Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz's 10 hour police interrogation
The mass shooting hangover looks brutal.

Attached: Parkland Interrogation.png (1280x720, 657K)

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That's why you fucking kill yourself if you EVER do some stupid shit you little morons.

He's probably just realized he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison and that he's pretty much doomed. He's probably at the same maturity level of a 16-year-old, and it's hitting hard

how come the school shooters stopped killing themselves?

this new school shooter shit is trash, you're supposed to kill yourself after committing mass murder you retards

The Chad Elliot vs the Virgin Nikolas

Because Colt made the "great equalizer". Under literally any circumstances up to the invention of the cartridge firearm the superior man would win a fight. The stronger ape will kill the weaker. The stronger man will kill the weaker.

I will admit that we as humans certainly invented things like the bow to project energy beyond the reach of our bodies and these things were rather effective in war. However, on the street, the superior man would simply murder the inferior. A weak chinned tiny baby faggot manchild cuck would be killed by a superior male in any sort of combat.

It is only VERY recently that humans are not allowed to kill one another as a matter of principle. So when you give a mentally deranged soi boi a rifle he thinka he is ACTUALLY powerful and can survive in adverse situations.

Then you capture him and strip him of the "great equalizer" and suddenly he is thrust 2000 years into the past where brute strength rules the yard and he is cucked and raped and made a bitch for his entire lifetime.

>The great equalizer
Exactly why I love firearms. Doesn't explain why he killed himself though

*why he HASN'T killed himself

this copypasta again
Huh, it's about 4 months since I last saw it.

Because he always had the "great equalizer". His mind can't comprehend not having it, not having that power. That power gave him the courage to commit his crimes and when it was time to get captured he TRULY believed that he was strong, that he was superior to the people he killed. That he wasn't weak and weak willed and that he was truly a superior being, better and more advanced than those he killed.

Like I said, 2000 years ago a strong man would have punched him, hard and with the force of a life of farm work or smithing, and that would have let him know that he was inferior and weak. Or he would have been killed, simply and easily, by any actual man, early in his life.

But since the modern world coddles any weak man, but also gives them the tools of easy destruction, his twisted mind never learned that it was weak and pathetic.

A tiny dog might THINK it is as vicious and strong as a mastiff, but any true test will either teach it the true nature of the world, or kill it mercilessly. But humans, we don't need out the weak, so misled fuckbois think they can survive in prison, an environment designed to break even the harshest humans our species can produce. And what they find is, they are vastly outmatched and it is far too late to ever go back.

Am I copypasta? Please link that very original comment again. I think it's fascinating that my ramblings have been shared before.

>he listened to Mac DeMarco during the shooting

Perhaps. I can see that mindset as I'm kind of at that level. I'm never going to shoot up a place because of it, but it really gives me clarity of mind knowing if a 6'2 300 pounds of muscle man ever tries to physically assault me that I stand a chance

The guy that would kill him will then also be killed. Then the guy who kills him will also be killed.

Absolutely based.
Poor goblino kid looks so mentally ill though.

What makes being physically big and strong any more valid a power than having a gun? It's the projection and threat of force that makes power valid, whether that power is inherent to the wielders body is irrelevant. What makes a person who big and strong "superior" beyond the simple ability to project force?You seem to have an incredibly distorted "might makes right" mentality while simultaneously conflating moral and mental strength with physical prowess when that's simply not the reality.

I am not talking about might making right or about any sort of moral "rightness" or any sort of objective or subjective "rightness".

The question was posted as to why this person after committing their crimes didn't kill themselves. Anyone who actually understood the nature of prison and the environment that one would be subjected to in it, would have happily killed themselves.

I was trying to explain the mindset of someone that WOULDNT kill themselves when faced with capture and imprisonment for life either in a population that will rape and brutalize them for 70-80 years or confinement to a tiny concrete box for 70-80 years.

It's weird watching videos like these and seeing how casual it all seems. The detective talks to the guy that just shot up a school like any other kid. I mean, I guess he's supposed to do that, but it seems so odd

did he really? does he mention that in the interview?

Friend asks Cruz why he did it and Cruz laughs. Video then cuts. I thought that was notable

>The Chad Elliot vs the Virgin Nikolas top kek

Attached: SomeoneMadeIt.png (2518x1024, 254K)

>masturbating over your own thoughts this much
>while you're one of the coddled weaklings you're self

inb4 chadposting about how i'm wrong and an incel

>There's a voice that told me to do it

This guy is such a lying piece of shit.

>did the demon tell you to ask for an attorney?
Fucking kek lol

Reminder that he was a jew.

Attached: cruz jew.jpg (1067x623, 76K)

Reminder why that matters.

Attached: 1531943261558.jpg (2970x1984, 1.1M)

All these. I'm surprised I don't see people mention it more.

If you kill yourself, you win. If you don't, they win.

I would blow my fucking skull cap peel all the way back folded like a boss.

Attached: 1510959285016.png (736x1024, 989K)

Pretty sure that's his brother. They were both adopted.

I am curious. Why do you think him laughing is notable?
I'm genuinely curious. I don't get it.

>the voice told him to take uber

The Katz guy was a jew too. Elliot Rodgers is Jewish through his father. Interesting shit they all seem to have in common.

even randy stair iced himself, thats the one thing he got right