Life story thread

Tell us your life story, we're here to listen.

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>Grew up poor
>Dad died when I was 13
>Too lazy to do any work in highschool
>Somehow still passed
>Took out loans, went to college
>Somehow passed
>Got a nice job
>Everything going ok
>Little brother, who was just me but better in every way kills himself
>Mom has a heart attack and dies
>All I have left is the world in my head
I hope heaven is real.

but you have your job right?

I guess so. Work is really the only thing I haven't failed at. I used to want to be an artist, but that doesn't pay the bills.

Well, high school seemed like such a blur
I didn't have much interest in sports or school elections
And in class I dreamed all day
About a rock 'n' roll weekend
And the girl in the front of the room
So close yet so far, you know she never seemed to notice
That this silly school-boy crush wasn't just pretend

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Brief as possible.

>north mexico, 1999.
>bullying from elementary high school grades 4 to 6.
>bullying the ENTIRE junior high school 6, 7 & 8 grades (im not fucking kidding: i had the entire classroom and even some teachers laughing at me the entire 3 fucking years with the same group of students)
>all psychological, nothing physical (at least)
>arrived at hs with literally 0 self steem, always hiding the entire two years but no more bullying
>currently second year of uni, stem degree, khhv

Thats how I ended up on 4chin and r9k.

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Nothing...literally fucking nothing. Its why I'm here
>grow up a Jehovah's witness
>not allowed to talk to other kids because they are worldly
>only allowed to get on computer
>eventually stumble upon porn
>addicted to porn by 12
>started hating going outside
>became hikikomori
>continuous loop of fapping,vidya and anime until now
>in college
>still doing the same thing
>fapping, Vidya and anime
I never had any real moments in my life and I still haven't. Its all sad when I think about so I continue using escapism.

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F for the feels this gave me.
U for the universe full of similar shit
C for courage to endure
K for knowing not to stop
for void in my heart
Y for your post
O for openness
U for understanding

well, here goes
>grow up in dysfunctional/abusive household
>parents divorce because of me
>bullied throughout elementary and middle school
>move out of childhood city
>make first set of friends in freshman year
>move back to childhood city
>everyone that hated me starts to enjoy my presence
>graduate high school and everyone leaves
>get into abusive relationship
>tfw no friends
>tfw no life
>tfw beat up relentlessly
>leave relationship
>granpa dies and tells me all he wanted was for me to go to school
>college meme
>still no friends
>still no life
>tfw high school was peak
i just miss everyone who used to talk to me

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>live boring life with no friends and fairly out of touch with reality
>find Jow Forums
>find futanari and mind is blown
>find out that trannies exist
>mind blown even further
>try to find trannies to date but ultimately unsuccessful
>decide to become the trap
>7/10 close to passing
>move on from that and stop being a fag
>now pursuing doctorate
It's a boring life for the most part but I'm okay with it.