Plain Jane - MPJGA

men want sluts so most women start dress and acting that way and then men complain about having the cake and eat it. supply and demand. Sad!

how do we make Plain Jane type girls popular again with men?

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Take the blackpill

It’s over if you don’t impregnate and wed them before freshmen college year

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you know how i know you are a virgin?
plain janes have the same standarts as "stacies"

just dont be fat and smelly and you can easily get a decent wamen

Women slut it up to compete for a small subset of Chads.
Go take your grievances to them.

Only betas want plain janes. That is why so many white dudes buy poor 3rd world wives from southeast Asian.

Be an alpha and get a HOT white girl.

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Ive always preferred plain Jane's. Unfortunately, they have all betrayed me.

This perfect Aryan specimen is based and redpilled.

Not politics and not one wants you.

Damn, he got one. Jealous, but proud.

Based and goldpilled

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