If women have it so easy, why are there so many who are unhappy and lacking in self-worth?

If women have it so easy, why are there so many who are unhappy and lacking in self-worth?

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because, they're dumb lol
srsly how can you be playing ez mode and still lose?

Shitty meme answer.

They don't.

Everybody has it hard.

Even my trust fund friends are half miserable.

You do realize we all live in a small hell of our own construction? Rattling the bars of a cage that's unlocked? Reconciling trauma, death, entropy with a cold uncaring universe?

Wtf are you even on about mate.

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Women are fucked in the head and they get worse the more cock they take.
Seeing how modern women are all whores, it's no surprise they're also mostly complete basket cases.

Oh yeah they have it so hard being loved and accepted for who they are. Having the most intimate and fulfilling of human interactions just dropped into their laps. Fuck women, they have no idea what it's like to be a truly worthless unwanted outcast. They have no idea what it's like to have insecurities that are actually true.

You can project the blame for your own little hell onto half the planet's population, if it makes you feel better. There are worse coping mechanisms.

Your ma must be a piece of work.

Lmao women doesn't have real emotions

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I don't blame women, they just don't have any idea what true isolation is. The only thing I blame them for is being too stupid to appreciate how good they have it. I'm jealous of how good women have it that's where the anger comes from. My Ma? What does that have to do with anything?

He thinks rich people can be miserable loooooool

Fucking retard

It's true though, women live on practically tutorial mode

Easy mode is the best comparison for it. I think about it like fallout 3/nv. Women play on very easy men play on hard minimum.

You can just one shot everything, never actually look after your condition or worry about how youre building your character. It doesnt matter, youre just there to have fun, but you get fuck all for experience so you level way slower.

Men actually have to manage shit, but they level faster and in return grow stronger and fight stronger and stronger enemies moving through leveled areas feeling accomplished.
Women dont need to put anywork in and they can just go anywhere, but everyone watching understamd they arent playing the same game.

Honestly theyre getting the shit end of the stick being stuck on easy mode experience, hell maybe a few genuinely in their hearts want to try hard mode. But they cant, stuck on easy.

Its a good analogy

Oh boohoo women have it so hard getting to live life on easy mode. Most Accomplishments mean nothing, and most men will accomplish nothing of note anyway.

>If women have it so easy, why are there so many who are unhappy and lacking in self-worth?

Well, it helps that women colossally lack gratitude. That lets them totally disconnect their easy-mode lives from their feelings of happiness or unhappiness.

People will be depressed no matter how good they have it. From the perspective of a starving and Ebola-ridden African, he would wonder how anyone living in a first world country could be sad.

I listened to a girl mock a guy for offering her a hug and texting her frequently. Women can only suffer if they ignore or demonize all that is given to them in a silver platter.

>accepting other women for who they are
>they just don't have any idea what true isolation is.
that's because faggots will literally plug their credit card into a website and throw money at them for live streaming themselves eating a donut. shit is absolutely out of control. you should really be shifting your blame on all of the men that are enabling this type of behavior. if they didn't receive attention from doing it, they wouldn't do it. this is a fact.

>Be femanon
>Live in a forest for my early years, meaning I had no human contact outside of my parents before school age
>Rejected by my peers once school starts because of lack of social skills
>Never had any friends outside of a couple of people I met through multiplayer games
Could I get a bf? Probably. But that won't change the previously developed chemistry of my brain.

Women are sad when they can't get the guy or life they want, a guy is sad when he can't get anything.

Oh boohoo you can only get someone who loves you. Boohooo

That won't give me a purpose in life. I'm asexual so even robots probably wouldn't want me. I'm empty and physical contact with other human beings makes me extremely paranoid and anxious. You could get a gf and be happy. That's literally the only issue that plagues you. I'm just broken.

They aren't pushed hard to "get over it" like men are. Most people are sad and could use some more self-esteem, but while women have people agree with them that nothing's fair, men are hated for being sensitive faggots. Generally speaking.

It's like women start the game at level 20 and the game mode depends on how attractive she is.
The downside is that their level cap is 30 (which really doesn't matter as long as they beat the game early enough, which is cake)

Men start out at level 1 on hard mode (with NV hardcore mode ON if they are also poor) the rate men gain XP is dependent on attractiveness on an exponential curve. Men also don't have a level cap.

>my thoughts anyway

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>You could get a gf and be happy
No I can't get a gf not ever. Happiness will never be within my reach.

Most men level cap at 5 unless they are above average in looks or well hung.

Having it easy doesn't mean you'll be happy or fulfilled.
Having easy, meaningless lives is why modern people are miserable.
Happiness is pretty fleeting and i'd wager to say most people are unsatisfied.
Women usually experience this twofold.

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interesting if true. can you elaborate?

People who haven't suffered enough think their inconveniences are truly suffering.
Just like a spoiled little brat they don't know how good they have, making their lives seem bad in comparison with the standard fantasy wish fulfillment life they consume in media.

You could get a gf though. You just don't want to believe it because previous rejection has predisposed your brain to think that any attempt is futile, which is only reinforces by the media you consume. I know it all too well. You're probably an average person with negative viewpoints. Most robots I've talked to are failed normies. All of them view my mental issues as a dealbreaker.

two reasons
1. greed is NEVER sated, you will always want more materials in life if you have betas enabling you
2. taking shortcuts in life are never rewarding and women realize that, hence the lack of self worth, yet despite this revelation they still continue to do easy and self destructive behavior

No they don't. Even an ugly fucker can beat the game
>XP gain bases on looks on exponential curve
It just takes forever for said guy to gain levels when he only get 1xp per quest

No i am not average I am fat ugly and have a small penis. I am objectively worthless, I hate this "most robots are normal guys" meme. Also bs no one will accept your mental issues, you're a woman you have inherent value.

This is clearly a comment from a woman hating beta who doesn't realize that females are human

because they can't have chad or they're just dumb

If you're fat then lose weight. Ugly men can get girlfriends. I'm sure your penis is probably average even if you have a micropenis some women have a fetish for it.
Would you date me though? Being the asexual borderline retarded NEET that I am?

>If women have it so easy, why are there so many who are unhappy and lacking in self-worth
You answered your own question dipshit. They are unhappy and lack any sense of self-worth BECAUSE they use pussy to have everything handed to them. It is an empty, hollow fucking victory, made all the worst by the fact that women are biologically inclined to WANT to serve and nuture, submit and support. Gynocentric/feminist society encourages and conditions them to behave in a manner totally detrimental to their own long term satisfaction.

haha chad goes for stacy
what a shocker hahahahaaa

Not the same dude but sure.

I have lived long enough in isolation and am at a certsin point in life, where living with anyone deviant is easier than with "normal" people.

I am just out if touch with then probably the reason why my online "friends" all tend to have certain issues.

Men must be responsible for this

Are you sure you're okay with it? Everyone I talked to before wanted a QT virgin waifu that they could have sex with.

What exactly is a failed normie by your definition?

Somebody who's a normalfag at heart but became a "robot" because they never dated in school.

Unlike other people I tend to have realistic expectations, so yes.

Nobody wants to admit how good they have it you retard. Men do this all the time too. It's infuriating either way.

>Ugly men can get girlfriends.
Yes but it's becoming exceedingly rare as time goes on. Our parents were able to get married regardless of how ugly they looked, because women were expected to overlook height, facial features, race, etc. in favor of personality and work ethic. Basically, women in the past were expected to select men based on things that men could actually control.

>even if you have a micropenis some women have a fetish for it
This is bait for sure lol

>Would you date me though? Being the asexual borderline retarded NEET that I am?
Almost everyone here would date you, but you would undoubtedly ghost them before they had the chance because of your "mental problems". Not only this, but you definitely have much higher standards than you will admit because that's how women's brains are hard wired.

How are you supposed to know you're a robot then? I'd like to think I'm a robot but I have had friends, I have been invited to parties, but I have never truely felt a connection with anyone before, I never actually went to the parties I was invited to because I'm avoidant and have bad anxiety. At the end of school I cut contact with everyone. Not only that but I haven't talked to anyone since besides my family, haven't even talked to anyone online. Am I a failed normie or was I always a robot?

Guilty as charged I guess, I'm still not wrong

because they have low t

Women either want a 10/10 or nothing at all.
All their unhappiness is caused by themselves.

A failed normie has had opportunities but has failed. A robot had no hope to begin with

Why is it so easy for women to garner sympathy? The pink girl is sympathetic because the blue guy looks like a dumb asshole who doesn't know what's good for him. But the red girl can look good too if you portray the blue guy as a creepy loser who wants her for her body. In fact, that's probably how you're supposed to see it.

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