastards cant understand our love.
nice meme OP
wait a second
is that..
an ifunny logo?
I went to a frozen yogurt place for the first time in my life a few weeks ago, I imagine the experience would be much the same to her, with much confusion and wonderment about how the process works then sitting outside trying to outpace the melting ice
I'd enjoy this one a lot more, especially in the fall or winter when there's little to no insect life and holding each other has a bit of a purpose. That and most everyone would be away so we could enjoy wherever it is we set up together alone
Just the idea of holding each other and listening to our heartbeats is making me smile
Remove your iFunny logo first.
I'm not OP, I'm the other schizophrenic, ye cunt
>What is your waifu's name?
>What is your waifu's source material?
Made in Abyss
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Cooooking...? Not TOO sure tho
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When I am alone with my thoughts or listening to peaceful music/ music i like
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
She is fucking adorable
>How old is your Waifu?
About 13-15 maybe?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
Y E S . It's fucking annoying.
Not even a good gun. Haven't played the game in a while but the REAL BEST GUN is the G2
>What is your waifu's name?
Arturia (Saber)
>What is your waifu's source material?
Fate/Stay Night
>What is your waifu's favorite activity?
Probably eating.
>When do you feel closest to your waifu?
When her hardy demeanor cracks a little under embarrassment or shyness.
>What do you love the most about your waifu?
Her virtue, her absolute honesty, and her pure and innocent beauty.
>How old is your Waifu?
16 I think?
>Has anyone ever hassled you for underage Waifu if she is underage?
Nah, she's considered an adult in canon.
Whoa there's another schizo in here? Cool. Have you ever tried to force yourself to hallucinate about your waifu? I've only been successful at hearing what I think is her voice, but I hope if I try hard enough I'll be able to see her in real life someday.
That's not how actual schizophrenia works and you know it. Stop being a tumblr girl with mental illnesses, this shit ruined my life
What the fuck is wrong with you? Bloxblox
It is though. It works on some small level even if you're genuinely predisposed to it. You're not going to end up with a screaming pony permanently following you around or some nonsense like that, but visual hallucinations can occur if you focus on something hard enough. Even if only for a moment, I'd love to see her outside of my monitor, just once.
>Hajime Shinoda
>New Game
>watching toku and kids anime
>when I'm looking at pics of her on danbooru
>While lookswise she's a 10/10 tomboy, my favorite part about her is how passionate she is towards the things se loves, both on and off work.
>21 years old
>no one hassled me for my wife's age.
Megumin is worst girl
Then do it in your dreams, you retard. Whittling down reality will just hurt somebody if they're not prepared for the consequences. It's not fucking anime girls on the other side either, it's just terror
nuff said