Anyone ever think about how crazy ww2 was?

Anyone ever think about how crazy ww2 was?

> german dude kicked out of art school
> ???
> america drops two nukes on japan

10/10 best plot progression

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>kicked out
He didn't get in

>burgers nuke japan
It's natural for am*riniggers to act like savage beasts

>Humanities majors almost ruining the world.
Nothing new in this world.

art school had nothing to do with anything, retard. stop watching jewish documentaries.

>japs invade other countries, raping and killing everything in their path, and act like a bunch of savages
>japs actually prefer to die than to surrender
>evidenced by them willingly crashing their fucking planes against warships
>get nuked
All jap apologists should be tied up and dropped into the ocean, the way the japs did to POWs.

friendly reminder that the only thing hitler did wrong was not winning

Nah, invading other european countries was fucked up.

You know there was no point in "muh surrender", right? Japan had already lost all it's offensive power and offered no threat for burgerland or any ally. You just nuked/planned on invading because you didn't simply want peace, you wanted a vassal.

t. Japanese
Go back to drawing anime for me ya gook

Kill yourself retard. The last kamikaze attack happened AFTER the official surrender, the japs were arming their civilians and were ready to fight to the absolute last japanese rather than surrender. And the japs were fucking savages. You weeabo retards need to drop your fucking anime and read a real book.

>ready to fight to the absolute last japanese rather than surrender
Yeah, because you wanted to invade, which was totally unnecessary, as I said.

7 decades of amerilard domination made them absolute betas. Just see any nip youtuber for evidence.

The disgusting backstabbing japs deserved those nukes and more, as a Chinese American I wish they had nuked the entirety of Japan. Serves them right for the atrocities they committed prior to and during the war. No mercy for those fucks.

>dude I know we invaded, raped, brutally murdered and even enslaved millions of people, and have been planning all of this for at least 30 years, but can you just leave us alone now? We promise to be good now.
Gas yourself weeabo. The Japanese were absolute savages.

>Chinese American
>Caring about m*nch*s
Also, leave that degenerate, interventionist shithole and go be a honorable human being back in your true homeland, faggot

>it's unnecessary to invade your enemy's homeland during a war
What did the dipshit weeaboo mean by this? How else would they have gained victory and ended the war (which Japan started) you stupid piece of shit?

Uh how about no. We're established here now, I'm fully Americanized too. I don't want to go to Guangzhou (a city in China) like that other dude.

MXY 7 Ohka man guided missile. A flying bomb whose pilot would guide it into an enemy ship. The savages actually built a plane specifically to crash into their enemies. The japs were absolute savages who lived to kill.

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shut up and eat a dog chinese are a bunch of fucking animals even to this day

That's actually funny. Imagine signing up to pilot that. What were they thinking?

Holy shit didn't think I would start this

Pfft okay Jap boy. Go cry in the nagasaki crater. Don't forget to rape some Chinese children on your way over.

>drop 1 bomb that demolishes a city
>drop another killing innocent men women and children just because

Was the second one really necessary?

Execution of an Australian patrolman. He was one of the lucky ones, most were forced into hard labor and then starved. Forced to work until they collapsed, at which point they made to stand again and work more. If they couldn't, they were beaten to death.
Kill yourself jap. My grandfather taught me to never trust an asiatic, but he made it very clear that of all of them, the most vile and savage were the jappos.
>what were they thinking
About killing. That's all they thought about. They are bloodthirsty savages.
They still had their bloodlust even after the first one.

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dont joke about raping children please thanks

They weren't ready to surrender after just the first one dropped, it was rumoured or rather assumed the the US had only been able to make one. When the second one hit was when they surrendered.

but my name is jeff

It's one of the many horrible things the japs did. In their words "we were gonna kill them, might as well rape them". And penetrating them with their tiny dicks wasn't the only penetrating they did, they also liked throwing babies in the air and stabbing them with bayonets. They didn't kill everyone though, only the me, the elderly and children, the women were taken back as rape slaves.

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To show that they didn't have only 1 bomb and were capable of continuing with more if the japs didn't surrender.

Not even a joke man. That's what the japs did. This user said it perfectly
Fuck the Japanese. That barely even scratches the surface of the atrocities they committed.

Kekking at burgermutts who still in this day and age believe that they have the moral high ground in terms of world war two. Like, really amerilards, how low-iq do you have to be to unironically believe this?


Squinty: fuck fatties
Fatty: fuck squinties

I'm not even american you retards. The japs attacked more than just America. they attacked British Singapore and Hong Kong. They attacked French Indochina. They attacked the Dutch East Indies. They attacked Australia. They had already picked a fight with the Imperial Russians long ago over an unjust reason decades ago.
Here is HMS Prince of Wales and HMS repulse under attack by jappo bombers just 2 days after Pearl Harbor. They actually attacked it the same day as pearl harbor, but failed to damage them, and so attempted again 2 days later where they successfully sank both ships. Around the same time, their army trekked through dense jungle and attacked the Dutch, British and French armies. You weeabo faggots need to fucking understand the jappos were hell bent on entire domination of the pacific.

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Here we see a hell ship. After invading the Dutch East indies, French indochina, Singapore, the Philippines and countless islands, without warning or declaration of war, the japs would force the prisoners to march through dense jungles for hours and then cram them all into cargo ships. These ships were then used to carry other vital war supplies, thus forcing the allies to either sink their fellow men, or to leave the jap ships to bring their supplies back to Japan. The cowards essentially tried to use them as human shields. The allies had no choice but to sink the ships and try to save the survivors, but the jap crewmen would shoot all the prisoners that tried to escape. Those that did manage to get away would then be shelled by warships or strafed by airplanes. They had no heart and would spare nobody. Even the Nazi U boats would rescue survivors whenever possible. Japs were simply heartless.

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Here we have Japanese submarine I-370. Those large tubes in front are "Kaiten" a type of manned torpedo, yet another japanese suicide weapon. They built hundreds of these things. They converted their submarines, old destroyers and even a couple cruisers to carry these things. The japs would gladly give up their lives to kill.

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ameri mutt education detected.
hitler was from austria u stupid fuck.

friendly reminder that churchill had the opportunity to kill hitler but decided to not do it because hitler acted like a retarded stupid fuck and made it easy for britain to win the war.
also friendly reminder that you are retarded an should kill yourself faggot.

>attacking Russia for no reason
>siding with the eternal Jap

btw for any faggot that thinks jap interment was unjustified or immoral, read up on the Niihau incident.
Jap faggot gets shot down during the attack on Pearl Harbor. He crash lands on an island with Hawaiian natives. The island has no radio, telephone, or electricity, so they don't know anything about the attack, but the village chief takes the downed pilot's pistol and documents away. They bring over one of their 3 Japanese neighbors to translate what the pilot is saying and treat the pilot well. The pilot tells the Japanese residents about the attack and how he needs their help to destroy his papers because it's classified war stuff and all. The SECOND GENERATION jap and his wife then decide to turn against the US and help the fucking jap invader. All 3 japs that had spent considerable time in the US, one was born there and had spent all his life in the US, had no qualms about betraying their host nation and helping the pilot. The US was honestly justified in the internment camps, the nukes, and everything else they did to the japs.

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And just a last detail before I go to sleep:
That "Ben" Kanahel and his wife BTFO the pilot and Harada, the traitorous second generation jap, even though the japs were armed with a shotgun, a .30 machine gun, and a pistol. Ben took 3 gunshots to the lower body and still had the strength to grab the tiny pilot and throw him against a stone wall. Harada, like a good cowardly jap, then proceeded to block his own brains out.
Fuck the japs.

>japs kill some chinese

>the entire China is a shithole and the main chinese kills each others and we can't forget about the comunism and dictatorship they have for more than 70 years
>oh poor China, they are good people!

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But China didn't drop the nukes, the US did. Not that it matters though, since all Chinese claims of "atrocities" are false.

2 wasnt enough

Dont worry though there will probably be 20000 used in the next time

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yes. they weren't surrendering. US was threatening to drop one on Tokyo

robot9000 - /his/ and Jow Forums

based guangposter

let those whose ancestors are without guilt of atrocity cast the first stone

Idiot, do some research. Go to a museum or something. The fucking armeicans intercepted communications between the japs and the commies. The japs wanted the russians to facilitate a surrender to the americans. They dropped those fucking bombs to justify the costs of making them to the american public because it's had taken billions in taxpayer money. And just to test the effects as well. The when the american arrived at the destroyed cities they hardly helped the people but started examining and keeping track of their illnesses and wounds progression caused by the bomb.

>which Japan started
To be fair, crushing oil sanctions on the part of the US forced Japan's hand.

alies bomb cities to smithereens burn population centers to ground enslave millions in india rape and murder millions in algeria execute millions in russia imperialize all of the pacific islands land grab in libya and levant sink civilian ships in turkey "hurr axis wuz da evil dey bad hurr yu mad"