Parliament of Jow Forums 4.0 - Militray Junta 2: Electric Boogaloo

Roll call today
>To join in, simply write your name and choose a party as well as a secure tripcode: Jow

Format: name [party] ##tripcode

>It's a game.
>70 seats, may be expanded.
>Roll call is on every Sunday.
>PM is in charge of majority.
>Memebers outside of the biggest coalition become opposition.
>Voting starts whenever there are enough people in the thread, and voting for each bill should take at least 10 minutes.
>Bill should be voted on by at least 10 memebers, or the voting session should be ignored.
>2 memebers necessary to create a party.
>Speaker elected by simple majority, may run for election solo or with a deputy speaker.
>Speaker is in charge of creating threads every week, choosing which bills go to vote and when.
>Deputy speaker acts as speaker when the latter is absent.

Wiki: Forums_2_Wikia
Guide for newfags:
Legislative docket:

I hereby suspend these parties
[World Feminaztion (Improvement) Party]

Attached: Latest Seat Graph.png (1000x800, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking forgot to enter my trip in, fucking hell

I am present!

The Cult is present

Voting bills won't go ahead until at least 3 party members are present

This is more of a casual mention rather than a voting bill, but do the parliament members prefer to use discord, or IRC?

The Parliament was started 3 or 4 years ago, I would imagine IRC but Discord is always a better solution

Did I Do it right lads? Someone help plz

Enter a name then your party name, like this
[Name] [Party name]##tripcode

Ah done it good now boys


Put your name, then your party in square brackets, then ## and password.

Like mine:
DerReichsfuhrer [Nat Soc] ##WhatevPasswrd

I fucking hate beurettes.
Literally every North African female is atheist and won't date Muslim NA men, only atheist whites and blacks and women.


Attached: f253254ba07b1042eb046dbe42ee5dc7.jpg (814x1200, 96K)

Sorry boys, it's too advance for me. I'm going to bed
Legislavitve Docket is now open for your bills, submit them, 15 minutes before closure

>2 Cult members.
Damn it.
I knew I should have had a recruitment thread.

Der National Socialist Party wishes to propose that it be accepted by Parliament that der National Socialist Party is approved to have a recruitment drive!

Accepted I guess, Don't soamit everyday though, do it Tuesdays and Saturdays, before Parliament

Muh typos

>boo hoo women won't date me after i tell them that i worship a guy who i think rode a unicorn 1000 years ago

Docket is now closed!
Onto bills now!
Bill 1/2
Host repick in case of absentia.
Proposed by: Occultist 3443 [The Cult] !!L7rHIzWAPuV
Should a threads host be unable to follow a tight schedule another poster should have the opportunity to take his role and carry on with the administration. If the host returns to the thread once it has been taken over he is allowed to negiotiate only for his return of the role host. Only the new host can relinguish this power to the old host. If a host is deemed unable to carry on with his taak because of behaviour or external affairs, the majority of voters can replace him "yay" or "nay" style.
Host roles are purely administrative and hold no jurisdiction over bills and hold 0 votes. They can choose to join or create a party or be independent to vote.
Vote Yay or Nay, 20 minutes

The National Socialist Party also wishes to inform other parties of the Parliament of Jow Forums that The National Socialist Party has an official email address: NSDAP-r9k at protonmail dot com

It can be used for all official (and unofficial) communications.
Der National Socialist Party prides itself on being ahead of der trends, and so would like to suggest this method of communication for other parties as well, if they are so inclined.


Yes, sir!
I promise I shall not behave like canned meat and only recruit during appropriate times!

I proposed this one ebin pls yay this one XDDD


Fudgetastically unoriginal And other cutie-poo untermensch bla bla etc.

Never did a tripcode before and I think I'll mess it up
Dont laugh at me plz.
I'm an oldfag

Congratulations on joining, fellow Ubermensch Party member!


Wait, did I fuckin miss requirement

Yay, I'm in
Hopefully this is legit instead of a bunch of neo pagan christian haters like last time

Nope, nope. You're all good.
Have you joined der official discord and taken note of the Party email above?

The discord:

The National Socialist email:
NSDAP-r9k at protonmail dot com

Host repick in case of absentia.
Proposed by: Occultist 3443 [The Cult] !!L7rHIzWAPuV
Yay: 2
Nay: 0
5 minutes before bill 2 voting

Okay. I'll join and screen shot post

Define "legit"
I am not actually Heinrich Himmler.

I am hopeful that der Party will meet your expectations.
We've just been approved to run a recruitment drive.
It is a very exciting time to join.
Very exciting indeed.

Joining as leader of the Grand Thot Patrol Party.

Our political beliefs include:

-Eradication of all Thots, Whores, Hoes and Sluts, this is our most important policy.
-Establishing Thottery as a crime punishable by 50 years of hard labour in the World's Toughest Gulag (/b/)
-Thottery (Noun) The act of being a Thot, Whore, Hoe and/or Slut
-Ensuring equality in rights for all peoples, excluding Thots, Whores, Hoes and Sluts
-Ending the Thot War and granting victory to the Knights of the Incel Alliance, who fought valiantly to protect their virginity from the horrid forces of the Thot Empire.

The Grand Thot Patrol has an E-Mail (Inspired by the National Socialist Party). This E-Mail can be contacted about Official and Unofficial business.

[email protected]

Attached: Herecomesmaverick+summon+the+t+h+o+t+p+a+t+_7d96770ab0b31310f9bebd823c80bbef.jpg (638x487, 109K)

There were a few guys in pol a while back that larper as NatSoc
In reality they just hated Christians

And the discord link said it expired

Bill 2/2
Romanisation of the Parliament.
Proposed by: Occultist 3443 [The Cult] !!L7rHIzWAPuV
Independent parties get dubbed "Tribunes of the Plebs". Plebs could be changed for Normies or any other more creative name. They retain their old rights, the only thing that changes is that they arent part of the senate and their places get replaced by parties. A new roster is made for them. Every two months a consul is put into office through election. Consuls have the option to pass or veto a bill, only tribunes of the Plebs can counter this with their own vetoes but if one tribune vetoes another tribunes veto of a consul, the latter tribune is cancelled out.
Vote Yay or Nay, 20 minutes

New discord invite: RXs6mj

Sounds great.
Don't forget to join discord, I unironically camp on it hoping for new recruits.
I'm open to IRC as well, if that's preferred form of contact.

Oh, the plans we can make, my new friend.
The delicious plans.


(Nice numbers, btw)


I'm going to bed now
Goddamn I wish I had a French or French Moroccan gf

Should we try and recruit from pol?


The Grand Thot Patrol Party has got a new logo.

This logo was designed by our lead designer, Avo

Attached: Grand ThotPatrol.jpg (500x500, 29K)

Thank you for the credit, fellow Parliamentary Party Leader.
I shall pass on a head-pat to my secretary, Dorothy, who assisted me in coming up with the idea.

(Dorothy however, couldn't be here this evening, as she abstains from Parliamentary voting)
(I think she mumbled something about she thinks she's a "conscientious objector")
(I think that means she's actually a filthy degenerate)

Pleasant dreams of Valhalla to you, fellow Parliamentary leader!

I myself must go afk briefly to dine with Mutter and Pater.
I shall return...

Sounds like she may have a case of Thottery.

On of the main principles of our Party is healing those affected by this terrible disease, perhaps you should send her over to one of our treatment camp, where she can be healed.

NOTE - Some of those who attend our treatment camps do not return after completing their treatment, this is not the fault of the Grand Thot Patrol and they cannot be held responsible for this.

I shall have to consult with der official Parliamentary rules on that.
It might be only within Jow Forums?

As I said, I myself must go afk briefly to dine with Mutter and Pater, but I shall return in 30 or so minutes.
(If you are hungry, eat now, I wish I could cram a freshly grilled cheeseburger down the fiberoptic cables for you)

Shame about disappearances from the camps.
We had a similar problem happening with one of our undertakings.

Yeah, I'm not really sure about Dorothy.
I'm almost afraid to sneak a peek under her desk and up her skirt, I often wonder if she's got the great horrors of Cthulhu under there.

I shall return shortly, mein peoples of Parliament!

>44 replies
>8 posters


voting yay

Romanisation of the Parliament.Edit
Proposed by: Occultist 3443 [The Cult] !!L7rHIzWAPuV
Yay: 2
Nay: 0
Bills all done thank you for coming

Hitting a fat fucking roll

I have returned!
I apologize for the delay!

Get your your gold fillings in mein safety deposit box, and get in mein oven.
Lampshade material is best when not talkative.

(Meh, I'm too full and stoopy and drowsy to think of anything intelligent to say)

Im here. I will join the Natsocs

Mein Gott! Cheeseburgers AND the highest Party member count in one night!

Hello and congratulations on joining the Party of the Ubermensch!


Don't forget to join der discord, new discord invite:
(Tell me if it's expired, I will give you a new one!)
I'm open to using IRC for communication as well.

This is the official National Socialist email:
NSDAP-r9k at protonmail dot com
Send an email and join the discord, and we can talk and plan.
I have so many plans for our glorious party, mein new friend.

I propose a anarchist movement! We shall kill the fascists and capitalists KARA BOGA and leaders of industry etc in the streets! We shall not take any part in this parliament! Which doesn't represent the voices of the people!

Attached: 43251a2aa89f7df668bbc7b3b04bcb49c746768261d480345b975879c8541581.png (500x481, 43K)

Good evening loli and gentlemen

Shut up reactionary
*shoots you in las calles de Madrid*

Attached: centellesdurruti.jpg (254x354, 15K)

That faggot is a faggot

Interesting word, "faggot."
Faggots were bundles of kindling used for lighting fires.

Within the official Parliament of Jow Forums without a trip and without a party, you, sir, and I use the term "sir" quite loosely, are the one not representing anyone.

Let us see your anarchist "legions."
Let us see your armies speak and call for you to represent them.
Because until you provide an army of voices, calling for you as a leader, you, "sir," represent NOTHING.

wtf is up my bruddus?

Greetings, fellow Party leader!

Heh nothing personal statist
*shoots party members who were in a bar*
I represent r9k. r9k doesn't need a party or a parliament you will soon see these armies.

If you're serious about joining and weren't trolling, then, Welcome!
(I thought maybe it was another drive-by insult-fest)

Okay:3 >_< UwU

I should say, for all new Party leaders, that the general Parliament of Jow Forums discord is here:

Also, der National Socialist Party of Jow Forums has started the trend of having Party email addresses, to use for official, and unofficial, business, between both Parlimentary Parties and their members.
The NatSoc email is here:
>NSDAP-r9k at protonmail dot com
And The Grand Thot Patrol is here:
>[email protected]
From this post: There might be others, you'll want to check the thread.
Welcome though, and don't forget to check the wiki in the OP!
(If you're the head of your party you can either start or improve/update your party's existing wikipage)

The National Loli Party will rise to its former glory. Do not be deterred by how the outside world perceives us user.

Sorry forgot to post my party affiliation lol

>no anime parties
OK I guess it's gonna be the NLP.

Attached: DKz4KkUVAAAogUI.jpg (848x1199, 230K)