MMF thresomes, yay or nay?
MMF thresomes, yay or nay?
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Only if you and the other guy are already tight bros
This. I often have erotic fantasies about fucking a girl with one of my homies. Is this gay or nah?
why not MTF threesomes
cuz I don't feel like sticking my dick inside a man's asshole user
It's because you find it easier to picture some cuck offering his girl to you than you pulling the effort to hunt and obtain a girl by yourself or one of them showing interest in you for that matter.
I think they're hot until I realise I'd need to possibly put my mouth where I've seen another man put his dick so never with a girl I'm dating but maybe with a random girl I won't have to kiss.
the only thing more cucked than wanting another man inside your bitch is sitting in the corner jerkiing off to it
I guess I'm bi because this doesn't bother me one bit. I want a sloppy MFM with a cute girl.
no, why would I share my girlfriend with someone?
As long as the girl isnt your girlfriend (or the other dudes, that would be sad as fuck).
Would do it with a hot slut and a bro.
great for porn. would not do it IRL.
This. I would never let another man touch my gf and wouldn't touch another ones either. But id gladly spitroast some random roastie that would have had it done to her anyways.
If the other guy is much "larger" than me yes.
Was invited to be the black Bull in a cuck relationship.
The wifey was a decent looking piece of ass. Nice tits round ass. Pudgy, but in that feels nice to touch more then to look at way.
Her eyes practically lit up when she opened the door.
Hubby was a short effiminate looking wuss who couldn't even grow a proper beard and a voice that sounded like he just started puberty.
I almost crushed his hand with a handshake.
I pulled her too me and practically tongue fucked her mouth before she could get out two proper words.
Only thing I asked was where's the bedroom.
Oh and as it turns out, the hubby was a reverse trap. How did I find out?
While I was fucking the wifey's doggystyle and the hubby sat in a chair looking, she said "you can do it now"
Then off came the pants and out came the cunny.
After I fucked the wifey ragged I was still kind of horny so...I kind of raped the reverse trap. Little cunt loved every second of it.
Was a fun night.
Nay. She is either mine or she can stay on the cock carousel.
fucking wypipo
Tried it once, would not recommend, was with a longtime friend and a girl we went to school with. He and I are fine with it but it makes things weird when we have parties and she's there. Also it's just a bit impractical and kind of gross to have to see your mate dive in after you've just been fucking her. Good to know I'm bigger though I guess
only if i'm the F :3
>only if i'm the F :3
You will always have XY chromosomes
>yay or nay?