6'3" and girls just find me scary

6'3" and girls just find me scary
Height is a meme

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Bro, chill. How do you approach them?

I'm 6'4", Hispanics, lanky, and nerdy looking (so I'm told)
Height means shit if you don't have the face for it

>broad shoulders
>giant frame
>have the male version of resting bitch face
How do I be more outgoing and friendly so that I'm actually approachable, I'm so damn lonley

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>height is a meme
you have to be good looking for it to work lmao

you're talking to the wrong people man. they're trying to humuliate you.

Depends on age group. My aunt dated someone who was a virgin at age 33. She actually had feeling for him, but broke up after a year because she felt as if he didn't put in the effort to make the relationship work. Women want to feel as if they are cared for, not desired. Get into hobies that involve meeting people and public speaking. Meeting people is not hard, you get better at it the more you do it.

Im hispanic, 6'0, I have sex on a weekly basis. I don't think it is that bro.

b-but i also want a woman who cares about me! how rare is that exactly?

Prove yourself. You don't need a GF to have a girl care for you. A girl that cares for you in a deeper manner will come, but you will need to look for it in the pool that is the world.