Is there anything worse than liberal asians?

Is there anything worse than liberal asians?

Attached: 28166405_10157202459109447_2031958868551954993_n.png (960x640, 537K)

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I would assume tranny liberal asains.

Eh, they are pretty embarrassing, especially when they use "PoC", but i give them a pass because western asian women are targeted by the literal bottom of the barrel white men as mates from a young age.

For whats worse; trannies

>Is there anything worse than liberal asians?

conservative asians

Asians are pretty fucking ugly without makeup. The reason why you cant find any decent ones is because you all set your expectations too high.

conservative asians are the only good asians


yes. liberal white males

Asian SJW are the fucking worst

You can argue that blacks have struggles, whites have guilt, but these fuckers come out of nowhere with their education, IQ, and possible aesthetic privileges and scream the loudest

When they don't suck my dick D:

Eurasian tiger hapas
Especially when daddy is white

Jow Forumscucks

Attached: adc015acb909850596725dc5bf38dac870c79285f49d9fa9b6759fa679b926f7.png (1137x852, 1.82M)

No Asians are good Asians

>trashes Jow Forums
>shows a picture of 4 of the most badass people i've ever seen

What's that middle letter? Mde? Mpe? Mqe? Can't be moe because the serifs

MDE, Million Dollar Extreme. Some Jow Forumstard comedy show.

sam hydes show. It was unironically great but the magapede 56ers have latched onto it


Attached: lol4.jpg (2000x4000, 1.7M)

The fucking Jews, my mann

>Woah those out-of-shape politics-obsessed losers are soooo badass! Based and redpilled KEK!

Attached: 1493593816437.jpg (360x480, 24K)

>"David star"
>Tattoo is clearly a pentagram

Attached: 111931707925370.jpg (720x960, 70K)

That's a pentagram you faggot.

>He didn't notice the mercedes sign

there honestly isn't.

crazy rich ones

Canadian here can confirm. They will always accuse you of fetishizing them and having ulterior motives. Doesn't matter what you say in response they will think you're predatory. That said you can still bang them and date them if you're willing to play these stupid mind games. They are extra crazy.

Canadian here too
I have literally never heard such retarded tripe from any asian person ever

Conservative incels

In Sweden old rich guys all buy Thai wives. The resulting children are the most stuck up cunts ever. The funny thing is ive met lots of first generation Thais and they are all nice. Its the Swedish sense of entitlement that is bred into the 2nd generation twats that spoils them. As a /migrant/ myself there is nothing worse than a hapa swede

kek'd and chek'd
really is the worst isn't it

All rich fucks' children are stuck up cunts. Get that pol bait out of here

t. never went to a rich kids school

We just talk funny because that's how we've been raised, we aren't trying to upset you.

If being overweight and having a beard is your gripe, I don't think a liberal can throw stones regarding that description

Definitely brainwashed liberal Asians, that jumps on the LGBT, 21st century feminism, etc. leftist shit train.

We are said to be robots (even outsides of imageboard meme reality) which might be true, but that on the other hand means that if you are an Asian and support the aforementioned stuff, your circuits for logical reasoning got fried heavily.

Are you unironically illiterate? Read the post again