9 year old boy became an hero after coming out as GAY to family and classmates

This is what liberalism gets you folks. Kid grew up in Denver CO, I'm sure since 1st grade his teachers and family started teaching him about anal sex, trannies, etc. When I was 9 the only thing I was balls deep in was GoldenEye. How would a kid this young even know he's gay, let alone be confident enough to tell his classmates?What a fag.

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Seems weird for a kid at 9 to be so obsessed with their sexuality and the attention they get from others about telling them it. Glad he's gone either way.

He looks like a literal 56% face

do you so desperately need to come out as gay? even after observing the people you're around and knowing they won't take it well? he probably would have grown up to be a sassy discord using faggot anyways.

Why'd he kill himself tho? Did he get bad reception?

based bullies removing brainwashed mutt cattle

This is why I don't want to have kids.
I do don't want them brainwashed by the SJW agenda.

he has a literal jewfro and a school shooter face. he did himself a favor

Yeah, it's weird.
He's 9. He won't be sexually developed at all, no interest in any of that. He's barely old enough to hear about cooties, much less think about sex.
I bet he just had friends who were boys and assumed that that was what it all meant.

I think what we need to be doing with kids isn't teaching them about sex and gender right from birth, and pushing this pro-gay shit, but teaching them not to be bigoted about something as arbitrary as what kind of sex people like to have.

why the fuck is every kid told they need to be a tumblr blog now? Just let them be kids.

Nobody swiped left on his grindr.

Yeah, I thought he was probably groomed by a faggot or something. No kid I know cares about "coming out" until you become a teen and the need for attention and mental illness develops

What did he mean by this?


You can homeschool them

I understood what it meant, why cant you?

I was getting pussy when I was like 6, mid 90's too no internet and brainwash before you say something. You're the one who's weak. Also, my 1 year older female cousin that started it is the one people should be concerned, where did she learn those things? She was probably abused.

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based child sacrifice

based user. faggots like that need to be purged

why won't you mention it was bullying that lead to his suicide? harder to blame le evil sjws then?

no one actually gives a shit you autist

because anyone with an IQ above room temperature would have understood that. What, did you think he was sodomized to death?

based internet tough guy being a retard

if you think thats tough then youre literally a baby dude.

>come out as gay
>people call you gay
>kill yourself

Why complain? Liberalism purges idiocy through its own stupidity.

lol...I love making threads like this because it shines light on the liberal cockroaches that have been hiding in the shadows of /pol

Fags should be cleansed anyways. One less faggot in the world now.

>When I was 9 the only thing I was balls deep in was GoldenEye

I remember being sexually interested when I was 7

He killed himself because he was fucked by a pedofaggot, reminder that all faggots are pedophiles and like to fuck little kids

did you cum out to your entire class about it?

never talked to anyone , never had friends

Damn 9 year olds know how to kill themselves now? GG. When I was 9 years old I didn't even believe I could die, death to me was so foreign that I hardly believed people actually died, let alone thought about killing myself, or even knew of a way to do such a thing. The Internet was a Mistake? Turning kids into political puppets was a mistake.

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It's easy to bait autists like that because this sites gone mainstream. aside from shitposting theyre truly disgusting people tho i agree

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I was too, sort of, but that's just because I figured out how to jack off when I was 3. I wasn't interested in other people, I didn't figure I needed to be.

9 year olds know how to kill themselves now. And that's a good thing!

you know I dont remember when exactly I learned anout death

>he doesn't come out for the whole internet

God this place is shit. Look at all the fucking children here. A 9-year old boy commits suicide and everyone's just making fun of him or blaming liberals. I hope you get some empathy when you're older. Fucking retarded teenagers.

>You make it sound u have million subs

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Maybe stop taking the internet so seriously and go outside you fucking loser

You know, it's funny, the mother says the parents of the bullies should be held accountable, because obviously the kids had to learn it from somewhere. But also says she doesn't understand where Jamel got the idea to commit sudoku.

Well lady, he had to get the idea from somewhere. And also the means. And the opportunity.

I think she's a shitty parent.

>I was an oldschool Jow Forums troll back in 2006

Naw, I used to feel empathy, but I systematically killed every part of myself that was capable of it and replaced it wholesale with schadenfreude. It's been a straight-up improvement, just across the board.

What you guys don't realize is that things are changing. Everyone has phones and cameras, and porn is instantly available, and society in general is becoming more and more accepting of sexuality and public sexual behavior. It's only a matter of time before we live in some creepy pedo wonderland. The kids themselves are going to create it.

get off Jow Forums if you're such a pussy

hey John Podesta whatsup

>Suns turn out gay
>Kills himself
>At 9
Lol you think she was a shitty parent heh?


I'm glad he killed himself.
Spared a miserable existence

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They're cucks who can't get laid; what do you expect?

Go fuck yourself. If you're saying shit on the internet just for the sake of it or to be edgy then you're pathetic. It's just a bunch of idiot monkeys rambling nonsense at this point.

This, virgins like that shouldn't even be on here if they can't handle people on the internet

Nah, go fuck yourself back you pathetic autist. Get off the internet and get laid

And then they cry about womyn, normies, etc being mean to them.

lol, a cuck on Jow Forums making fun of someone on Jow Forums for being offensive. oh the irony.

would Bet money the kid came on here before he killed himself. I mean literally all the school shooters do. High key this website should just be shutdown, it's not even about the memes anymore or the dank lulz, or epic wins. It's become a mockery of itself and the newfags and normies on here don't even understand what it used to be. They just use it now as a platform for their politics, which is ironic for an anime fruit basket weaving forum.

I'm not even a moralfag, just a guy that remembers what this place used to be like. It was a loser fest on here for a while, and it was comfy, but recently it's just been politics and porn, and it's boring

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Says the cuck literally posting on Jow Forums as well. you fucking autist

>teenagers of today do nothing but mock the parents of yesterday instead of fixing their shit due to their edgefest collective emo hivemind
>when they become parents, if they become parents, the same thing will happen to them but they'll be even worse parents
and the cycle repeats again and again and again until we all die out

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>killing self a 9
imagine being this much of a loser

Yah I do post here fuckface, I started the thread. You're the one butthurt about people saying "mean things"

Not mad at all. Having a good laugh actually

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>announces sexuality at a weird age
>get made fun of it because you felt the need to tell everyone you were gay at age 9

in 3rd grade i got made fun of because i was 100lbs by age 10
because being that fat is weird
if you do weird shit you get made fun of

he would probably get made fun of too if he was like DON'T TALK ABOUT GUYS KISSING AROUND ME I'M STRAIGHT OK I'M VERY MUCH INTO GIRLS

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Nigga I ain't saying I like it.

>this entire argument

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In all honestly I highly doubt a 9 year old would have the presence of mind to fully understand and commit suicide. Prob was a retarded kid and made a noose and played with it and accidentally hung himself and the SJW parents don't want their son to be known as the retarded kid who accidentally hung himself so they made up the story of him being gay or some shit to play their own agenda.

>I was getting pussy when I was like 6
do you think you're a chad because you got molested by your cousin? do you think thats normal?

You fell for it, user.

>9 years old

fake af. dumb nigga isn't even old enough to understand that shit

Your brains don't have to understand, only your dick

I feel like that sounded a lot better in your head.

Most people are pretty sexual when they're nine. Even if they're sheltered they'll still know what they're attracted to. People have crushes in preschool and kindergarten and if his were dudes then he'd know he's gay.

Thats pretty gay killing yourself over that

How did he killed himself?

>says the cuck who asks for womens permission to fuck them
how many good boy points do you think you got for your post cucky?

Based as fuk user

Kys you weak bitch

He overdosed

Fuck off back to 9gag
How the fuck did you believe that?

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youre a fucking retard, neck yourself

>feel despair when kids die
>laugh at kids dying

It's wierd how much my life has improved since I became an asshole


He's not anything yet.

hes a corpse now

Am I blind? I can't find anything about it in the article. I bet this bitch killed her own son.

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Oh my god, like really? I've been browsing here for a year now but making fun of a kids really shows how pathetic your board culture is. Like really again? My blood is literally boiling and I'm clinching my fists.

>He's 9. He won't be sexually developed at all, no interest in any of that. He's barely old enough to hear about cooties, much less think about sex
I was jerking off obsessively to nude poker cards since before I was even 7 years old, what the heck are you talking about?

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>I was jerking off obsessively to nude poker cards since before I was even 7 years old, what the heck are you talking about?
You must be severely fucked in the head

You were probably molested before your ego developed. Get fucked, kiddo

this cant be real right? are 9 year olds nowadays really aware about that sort of shit? i dont think i was even aware i could die at that age, all i did was play pokemon 24/7. What the fuck is wrong with the world?

Lmao, you're not serious are you? I was fucking by the age of 6 and jacking off to nude poker cards. You must've been part of the boomer generation

>one 9 year old boy commits suicide after coming out
>all little boys are going to commit suicide for any reason
1/10 gb2containment board

Oh in no way was the fact he was sexualized as a fucking child a factor in any way. I swear, every day that passes you faggot make me want to kill lefties more and more.

I knew I liked girls when I was 9.

People who grow up to like the same sex probably know it by 9 as well.

Deciding you are gay before you start puberty? I don't think this kid was actually gay Also how the fuck does a 9 year old boy know how to commit suicide and follow through with it?

To be fair he was a fucking faggot. Faggots dying is funny regardless of context.

You know nothing before puberty user.

>I think what we need to be doing with kids isn't teaching them about sex and gender right from birth
And that's why you have so many teenage pregnancies and underage fucking in bathrooms (I've SEEN it); you cannot hide sex from kids, it's impossible - they already know and have been jerking off to porn since age 10 (probably earlier now). Just look at Japan - extreme intolerance for sex, yet they have a high teen pregnancy rate. The best course of action is to educate kids so they make informed decisions, not hide the truth so they make stupid ones.
Dumb fuck.

you can't actually originally believe this

>I'm sure since 1st grade his teachers and family started teaching him about anal sex, trannies, etc.


Why? Regular guys like girls by then.

The only one sexualizing children here is you, creep.