How hard is the GED test? I need to know cause i wanna improve my life. Im tired being a useless neet

How hard is the GED test? I need to know cause i wanna improve my life. Im tired being a useless neet.

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only looked over the first two questions but it doesn't seem that hard, maybe you'll have to study a bit if you never did homework and zoned out through classes for most of your time in school

Can barely do basic math so im gonna have to study alot

easy as fug

man, look at that fuckin chinlet

it's actually kinda fun when you can do it on your own time without constantly being reminded that all the other kids are lightyears ahead of you

use khan academy for math

Im an absolute brainlet so it'll take a while i wish i didn't drop out desu

It's not that hard. You can do it if you just brush up on your math and science and grammar for like 3-4 weeks. Then you'll probably pass no problem if you actually put forth the effort.

Yea im definitely gonna put the effort in im just having trouble with math ill probably study on that and take it first so i can Get it out of the way early

It has been a while and I took mine right after my intended graduation date so the material was fresh. It requires a basic understanding of algebra, geometry, US history (revolutionary and civil), world history (WWI and WWII), government/economy, earth science, biology, chemistry, European and American literature, and reading comprehension. We had to write an essay on the steps we would take to teach somebody a new skill as the written part of the test. It is very easy stuff user

It's a fucking joke. A 6th-grader could pass it. Literally the only purpose of going to high school is social development, otherwise the smart option would be to just test out of high school as a freshman. You could smoke a blunt and nap through half of the test and still nail it.
Not even kidding. If you can read and do basic math you'll pass. A banana could pass.

To the best of my knowledge the difficulty has increased since I did it. However, when I did it the test was basically 4th grade level. Meaning even if it's a bit harder now it's probably still easy. You'll pass if you're not retarded. Also it doesn't matter how well you do, as long as you pass it doesn't matter.

It's super easy. Math goes to algebra 1. English is around early high school level, with a short timed essay at the end. Reading comp is like 8th grade reading for the majority of it. There was some other stuff too, but I forget. It's been 7 years. I passed it after dropping out of school in 6th grade with only 2 months of light studying.

Didn't it get harder?

How much harder im not confident in my abilities im a brainlet

I didn't know that it got harder. That sucks. Still, I went to college, and that stuff ain't that bad. It's still doable.

I hate being a brainlet

I'm not smart by any means man. I got through it up to college with undiagnosed adhd. If I can do it, so can anyone.

Thanks, im trying my best desu. I wish i didn't drop out

Read this for motivation. I know it doesn't seem like motivation, but it helped me look at it in a different way.

Thanks user that oddly helps in a way

bruh look at that fucking dude lmao

what a faggot

Yea but is the ged hard?