holy shit imagine seeing some loser like this irl
Holy shit imagine seeing some loser like this irl
Why do normies hate backpacks so much?
she mirin tho
>not using a backpack
What are you supposed to use to carry stuff?
I don't see anything wrong with that image. You use a backpack to carry shit. Why is that a bad thing? He had more than he could carry with his hands, so he brought a bag to carry it in. It doesn't make sense why this would be seen as a bad thing.
Imagine being this fat and criticizing someone else's choices.
I know, I hate people who take pictures of random strangers just to judge and mock them, too.
no matter what you do or wear, there will always be some faggot judging you for whatever reason.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh look at him he does something slighty uncommon for men his age hey everyone lets make fun of this WEEEIRDOOOOO
is what you would say if you're as much of a normie as OP