What's with white males and ideas of entitlement?

What's with white males and ideas of entitlement?
Why do they think that the world owes them something?

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>white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males white males

Give us some examples cuck

Stop what? Are you one of those insecure white beta males?

White males are the only group putting value into the world and society while other just leech off their hard work

more racial gas lighting!

Nearly every mass shooter of the last decade was white and mostly perpetrated their acts because they felt entitled to something

Whites are actually a small minority in the crime statistics.
Try again

Interesting how SJWs made "entitlement" into a negative word. They make sure to instill in young people(especially white males) that they are not "entitled" to anything, not even basic human dignity. They state this like it's a fact of life, when it has only been this way following their destroying the legitimacy of the social contract.

> baggage guy that seemed content with daily wage slavery
> gets bored and depressed one day
> illegal takeoff
> pulls off crazy air stunts and shows he's a much better pilot than all the bums with commercial pilot jobs.
> knew that after showing how good he was as flying that he would be arrested and never see the cockpit as a real pilot in spite of what air traffic bullshitter spouted about him getting a job.
> did the only thing a person in that situation could do.

> The world
you mean countries that white men built for their children which became (((compromised)))?

>built by whites
>for whites
I hope you're not talking about America, Australia, or the UK

Yeah I'm talking about America. Tell me where the founding fathers said anything about building it for all the huddled masses of brown and black immigrants.

Its not white men, just middle class/privileged people in general

>Tell me where the founding fathers said anything about building it for all the huddled masses of brown and black immigrants.
Tell me where did they say it was for whites.

>Tell me where the founding fathers said anything about building it for all the huddled masses of brown and black immigrants
>"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."
>all men are created equal, ...
>all men
>their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
>their Creator
They meant everybody.

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Pic unrelated oregon

We're in our own countries and still get treated like shit. The world is against us this century.

Because we made the "world" that sustains most shitskins and gives them our technology only for them to use their brown hands to type out vitriolic nonsense to us about how we don't deserve what we made and we should be shamed for wanting our countries for ourselves and not people who were here for no part of their history.

Because bringing me in to inevitably die is a decision. And I will set a price on it as high as i want. Which is everything and absolute control.

The only thing you do is shitpost

t. shitskin detected
Do you honestly think, in 1776, that the founding fathers were writing those words for you? Many were slave owners. Abraham Lincoln, all the way in the 1860s, said that he doesn't believe in the equality of races. It was assumed that people coming here would be white. Read about the 1965 U.S. Immigration Act, you blithering, tedious moron.

No, my family tilled the fields of Minnesota feeding you ungrateful swine for hundreds of years. Before that, we were among the first to even come to America to practice protestantism. Today, I work and pay my taxes so ungrateful subhumans can reap the benefits while calling me the bad guy. My family fought in every war this country has ever had (except the Mexican American war). Today, I'm forced to contend with a nation opened to the hordes of the third world. I'm excluded from most institutions in order to "diversify" them with people who are not minorities in the world itself, but only in a country they elected to inhabit.
There are BILLIONS of Asians. There are MILLIONS of Africans. There are MILLIONS of "Latinos." Whites are the world minority, yet somehow, even the places we didn't "colonize" (AKA bring roads, water, medicine, and education) still believe they have a right to call this place home. Fuck all non-whites and the destruction that they've wrought here.

they absolutely did not mean non Whites. America is proudly built on racism.

Calm down sweetie LOL!

This. As if the founding fathers gave a FUCK about other races. Why are shitskins so delusional? If you're not white, you're not American. If your parents (at LEAST one) weren't born in America, you definitely aren't fucking American.
All these proud, diverse people that don't want to actually live in the places they're so proud to come from.

There will be a white uprising, brother. And we'll send all those satan-worshipping kikes and their low IQ minions up in ashes.

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I've seen all sorts of demographics express their sense of entitlement, but really niggers and women are really up on top as collectives. Throughout their lives most will be a net financial drain. Yet they still feel entitled to dictate how things function.

llmao UK is in europe retard of course its built by whites for whites
Europe is our land not yours no amount of shills inbred amerimutt lard-asses pushing diversity will change that

White males are literally the least entitled social group retard. Other than maybe Asians.

Im American, i dont qualify under your requirements.

Kek, good luck bro

Sure thing, buddy:

America was meant for free white people of good character. Nothing else.

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That didn't disprove what he said.

im nu-American :p

Laugh now while you still can.

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But you didn't add value to anything

I pray so, brother. I hope, on that day, you and I stand shoulder to shoulder pushing back these hordes. Gott mit uns.

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Fucking pigskin crackers get out. America belongs to is natives.

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No, you're not. You're just fucking not, buddy. Go back wherever you and your family came from. Go back to where your parents were born. It's okay to not be American--go make someplace else a great home for yourself and your future generations.

again with these fucking threads
I've said it a thousand times you americans are not white and never will be white
americans have no real racial identity it's basically a mutt's safe haven

Yes it did.
user said that every white mass shooter was a white male. Then user corrected him by saying that white males are low on the crime statistics.

He could've sourced it. But it is true.

Not originally.

It is now though.

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Pretty sure any natives who aren't retarded would like all other shitskins besides themselves out long before they'd kick whites out.

Yes, all men are created equal. Negroes are not men, there animals. If they were considered men, slavery would not have existed at the time.

>their Creator
Yes, the Creator of white Christian men.

Neither did you, user. Nor did your family.

Is that a fucking male? Do all black women look like men?
Pretty sad when black women in the 30s had better jawlines, due to high testosterone, than beta males today.

No, we killed you all and took your land. The ones we didn't kill WILLINGLY traded it to us for beads, guns, blankets, and slaves. You savages had your chance.

"O uh well user I've got X" amount of german ancestry so im basically 50 % white!
you americans are autistic

That's a Jew. What are you talking about niggers for?

Amerikaner... Pff
I wish I could safely have your national pride. Yet, I don't see you people having an uprising against the shitskins in the future. Just make them know they're not welocome, until I'm over the sea with you guys.
Gott mit uns, kameraden.

I can trace my family's lineage back hundreds, if not a millenia, in Germany. Fuck you, Europoor. You should be on our side, traitor. This place is a second home to you--ungrateful traitor. When Muhammad and his hordes push you out of Europe, where will you go?

I have 100% german heritage, due to me being german. Am I white in your opinion, mister jamal sir?

t. divide and conquer JEW

I can't speak for that other sperg, but i'll fly over and support you all. We germans will help our american friends show off their best side/ their white side. I'm gonna bring friends tho (no worries, no shitskins)

Oh yes they sure fucked us over badly those goddamn brown people who didn't hunt animals to near extinction and take huge swathes of land while attacking is.
The white man truly an amazingly disgusting creature and your an example.

Yeah, i am, Im American.

lmao why are you americans delusional enough to think that only whites colonized land and caused genocides? what about imperial japan? or do they not count as nonwhite because they actually achieved something

>dragging babies through cactuses is not disgusting
>keeping child sex slaves on a societal socially-acceptable legally codified level is not disgusting
>cutting off eyelids and pouring sand and burning metal into people's eyes is not disgusting
>cutting off scalps is not disgusting
>trading out your people for small goods like beads and pelts is not disgusting
Keep coping. I don't buy into your noble savage lunacy. We are the superior country and people. You had your world of tribes for thousands of years and all you did was bicker, enslave, rape, and kill. We're not different--just cleaner, more efficient, and with better entertainment. Keep coping--your forefathers lost this land. Have another drink. You might just live to see it get taken from the evil white man by hordes of other POC.

or lets not forget what the Moors did to literally any fucking piece of land that didn't think the way they did it

I don't take credit for it though.

What, South American? Believe what you want to believe, but just know that nobody here actually thinks you're American. It's something that they'd say to you to virtue signal to their actual American friends.

You didn't correct him, you stated a different fact. That's how insecure white betas argue. "Bbbut muh blacks" .

If you're white, and your family survived brutal winters here, native attacks, wars, the depression-- yeah, you get to take credit for it, or at least show pride that your family went through it. If your family showed up here in the last 30 years either on an airplane or sneaking across the border then no, you don't get to take credit. What's so hard to understand about that? Seems pretty fucking common sense. America has a founding history that explains how it became the nation people want to call home today--your family is either part of that founding history, or not.

>Why do they think that the world owes them something?
Because it does, sweetie.

>he could sourced it b-but it is true!!!!

>yeah, you get to take credit for it, or at least show pride that your family went through it.

Why would that mean you get credit? Because someone else did something? You must really have nothing going on in life.

From the east coast to the west coast, from Mexico to Canada is my home.

That's incel talk honey

I really hope this is bait.

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not with how today's world works lmao
try and illegally enter my country i dare you watch how fast you get deported retarded

>societal pride doesn't exist
>familial pride doesn't exist
>racial pride doesn't exist
But let me guess--it's okay to say "Asian Pride," "Black Pride," or "Latino Pride," right?

tell me how the world works. your country as in America? Im already here and ive been here.

No, you live in one specific country and if you try to go to any other countries you have to go through a naturalization process legally. Or maybe you are just a border jumper who goes wherever the getting's good.

Who said any of that? You're so wrapped up in your shitty life and desperation that you have conversations with yourself about how pride in what others did is ok because they sorta resembled you.

I'm not from america kek
but the way you're talking you're implying you have a right to enter any land you want bc borders are just social constructs man! like it or not
you have no right to enter another country just because its in the Americas you're using some real retard logic
you're basically saying you have a right to enter someone's home just because it's on land you're living on

USA is full of illegal immigrants. You guys actually suck at keeping them out. Now, white betas shooting defenceless kids? You guys are great at that.

I have no idea for what you're saying-- you don't want me to be proud of my ancestors, who worked the fields of Minnesota through the harshest winters on record, but still survived and produced crops, ensuring that their town survived? You don't want me to be proud of my grandmother who survived the great depression, went on to become a nurse in WWII, married my grandfather, a WWII pilot, and watched as he rose through the ranks of politics and made a run at mayor (which he lost, but still). I'm not allowed to be proud of my family's history because I "didn't do it?" What the FUCK do you even mean?

You must be dense because Ive clearly told you that I'm an American.

also I'm from mexico but that doesn't make my statement any less invalid

You didn't do shit though.

no actually youre saying all of this. nice to know who the real imposter American is.

any less invalid? ok bro

valid autocorrect lmfao

why would autocorrect occur? valid and invalid are both legitimate words.

a bunch of autistic inbred socially inept parasites living off welfare autism bucks or mommy and daddy's pension having the nerve to tell other people they're entitled you guys are a fucking riot lmao
fuck off incels

What do you even mean? I work a 9-5. I don't live in 1860 you fucking tedious person. I now work paying taxes so ungrateful urchins like you can exist here. My point is that you didn't do shit AND your family didn't do shit, so you especially don't deserve to live in the USA. My family made this country, entrusting it to ME. They had no idea that whites would lose their minds in 1965 and open up the borders to complete lowlife scum like you, whose only talent is lambasting "whypipo" while simultaneously enjoying the fruits of white civilization.

hes got you there. lean back

Who knows or cares, but OP is obviously negroid and/or a tumblrina

>lol importing millions of shitskins into the country and outsourcing jobs to the third world all so the Jews who bought businesses after WWII could make an extra buck is totally your fault white bois lol I deserve to live here because my dad runs a Chinese food restaurant
I work a 9-5 and support myself. Fuck you. Welfare autism bucks come out of my wallet for little fucks like you.

Holy shit you're desperate.

Also I'm white. Just I have other shit going on so "paying taxes" isn't a big deal for me. It's super pathetic that it's a big deal to you actually.

>i pay taxes i totally OWN you!

He's probably white and not a virgin. That's all.

it's more like I feel I don't owe you anything.

You sound like you have a shitty job you hate.

why are you assuming my race? also did you even read my post properly? lmfao i was saying that a bunch of retards leaching off other people have no right to tell other people that they're entitled

>so hold up
>*sits at home all day*
>are you saying
>*jacks off*
>hold the fuck up my man
>*talks shit on the internet*
>so you're saying
>*hits blunt*
>so hold up you're saying
>*plays videogame*
>you're saying
>*watches anime*
>hold up buddy
>*complains on the internet*
>so you're saying*
>*complains again*
>you're saying we
>*repeated family argument sounds in the background*
>you're saying we are
>*gets race realistic with it*
>we add value and shit?

Since he said you're on welfare I guess he assumed you're white. Most welfare recipients are white.

yes because whites are the majority here
so of course they make up majority of statistics

theyre just tired of catching shit for being White and a guy by the MSM. you guys arent helping.