How does a fatbot get rid of rice from the diet? I eat most of my meals with that shit

How does a fatbot get rid of rice from the diet? I eat most of my meals with that shit.

Attached: rice.jpg (2784x1856, 1022K)

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Rice is fine, just eat real rice, not white rice.

Asians eat rice, white rice, constantly and they're thin.

Brown rice is fine but you dont want it most of the time. You want proteins and fats to make up most of your diet as well as vegetables before whole grains.

nice digits
asking on Jow Forums might be better though

Rice probably isn't the issue. What else do you usually eat with rice?

and they have diabetes

Stews, eggs, meats, chocolate, vegetables. Meals are diverse but there is always rice.

Rice is perfectly fine as a cheap means of expanding a meal. How are you preparing the rice? If you're drenching that shit in Kikkoman then it's obviously not helping.

Fit is intimidating and judgmental.

What do you usually drink? Simply cutting soda can lead to plenty of healthy weight loss.

Also listen to

I've never heard of this phenomena. I've always been under the impression that most of them have healthy diets (except for the Chinese because all the food their is spoiled and soaked in industrial chemicals to hide it but even then they're not fat.)

Even if I only drink diet sodas?


Mostly water or milk. I stopped drinking milk a couple week ago.

Diet is worse for your body. If you want to drink soda, then just have a normal one less often. Or see if you like flavored seltzer water. I got addicted to that shit for some reason, it's just so satisfying.
>Japan ranked 134 at 5.72%
>USA ranked 43 at 10.79%
It's not about the rice OP

milk is used for skinnies who have trouble gaining muscle on lifting programs

There are a lot of studies for and against (mostly against) diet sodas, but really you should just go water. After your soda/sugar drinks cravings go away, you'll prefer water over anything else.

It's about the quantity/portion too. You should start counting calories if you really want to lose weight

Try swapping out the rice for bananas or something. Fruit in general is pretty healthy and will sasitate your need for carbs.

Nigga just eat less. Damn.

>several of the least obese countries have white rice as a staple food
>OP thinks rice is a major reason for his fatassery
Just eat less of everything, you stupid fat fuck.

Eat finely chopped ("riced") veggies instead: cauliflower, cabbage/coleslaw, zucchini, brocolli, carrots whatever you like. Briefly cook in in a skillet a little bit of oil, salt, and spices. It cooks faster than rice.

Or fill up on leafy greens with healthy fats on it instead.

replace it with healthy carbs, like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc
I haven't had any white rice in over 6 months now.

Eat lots of poop

Attached: 1518255872865.jpg (1040x1547, 222K)

fruit is full of sugar

Supplement with beans.

But I dont like poop.

Attached: poop.jpg (474x333, 31K)

Literally this right here, fren.

>I got addicted to that shit for some reason, it's just so satisfying.
It has the satisfying fizz of soda pop but is light enough in flavor to easily chug.

Stop eating you fat fuck! You'll never be effay at this rate!

Try kinua instead. It's got a lot of protein, less fat/carbs, and it tastes/acts identically to rice (minus the texture). But overall, a good rule of thumb to follow is to have a colorful plate with lots of reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, and purples. And if you have a brown or other neutral color, have it be meat or carbs. A perfect example is a butrito.

>implying this is a reason to not eat fruits

are you really eating blue and purple foods every day?

you might be eating rotten produce user

I mean, blueberries are blue, eggplant is purple. These things exist