Why are mixed race people so much more attractive than non-mixed people?

Why are mixed race people so much more attractive than non-mixed people?

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They are not inbread

I'm mixed and I am ugly as fuck.

This is simply not true. The English for example are some of the most mixed people in Europe and they're famous for being goblins.

I believe this is known as hybrid vigor

This is why I encourage racemixing for healthier human specimens

You still spelt it wrong you mutt brainlet Jesus Christ.

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Their facial features are so fucking perfect. I think blasians are the hottest mixed race.

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>blasians are the hottest mixed race

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my bad

They are not in bread

But they are not

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lmao he looks ugly asf

Mixed race people aren't inbred shrimp-dicks unlike most stormcucks. And they get the bonus of having a bigger dick + tanned skin from their black side.

I'm Half Irish half Jewish

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lmao he's ugly asf with a billion dollars tho

They aren't, take it from an ugly mutt who lives with ugly mutts.

And pussy for days just being thrown at him

Xxxtentacion is the prettiest "black" guy I've seen and his ethnicity is hodgepodge-tier, look it up. This user may have a point His face is chiseled as fuck, just look at that jawline. I'd go as far as to call him objectively good-looking.

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yes racemixing is good to produce beautiful people

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I'm dating a black girl right now and my mom keeps asking when I'll give her grandkids
She never did it with my white girlsfriends
I think she wants mixed grandkids

Ugly pure raced devils need to bow down. God intended to make all his angels mixed.

Based race-mixing user.

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Even though you're banting, this is actually true.

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some are sexy as fuck

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They actually are though user

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X is not mixed, both of his parents are black

Have you seen what his mom looks like? She's clearly mixed, and looks gorgeous too.
>XXXTentacion previously explained in a post on his Tumblr page that he is of Egyptian, Indian, German, Jamaican and Italian descent.

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Both of them are considered black because of the one drop rule, but he said at one point that he was of Egyptian, Indian, German, Syrian, Jamaican and Italian descent. Jamaicans can be very mixed like Sean Paul.

He looked just like her.

His mom doesn't look mixed to me desu, i have seen black women lookin exactly like her. I don't know about the whole italian, german, egyptians thing, he stated on akademiks twitch that he was jamaican

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If you are American that would make sense as most African Americans are 20% white on average and women who look like her would just be considered black. Jamaica is a multiethnic society with an African majority. He stated he was a mix of this stuff in an old tumblr post.

it's 50/50 we could either get a majority of the attractive traits from each race or we could get a majority of the ugly traits from each race.

They're not. Most look goofy as fuck.
So what ARE they in? Pizza?

>Even though you're banting, this is actually true.
Those numbers don't lie...

Mixed race = uglier than pure white and prettier than pure black.
Pretty damn simple.

>both of his parents are black
black by american standards, by african standards american black people are very mixed and a lot of them are thought of as being light skinned foreigners.

>Mixed race = uglier than pure white and prettier than pure black.
>Pretty damn simple.
nice cope half-brother but mixed gets the best of both and becomes superior than either side.
Whitoids always wanting to tan and shit to look like us, blackoids doing that skin bleaching shit to look like us, it's a shame that neither of you will be the next step in human evolution that we are, at least your children can be.

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>Trading a rare chance of looking slightly better for the future of civilization

If you aren't born in the right family it doesn't matter. White peasant blood is no different from African blood to the elites. Fool.

Tan skin doesn't look like half-breed watered-down diarrhea skin you mulatto mutant. And that has no bearing on facial bone features either, of which whites' is superior to fat-nosed big-lipped kinky-haired mulatto goobers. Seriously, blacks are ugly but mulattoes just look like clowns.

My question is why are Americans trying this hard to cope?

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>Tan skin doesn't look like half-breed watered-down diarrhea skin you mulatto mutant. And that has no bearing on facial bone features either, of which whites' is superior to fat-nosed big-lipped kinky-haired mulatto goobers. Seriously, blacks are ugly but mulattoes just look like clowns.
fucking cum skins watering down the true alpha african blood of the children of eden, look at the cunskins with hair, lips and eyes like that of the monkey and, historically speaking, the temperament of a baboon always raging and destroying the cultures of others and stealing that which hasn't been burned in the carnage.
Seriously, cumskins are ugly and should have been left behind with their Neanderthal ancestors.

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You'd be speaking Russian now if it wasn't for us.

Why do non-Americans feel the need to bring up Americans in the first place? You almost never see Americans randomly bring up Spain or Ireland. Weird shit

That's a Jewish guy. Hello pretty famous.

Because literally, nobody likes Americans.

>Because literally, nobody likes Americans.
this, the world just tolerates them.
Thanks to China, soon we won't have to.

Why? We don't even think about you guys. Most if us forget you exist. You'd still be speaking Russian if not for us though.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, Get the fuck out of here Hernando

They're not. Attractive people are attractive. The mixed race ones just catch your eye more because they're different, unusual.

I have a German sir name. And not a Jewish one. Can you say the same?


original orgy

>Sirnames have fuck all to do with your actual heritage.
Quality attempt but no, sorry Jose
Gonzalez is not German anyway.

>Half Northern European, half black Caribbean
Feels okay, I suppose. I don't feel that attractive, despite what OP is asserting. I'm pretty sure that any female attention I've gotten is because I'm tall (6'3).

So you don't. Sad. Do you even know your family line? Coat of arms?

You only don't think about other places because you're only allowed to think about Israel :^)

Israel? That's random. See what I mean here? It's obsessive. I guess we should have let the Russians have you.

>You'd be speaking Russian now if it wasn't for us.
>You'd still be speaking Russian if not for us though.
>I guess we should have let the Russians have you.

Isn't tiger like 50 in that pic also isn't he drunk and fresh of beating from his wife in that pic .

the parents of that women definitely aren't full black and full asians, she'd be much darker

>uses a mugshot
Are white people always this dumb?

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