When Trump makes abortion murder how will that play out?

When Trump makes abortion murder how will that play out?

Will the mother be charged like a mob boss who hired a hit man to kill someone?

Are there any tests you can give a girl ( like a herpes or AIDS test) to see how many abortions she has had?

Attached: babyarms.png (740x584, 866K)

I doubt Trump could make abortion murder but as it is with other instances when a law comes in to effect it will throw past cases under a rug and only targets further practice.

He said he wants to make it murder.

well in the future you could make women have a test every 10 years to see if they have had an abortion and need to be prosecuted

All you would need to do it shut down abortion clinics and that would stop most cases, at home abortion is difficult and easy to report. Biggest abuses would be wealthier women flying overseas to get it done.

I live in a country where abortion was illegal until very recently, you often had rich women who had multiple non-descript abdominal surgeries, such as 2 or 3 appendicitis surgeries.

why are women so prone to kill

>When Trump makes abortion murder
This won't happen, it's politically unfeasible. Stop watching fear mongering mainstream media you fucking idiot.


its going to fucking happen you retard when ginsburg dies. fuck all these normie woman fucking all the time. this will make sure they dont fuck around

The Republican party will never ban abortion; it would obliterate their voter base forever pretty much.
The black population would double in 20-25 years, and 90% of them vote Democrat.
Same with Hispanics and liberals in general.

I doubt abortion will ever become murder, things move forward not back.

I think you drastically underestimate how stupid the Republican voter base truly is.

My girlfriend has gotten an abortion before AMA
I'm white and she's Hispanic, by the way. We thought about keeping the baby for a bit but decided to get the abortion

Is that a picture of his hands?

I pretend to have abortions all the time to fuck with guys I'm dating.

no user that's bad

Yeah but it's actually pretty fun sometimes.

That's not funny though why would you do that

I hope the one you like the most calls you scum and moves on and never looks back

To see their reactions, it's hilarious that they think I should fucking consult them or something.

kek. that isn't how relationships work.

It will somehow become the father's fault and the mother gets no punishment. Instead, she is paid compensation.

because they are worthless whores that think with their emotions rather than logic

death and murder

Someone put the nu male expression on washingtons face and then edit the aborted baby arms to be moving up and down quickly

When will this cringe stop?

There is nothing wrong with girls having abortions (as long as there's no brain activity), at all. The alternative is to sacrifice their education and career by having kids at a young age,

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>There is nothing wrong with girls having abortions

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Retard the constitution prevents that sort of tyranny

>Retard the constitution prevents that sort of tyranny
finding murderers is not tyranny

>The alternative is to sacrifice their education and career by having kids at a young age,
probably shouldn't have unprotected sex if you wanted those

Disgusting scumbag
how can anyone think there's nothing wrong with killing an unborn baby?

The only excuse for it is rape

how do we stop da italian ape constantly shilling for da demiurge and gym?

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I have always been pro abortion because I'm a fairly liberal person. But until a few months ago I've heard of people asking for abortion at any point in the pregnancy and equating a growing baby to rape.

I agree disposing of a fetus who has to brain activity should harm no one, so I'm OK with abortion within the first 3-4 months. But aborting a seven month pregnancy is just ending a life.

I'm pretty much against suffering and pain of the weak so I see no divide here. Besides a mother who waited seven months to abort her baby is just being irresponsible, you can't change your mind mid way with kids.

Any thoughts on when in the pregnancy would it be OK to abort? There are not many places where you can discuss this.

>I agree disposing of a fetus who has to brain activity should harm no one, so I'm OK with abortion within the first 3-4 months.
there is brain activity well before 3 months lol

If Trump makes abortion illegal how will he be able to keep dumb goyim poor by forcing them to keep children they can't afford and keep them as debt slaves forever bound to the system?

Trump isn't /ourguy/ he's a fucking kike. He's a fucking business man, why did Jow Forums ever think electing a HAPPY MERCHANT would be a good idea? OH WAIT because they were fucking shilled into supporting him by being bombarded with constant Trump threads and memes.

There is nothing resembling conciousness or truly being alive. You are mostly a lump of mass at that point. I have researched this a lot and I have found that one to be lowest point before you are alive. Lol

>There is nothing resembling conciousness or truly being alive. You are mostly a lump of mass at that point. I have researched this a lot and I have found that one to be lowest point before you are alive. Lol
brain activity is brain activity, if you kill an 8 week old fetus while committing a crime you can be charged with murder

why is that?

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Why do you have to shill you faggot ideology here? You retards have an entire board to talk about this stupid shit. You're worse than the SJWs at this point.

I don't entirely agree with those laws. Sure, a mother will believe you just killed a child but it should be penalized less harshly. Laws are usually enforced to protect women's feelings and their wellbeing more than what is logical.

And no the brain activity of a fetus can not be compared to even the brain of mice, much of it is just basic wiring. But I agree I have to research more before getting to a definite conclusion.

>Ass blasted faggot detected
Sorry about that rant user you can go back to your tranny porn threads now.

>I don't entirely agree with those laws.

You're just as bad as the tranny porn posters. Go talk about your stupid lizardpeople conspiracy bullshit somewhere else you braindead faggot.

>femanon purposefully sabotages her own relationships with people she might like and make them distrust or outright hate her just for kicks
Reminder to never date the self hating wretches from this sight.

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I'm just as bad as the delusional faggots trying to change biology, castrate themself with experimental hormonal treatments and mutilate their bodies?

AHAHAHHAHAA okay faggot you can stop shilling for trannies now.

Two words: underground clinics.

>that Reddit spacing
Go back to r/the_Donald

>Two words: underground clinics.
Two Words: Let's not make rape or murder or stealing illegal because criminals will still break the law

Truest redpill: conservatives are always posting aborted baby parts because they love baby gore. That's why they kill so many children around the world on a regular basis.

>Truest redpill: conservatives are always posting aborted baby parts because they love baby gore. That's why they kill so many children around the world on a regular basis.

once RBG is out he will make it murder