Telling incels there's "more to life than just sex" is like telling us that life is more than just food. or water...

Telling incels there's "more to life than just sex" is like telling us that life is more than just food. or water. or oxygen. Sex is a vital part of being a mammal. The fact that we don't get sex should be a worldwide humanitarian struggle.
>b-but women don't OWE men sex!
just shut up you cunt.

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well, they dont

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>Sex is a vital part of being a mammal. The fact that we don't get sex should be a worldwide humanitarian struggle.
Life and death are a vital part of being a mammal as well. Consider one. Just stop fucking bitching about your option.

>well I think we all agree that sex is a very important part of what it means to be a human being
>incel enters room

I am so thankful that I wasn't born in america or else I would grow up thinking this

It's not difficult to have sex. Incels don't really exist, it's a meme.

The whole purpose of sex is to eliminate those unworthy of having sex. That is why it is called sexual selection.

>tfw women view me as worthy of sex but from less attractive women than them and the uggos are forced by Stacy to fuck me
Feels good

>Telling incels there's "more to life than just sex" is like telling us that life is more than just food. or water. or oxygen. Sex is a vital part of being a mammal.
Entirely correct.
>The fact that we don't get sex should be a worldwide humanitarian struggle.
Yes. And there should be taken measures to prevent this. Think about all the stuff humans do to fight hunger and poverty worldwide.
>b-but women don't OWE men sex!
"The planet doesn't owe you food, you underweight African child. Get over it."
Doesn't sound too well, right.
So yes, in a humanitarian sense, we owe sex to EACHOTHER.

at least he got a famous stream and is making 15-20k a month.

Last night there was a membership drive and he got up to 2000 subs giving him $5 a month

>women don't owe you sex
This is a meme on Jow Forumsbraincels.

Because it's constantly iterated by everyone on reddit as a "rebuttal" to that community and it doesn't make a lick of sense. I don't think they even know what they're trying to say.

>people are not legally obligated to have sex with you
>this is a good thing, for some reason I don't explain
>because they aren't legally obligated you are not allowed to complain

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If that guy wasnt deformed hed be so hot.

>Sex is a vital part of being a mammal.
Nobody directly dies from lack of sex. The best you can achieve is a casual relationship with suicide caused by depression caused by social exclusion. Not a very convincing argument.

What if you as a male incel were legally obligated to have sex with a gay male incel. You would have to do by law

You see OP, women do not like to go out with assholes who think they are entitled to pussy just for existing. Plain and simple. They choose their partner and they like the ones who are nice and respect them as actual people.

Careful now sexual selection is only allowed to be discussed when it correctly aligned with their bullshit.

Nope, its correct. Men have to compete for sex, that is why we're so much more aggressive and competitive in nature. We have always had to compete for mates. You have to not only play the game, but win. What you're basically saying is "I deserve a job that pays $100,000 a year". Ok, so what are your skills, qualifications, degree, work history? What do you bring to the table? "Nothing, I just exist and want money". Sorry kiddo, that is not how the world works for men. You have to EARN pussy. Now of course, some lucky guys get it without earning it, just like some lucky people are born with rich parents, but for the most part you have to work for it.

> inb4 ree that whole spheal about women thinking they are not like others.
Well OP, they are not, no one is EXACTLY the same personality wise

If you are legit beyond help save yourself a headache and pay a hooker.
It is basically the fast food of sex, quick and easy but not as good as the self-made kind.

I really couldn't give less of a fuck if either incels are helped or not but you honestly are pathetic if you base your entire life on the ability to get laid. I don't care if you go out and run over a few people and kill them because of your frustration but to let primitive urges rule your life so much is just weak and pathetic, and so are you.

Do you get laid?

No, dying a virgin or being popular with women wouldn't change my life almost at all.

have you tried paying a hooker and just having sex?

you cunt nobody owes you shit
go back

I'm a meme.

No I didn't, and I don't see a need to

>"you can't buy happiness"
>"no one loves ya? No problem just focus on your career, there's more in life than sex haha"

if lack of food, water and oxygen didnt kill you than it wouldnt be a problem

lack of sex don't kill you
people who have sex are also depressed
people who don't have sex only think their depression is from lack of sex
not all virgins are depressed
some people are happier being alone
if you are that kind of person who needs social stimulation through friendship or sexual affection than sure it can be a problem

>slaps hand against chest autistically

>Life is work or sex.

I'm sorry that Capitalism has cucked you this hard.

im starving and i want some food. will you give me your own food free?

Not having sex doesn't kill you.

OP is autistic.

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I do find it interesting how fat feminists can start movements over not getting laid but unlucky men just have to "get over it."

Chads drowning in pussy literally cant understand our plight so they pass off our bitching with the confidence meme

We will rise up one day my brother.......

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honestly, i'm just going to fly out to amsterdam and go on a sex spree someday so i'm not really bothered by being a virgin.

some of you want all that emotional stuff, and while nice, from what i've seen it never lasts

I'd agree with you if this game was played on equal ground, but it's not. If you're successful with women you were born with the traits to do so, go ahead and tell a bald 5'2" indian that he should compete. the whole competition thing is such a weak argument, because men can't even use their primary tool anymore (strength)