Anyone's parents here really iffy about certain/specific races?

Anyone's parents here really iffy about certain/specific races?

Before my current girlfriend, who is a Muslim Ethiopian, my exes all have been Catholic Asians or Italians/Greeks or Protestant Caucasian girls. My parents loved all those girls, except for when they all eventually broke my heart in not wanting to settle down (wanted to travel and see the world etc.)

I've only dated two other Muslim girls and they were both Bosnians but my parents still loved them.

Fast forward to this current girl and she's the most loyal and down-to-earth person I have ever had romantic feelings for. She's not the most religious of girls (actually met her at a nightclub) but yeah she is awesome.

My parents are very suspicious though and have been avoiding meeting her in person ever since I told them about her.

My girlfriend is starting to worry that they don't like her, despite not even having meet each other.

Attached: ._..png (291x345, 231K)

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Wrong place to post this, nobody here has girlfriends, get out chad

Fuck, where then? I need to vent this.

>my current girlfriend
Stopped reading there

get the hell out of here norman

Jow Forums

Fucking newfags at least LOOK next time

normiee reee etc etc you should know the drill by now fag.

Reddit would be perfect for this kind of shit, go to Jow Forumsrelationships. They will echo chamber what you want to hear.

Reddit relationship advice, Jow Forums is not for the likes of you

My bad, I normally post on Jow Forums, this is only one of the few times I've posted here.

Fuck, no way. I'm not going to that shithole.

Jow Forums thread here if anyone wants to input without the reeeeee'ing.

Attached: dunno.png (482x298, 41K)

Typical of a Jow Forums luddite to never browse anywhere but Jow Forums or even look for the right board before posting.

>get out chad
I'm hardly a chad by the way.

>normally browse pol
>Ethiopian Muslim gf
you must have a tough time there

Well they just think I'm funposting because of the Australian flag.

It's a blessing in some way.

I dunno. Jow Forums?

whos the qt in the pic brobots help

OP here; Katya Lischina.

thank u Jow Forums normie

Why the fuck are you here you cunt you have a girlfriend and take it from a Somali, East African women are the worst when it comes to emotions the best you can get are Eritreans then Somalis then Ethiopians who are hated by every east African. Or you can just go for a Sudanese whore. NOW FUCK OFFFF

Attached: 1479155791365.jpg (849x694, 148K)

Your welcome. I've dated a hapa girl that looked like her, except she had darker skin and long hair.

Not from my experience. Somalis have been more stuck up and bitchier than most other women I've ever had experiences with. The few Ethiopians I've met are down to earth and awesome. Haven't met too many Eritreans though.

Could you respond?

Robots, would you date a Hispanic fembot?

Fembots, would you date a Hispanic robot?


A-are we supposed to report this spamfag?