What made you a racist? Was it a single event or gradual radicalization over time?

What made you a racist? Was it a single event or gradual radicalization over time?

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Interaction with other races over time. Nothing else influenced me. It was entirely the individuals of those particular races I came into contact with and interacted with.

There's nothing quite as cringe worthy and deeply troubling as self hating brown people.

Desperate attempt to get the mexican hordes onto the side of the american whites and tripple down on the self hating "white" thing they have going in their self destructive countries.

I dont need to interract with niggers to hate them, its enough to know and look at what they are doing in other countries

Like what?
Niggers mostly destroy themselves.
What few blacks who do have power are easily controlled house niggers and coons who are handpicked by wealthy whites and pr manipulating jews and three letter word government organization to act as wranglers and to help destroy them from within.

Know what?
Jokes aside, what would you people have if every single nigger decided to pick up their few belongings and wealth and go back to africa and kick everyone else out. Most notably the middle easterners, chinese and white diamond miners, and "helpful" missionaries?
Just become a completely closed of radicalized internally focused nation.
What would you people have then?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to emigrate from Latin America and then decide the USA's problem is not enough brown socialism. Kill yourself you subhuman animal, i dont hate myself i hate you

Heaven, because niggers destroy everything whenever they go, example for that are the niggers in sweden who set on fire whole parking lot full of cars

Woah that blonde on the left is pretty cute

What are you talking about and whybare you bringing this up?

Yes you do.
It's built into your fucking societies DNA.
Fucking capitalist stooge.
I'm not for socialism as it's never been a positive in any nation it's been applied to even semi seriously and every nation that's even half capitalist is a slave state with brainwashed apes wearing different hats doing dirty work for the wealthy oligarchs.

Read the fucking name on the pic.