Be me, tell someone I met on r9k that I'm asexual

He goes on here, makes a thread, and posts info about me, not just that I'm asexual,

completely unprompted.

Jeez lads, not even people I know IRL are this interested in my asexuality,

I feel like I'm in a sitcom or something, it feels so staged and unnatural to tell, like...? I don't even know what happened,

He also tried to "pimp" me out, but a nice user told me about what happened

BTW this happened a few months ago and it was a one-time thread, it was the strangest thing that happened because he said in the thread that he was mad at me, and we only talked Once, so why would you give attention to someone you hate, wow

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people get obsessed over stupid stuff
just be careful about personal info

Wow thanks user
I thought this was interesting enough to post,

What about you user? its always about (yous) but never about other (yous) How are you feeling? anything you're upset about?

Keep in mind that some of the people here are genuinely insane. Don't reveal any personal info about yourself unless you absolutely trust the other party

Nah, its cool user, I'm insane too,

I kind of had a habit of sharing literally everything in my life, so I played myself by being both the Jerk and the Victim,

For example, if something reminds me of someone that isn't in my life anymore, I go on a ramble and explain how the thing correlates to the person it reminded me of

So, in some way, this is a small bit of karma I guess.

You might not get a kick out of getting your clit flicked but you're definitely enjoying this ego lick you triassic roastie anemic

Yeah I have that habit too, but you gotta hold it back. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character though and I'm mostly able to determine if somebody is untrustworthy or not within the first 10 minutes of conversation

That's a good response user

Yeah for real though, I can't exactly miss something I didn't already have a habit of, I don't have sex to begin with so I don't really need it.


I had a ex who fixates on Smash so whenever I see Smash content I think about them

Pretty excited for that new Smash desu not gonna lie

what does kinnable mean?


Daisy in Smash good

Kinnable,,, it means someone who can be kinned, but you can't be kinned since you're a real person with feelings

But factkin is a thing

what is factkin and what does it mean to "kin" someone. When I hear kinnable, I think of making them your blood brother or something

go back to tumblr you fucking freak

Indeed, this whole thread is quite despicable. Be gone, counter-board culture harlot!

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people Iike you sicken me

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I'm fine with making a throwaway for KINSHIP if yee want. Also yeah minute I saw Ridley had to buy the game

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Oh, kin means to identify as someone or something, or even a concept

There's a unique "all women are whores" mentality on here, so I kind of assumed someone would accuse me of lying, hmm, thanks for believing me I guess
I hate to be like this but, Shrugs, I really don't know

hmm this doesn't really bring your gender in to question, more so your age to be honest, friend.

Yeah sorry, I'm a adult, my asexuality is kind of complicated, I think sex drives and sex in general is too risky and causes more problems than good and also I think its hedonism, unless you're a monogamous person and only want to be with one person, in which case you're good since its less complicated

Its debatable I guess,

Also whenever I do have a sex drive, it makes me feel like I'm a trained animal than a human being, and I don't enjoy it.

Not the sex drive, I meant the kinship and "SAME," it sounds like my 16 year old niece. I'm not bothered by your sex drive or lack of one.

its not kinship, its KIN, like identifying with someone or something

I'm factkin with your niece she's so relatable

you're 16 then? And what's the difference between kin and kinship

No she's just like... really relatable to be honest...? Factkin just means someone who identifies as a real person,

How does this make any sense?? Do I identify as a real or nonreal person. And you don't even know my niece. She has no idea what kin is, but it does seem like something she'd be into. She's pretty generic as far as screaming yeah and things like that. It's just things teenagers do out here.