anyone else /poor/?
>ywn be able to afford a house of your own
>ywn tend to your own garden
>ywn have food in abundance and not be a skeleton
Anyone else /poor/?
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you can still have a house if poor. you can only live in rural areas though
that'd be cool, i wanna get myself an old bolt action rifle like my dad used to have. i'm no hunter like him, but i do appreciate plinking some plates. it'd nice to have a garage too, but cars are so expensive, and so is driving license, it's 2200 euro for driving license, that's half of what i have saved up for my entire life.
>mortgage for a house of equal value would cost less per month than rent
>need to save up for a huge deposit to get a mortgage
>cant save up because paying rent
Gotta keep that enthusiasm up OP.
I bought a beautiful little house for 93k eariler this year. The "rent" (principle interest tax insurance rolled together) is only 637 a month
don't forget all the closing costs.
You have to pay for a house inspection, you have to pay the city fees for title, you have to put a bunch of money in escrow, lawyer's fee for overseeing the closing and getting the paperwork in order. It cost me damn near 7k extra to close on my house.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
I can't wait for you to get killed
Mainly because you deserve to be killed